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More thinly veiled sectarian bile from the scottish football monitor disguised as mock offendedness

Frank Forrest says:

Wednesday, November 14, 2012 at 00:04

To: jimmurphymp@parliament.uk

The Rt Hon Jim Murphy MP


I wish to draw your attention to the appearance of some members of the British Armed Forces at Ibrox Park on Remembrance Sunday. I assume that you are unaware of the appearance of said troops and the disgusting way that they were manipulated and turned a solemn occasion into a farce and a circus.

I was disgusted at the way these troops paraded themselves waving Rangers scarves and flags as well as seeing one particular individual adorn himself in an Ulster flag and dancing in front of a cheering and baying support.

This is no way for anyone, let alone uniformed British troops, to act on a day when we, as a Nation are engaged in honouring our fallen from numerous military campaigns, including the conflict in Ulster itself. This despicable escapade shows utter disrespect and a total disregard for the sacrifices made by millions of British men and women in protecting this Nation.

I would like to ask you to enquire into the reasons that this circus was allowed to occur as it casts shame on every single individual who took part in this pantomime. The image of British Uniformed Troops dancing and prancing under banners of orange coloured poppy’s, waving Rangers scarves and playing to an overtly sectarian audience makes me feel sick, especially when you consider the connotations for the minority ethnic population of Ulster.

On a personal note Jim, this was absolutely disgusting and if you haven’t seen it, have a look on you tube and you will understand the outrage that I and many, many others feel at this escapade. Someone was responsible for allowing this to happen and I am contacting you as both the Shadow Sec of Def, but also as a person that I know will not stand for instances of troops being manipulated in such a shocking and ugly manner.

I look forward to hearing you ask a question of your opposite number in the House as to why this was allowed to happen as well as who authorised it. It was a disgrace Jim, an utterly disgusting display that must never be allowed to happen again. I greatly anticipate your reply.

Finally, Its a pity that I have to contact you over a matter such as this, but it would be good to catch up sometime.

Your friend


Just sent this to someone I was on the NUS Executive with 20 years ago!! Hope to receive a reply as soon as.

Reply will be posted here.

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the video of these bheasts screaming british soldier go home is fucking disgusting,i could maybe understand it if these bheasts did actually come from the bhogs but they have scottish accents which is and always will be part of GREAT Britain.These manky bheggers actually spout that they would be welcomed in England me thinks not

there is a campaign on facebook to boycott that 2 bob rag and it should be carried out to the full.


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Glad I never had to serve under such a weak leader as Major General Nick Eeles. But you do have to wonder about the mental stability of the offended that they think you can just nip in and take some artillery pieces for a bit of a weekend homer.

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More thinly veiled sectarian bile from the scottish football monitor disguised as mock offendedness

Frank Forrest says:

Wednesday, November 14, 2012 at 00:04

To: jimmurphymp@parliament.uk

The Rt Hon Jim Murphy MP


I wish to draw your attention to the appearance of some members of the British Armed Forces at Ibrox Park on Remembrance Sunday. I assume that you are unaware of the appearance of said troops and the disgusting way that they were manipulated and turned a solemn occasion into a farce and a circus.

I was disgusted at the way these troops paraded themselves waving Rangers scarves and flags as well as seeing one particular individual adorn himself in an Ulster flag and dancing in front of a cheering and baying support.

This is no way for anyone, let alone uniformed British troops, to act on a day when we, as a Nation are engaged in honouring our fallen from numerous military campaigns, including the conflict in Ulster itself. This despicable escapade shows utter disrespect and a total disregard for the sacrifices made by millions of British men and women in protecting this Nation.

I would like to ask you to enquire into the reasons that this circus was allowed to occur as it casts shame on every single individual who took part in this pantomime. The image of British Uniformed Troops dancing and prancing under banners of orange coloured poppy’s, waving Rangers scarves and playing to an overtly sectarian audience makes me feel sick, especially when you consider the connotations for the minority ethnic population of Ulster.

On a personal note Jim, this was absolutely disgusting and if you haven’t seen it, have a look on you tube and you will understand the outrage that I and many, many others feel at this escapade. Someone was responsible for allowing this to happen and I am contacting you as both the Shadow Sec of Def, but also as a person that I know will not stand for instances of troops being manipulated in such a shocking and ugly manner.

I look forward to hearing you ask a question of your opposite number in the House as to why this was allowed to happen as well as who authorised it. It was a disgrace Jim, an utterly disgusting display that must never be allowed to happen again. I greatly anticipate your reply.

