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If we go Division 3.... do you think supporters will ditch the club?

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Those who chuck it wont be missed.

Some might not return until the club is at the top and competing again - that's fine by me, too. I'd much rather have Ibrox packed to the gunnels over anything else.

Anyone who's met other supporters will know that we have all kinds of people in the mix. They aren't all die-hards such as those who stuck with it in the pre-Souness era, for example.

I was there, but I was also delighted when the crowds flocked back.

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I've no idea. Possibly. But we can't always be taken at our word. I remember months ago when liquidation of the old PLC was mooted. A certain poster called M~S~R~L said he wouldn't be back, it just wouldn't be the same. Yet he is still on here posting that we should go into Div 3, so who knows what fans think.

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Those that desert us aren't real supporters in the first place. I've prepared myself for the possible third division outcome and I can't wait to get back to Ibrox and put the fear into any club that stands against us.

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I would be lost without The Rangers. They have always been a huge part of my life and have governed my thinking and attitude towards who I bank with, what I wear, who I went out with, who my friends were, how my home was decorated, what car I drove, my politics and loyalties, my treatment of others and teaching from my father re "The Rangers way" and lastly the way I have brought up my children in doing the right thing, always and continued my families beliefs.

How could anyone leave that behind? Ludicrous.

Rangers til I die :21: :21: :21:

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I would be lost without The Rangers. They have always been a huge part of my life and have governed my thinking and attitude towards who I bank with, what I wear, who I went out with, who my friends were, how my home was decorated, what car I drove, my politics and loyalties, my treatment of others and teaching from my father re "The Rangers way" and lastly the way I have brought up my children in doing the right thing, always and continued my families beliefs.

How could anyone leave that behind? Ludicrous.

Rangers til I die :21: :21: :21:

Pretty much spot on, you forgot the colour of your toothbrush and not owning a single item of green clothing.

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I only wish I was able to front up to all the home games at Ibrox. But im in Oz so not happening.

However the upside should be for all those bears that buy season tickets in Div 3 and hold them until we get back to the SPL there is a really hot member discount to reward loyaly for the same amount of time you had your ST in lower leagues. Eg hold a ST in Div 3 until we get to SPL ( 2 to 3 years) and have your SPL ST at same price for corresponding period.

Im 100% confident that 90% of our support are born of Rangers. There is no choice to be had. We will FOLLOW.

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I was there during the dark Days of the pre - Souness regime. I know what like it is. Some will leave, I always have kept sense of pride that i did turn up for the games then, though i was a teenager. I will not be giving up on my team ever.

I was the same mate. Used to be able to sit anywhere you wanted back then. And then when Souness came, fuck, you couldn't move on our local supporters bus. Guys I knew that followed falkirk were all suddenly diehard Rangers fans. I've not been at games for a few years now because of personal circumstances, but me & my son will definitely be at some games next year. This is when our club NEEDS our support. Even more so now, We Are The People.

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Those we lose, we won't miss. Make sure to take their seat number and description, though, and give them a skelp if they try to come back when we are at the top again. Just remember, they will look a couple of years older by then.

For those who reference the piss-poor crowds in the early eighties, remember that the drop-off came over 3-4 years of relentless under-performance and being beaten at home by all and sundry.

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I have read in different articles and posts that there is a strong belief that a large number of our supporters will ditch the club if we go Division three.

I was hoping to get some feedback on whether or not you all believe this to be the case...

My fellow Canadian friend. Living "over the pond" as you do you cannot get the sense of how things are at the coal face of Scottish football the way most of us this side of the pond do, for if you did you wouldn't be asking this question.

The vast majority of Rangers supporters that I know or have spoken to are hoping that we do go to Div 3 and that they will continue to follow - through thick and thin - the team on the park that wears the famous strip.

We are like a sleeping giant that has been wakened from a slumber - we're an angry giant and we are filled with a terrible resolve (sorry for the 'Tora! Tora! Tora!' reference there :D ) and we see this as a huge FUCK YOU to the SFA, the SPL and anyone else who hates us.

I feel the reverse is true - that we will continue to support the team (whatever quality of player we can afford to field) and will emerge in years to come a stronger, leaner and more determined Rangers FC than the one that was forced into this by our two previous owners.

I don't expect Ibrox to be filled every fortnight, but I do expect the Bears to do their bit and so to answer your question.... 'NO' - the Rangers support won't abandon the club in huge numbers......hence the song, "We'll support you ever more!"

Yours, this side of the pond,


(Lanarkshire Division) :sherlock:

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There'll be 30k there. with prices going down we may even get more kids coming along with their folks...the next generation so to speak.

Which is fine, the fairweather/glory hunters will go back to visiting asda on a Saturday afternoon with their mrs.

The real bears will remain.

I've been asked this question by work colleagues etc...my reply, I go to watch The Rangers not the opposition.

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