Finally, Its a pity that I have to contact you over a matter such as this, but it would be good to catch up sometime.

Your friend


Just sent this to someone I was on the NUS Executive with 20 years ago!! Hope to receive a reply as soon as.

Reply will be posted here.

So what if the Guy did have an Ulster Flag .

Tell me what on Earth is Sectarian about that, haven't these people ever just sat down and thought that person could be an Ulsterman Serving or am I being rather insensitive and foolish.

What the Hell has happened to this place , the Serving member probably served in Ulster .

It beggars belief now that the Minority Population of this Stupid offended little Daft Country called Scotland can dictate ,and Bully what Flag you can display and yet they themselves who complain fly a Foreign Flag.

This place is full of raving Lunatics ready to be offended at anything we do.

Guys we need to waken up and fight this absurd mental Ideaoligy.

I have just clicked this bad boy's link , and his comments are The Thoughts of a Middle aged Tim.

A good all round Egg and Self confessed Rangers hater.

More like a rotten stinking Egg.

Jesus wept these people are sick in the Heid. :anguish:

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Was at the remeberance game and thought it was great for the troops to get on the park, a chance for us to give something back by cheering the forces for there service and defence of our country.

This story has made the press whilst the unwashed have embarassed this day for years.

If the troops being on the park at Ibrox offends people then they have the problem not us.

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these letters are just unbeleivable. it is sectarian for an ulsterman to drape himself in his flag, just as hearts fans have union flags taken off them at the piggery. Fuck this backward country to hell, fuck scotland. Your British and you know it, you will lose in 2014 and you know it. God save our troops and our Queen.

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"orange coloured poppy's" what the hell is this bellend saying in his letter? I didnt see anything of the sort.

The minutes silence before the game as impeccable and was very sombre

At half time current troops - serving and personal with was injuries had a chance to take the thanks of the Rangers fans most of which are also Rangers fans.

If you look at what is happening right now in Scotland with this sort of nonsense and even Celtic fans getting mentioned as supporters of the Yes Independance campaign as well as the flag issue in Belfast then it is clear to see that there is an agenda being pursued by high level republicans and nationalists who will take any step to take offence and drive divide in their own communities for whom they are supposed to serve and protect.

If this was to happen in America there would be an up roar!! we need to take a stand against this underhand shenanigans

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I cannot for the life of me understand some bears on this thread stating they cannot wait to leave Scotland FUCK THAT! Its YOUR country stay and fight for it ,meet these haters head on politically and highlight their hatred and hypocrisy at every given opportunity.

I will be at the Gates of the Polling Station to shame their Independent Arguments at every turn.

Cant wait to put this To Bed.Then we can get back to living our Lives in Peace.

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"orange coloured poppy's" what the hell is this bellend saying in his letter? I didnt see anything of the sort.

The minutes silence before the game as impeccable and was very sombre

At half time current troops - serving and personal with was injuries had a chance to take the thanks of the Rangers fans most of which are also Rangers fans.

If you look at what is happening right now in Scotland with this sort of nonsense and even Celtic fans getting mentioned as supporters of the Yes Independance campaign as well as the flag issue in Belfast then it is clear to see that there is an agenda being pursued by high level republicans and nationalists who will take any step to take offence and drive divide in their own communities for whom they are supposed to serve and protect.

If this was to happen in America there would be an up roar!! we need to take a stand against this underhand shenanigans

First responders who survived 9/11 were banned from attending the memorial at ground zero last year. Not an eyelid was battered. The Federal government, via Homeland security, issued a guide book to all state and Federal law enforcement labeling returning Iraq and Afghanistan veterans as The number one threat to national security. No one bothered, other than Oath Keepers.

The demonizing of heroes is an emerging trend in the Western world. For whatever reason. It is baffling to say the least.

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Of course it is the child molesting, troop murdering fraternity from the eastend behind this.

As for them having a point? Get fucking real, as ever their point is veiled, they despise the British armed forces, Rangers and protestants. Under no circumstances do they want us getting praise for anything.

The start of a solution, is to get up off our collective arses and learn how to fight back. Publicise by whatever means , every misdemeanour or serious henious act that is in anyway remotely connected to the bheasts. Likewise for the unholy trinity running and ruining our game and their scum minded mhedia. Then lastly, get up off our collective arses and vote the appeasing snp into oblivion.

Is it by any coincidence the mark of the bheast is engraved into the foundations of the paedocan, the peadostad and the paedo broadcasting corporation.

The bitches of jesuits will stop at nothing.

Not that I am in anyway bitter of course.

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More thinly veiled sectarian bile from the scottish football monitor disguised as mock offendedness

Frank Forrest says:

Wednesday, November 14, 2012 at 00:04

To: jimmurphymp@parliament.uk

The Rt Hon Jim Murphy MP


I wish to draw your attention to the appearance of some members of the British Armed Forces at Ibrox Park on Remembrance Sunday. I assume that you are unaware of the appearance of said troops and the disgusting way that they were manipulated and turned a solemn occasion into a farce and a circus.

I was disgusted at the way these troops paraded themselves waving Rangers scarves and flags as well as seeing one particular individual adorn himself in an Ulster flag and dancing in front of a cheering and baying support.

This is no way for anyone, let alone uniformed British troops, to act on a day when we, as a Nation are engaged in honouring our fallen from numerous military campaigns, including the conflict in Ulster itself. This despicable escapade shows utter disrespect and a total disregard for the sacrifices made by millions of British men and women in protecting this Nation.

I would like to ask you to enquire into the reasons that this circus was allowed to occur as it casts shame on every single individual who took part in this pantomime. The image of British Uniformed Troops dancing and prancing under banners of orange coloured poppy’s, waving Rangers scarves and playing to an overtly sectarian audience makes me feel sick, especially when you consider the connotations for the minority ethnic population of Ulster.

On a personal note Jim, this was absolutely disgusting and if you haven’t seen it, have a look on you tube and you will understand the outrage that I and many, many others feel at this escapade. Someone was responsible for allowing this to happen and I am contacting you as both the Shadow Sec of Def, but also as a person that I know will not stand for instances of troops being manipulated in such a shocking and ugly manner.

I look forward to hearing you ask a question of your opposite number in the House as to why this was allowed to happen as well as who authorised it. It was a disgrace Jim, an utterly disgusting display that must never be allowed to happen again. I greatly anticipate your reply.

Finally, Its a pity that I have to contact you over a matter such as this, but it would be good to catch up sometime.

Your friend


Just sent this to someone I was on the NUS Executive with 20 years ago!! Hope to receive a reply as soon as.

Reply will be posted here.

I agree that we have been outflanked again. Let's put our outrage and indignancy in our back pocket for now. At the next

Remembrance day, let's request a colour guard from each branch of the Military services be on display at the centre circle, have a

gun signal the start and end of a TWO minute silence, have a military band parade around the park at the end, and have an RAF fly

-over that approaches from the east with red, white and blue trails. All suitably solemn and with celebrated British Army dignity. We

can have friendlies dotted throughout the season against Chelsea, Linfield and a Welsh team - and raise moneys for military charities

that way. All service personnel who wish to attend will be volunteers and will be on furlough for these friendlies, and as such can

engage in the celebrations in as exhuberant a fashion as they see fit - within acceptable military decorum - without offending anyone.

We have to smarten up as to how we play our parts here, and not allow timmy any openings - I know, I know it sticks in your craw;

that is just the reality of today. If we accept that Remembrance day is to honour our dead then let's do just that, with proper dignity

and military involvement. We can then choose the time and place to celebrate our present-day military personnel in our own fashion

without the yoke of 'timmy's faux indignation and disgust'. It is unlikely that we shall be able to change the decision of the military

brass now, but we may be able to get them to tell us why they were swayed by the sectarian part of his argument. Someone earlier said

that he was suspicious of the timing of this story. If we are watching the left hand, then you can be sure that the right one will get us.

Maybe our focus should be re-directed to what is going to happen on Tuesday at the 'kangaroo court'.

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With these constant, unrelentless veiled sectarian attacks by the minority on the civill liberties of the majority, I envision serious social unrest and though not a lover of mr keevins he does have a point in stating that the hatred between the two sides have never been at it's greatest as it is now. I would also point out the bit he missed.....it is the hatred from them that is stirring the ill winds of unrest.

However, we will emerge as victors. These malcontent bitches of jesuits are bred to be second, just a pity millions of innocents died as a result of their many henious quests to rule the planet down through the centuries.

Let us not be complacent.

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I cannot for the life of me understand some bears on this thread stating they cannot wait to leave Scotland FUCK THAT! Its YOUR country stay and fight for it ,meet these haters head on politically and highlight their hatred and hypocrisy at every given opportunity.

Its been going on for years, I fucked off 20 years ago and I would never return to live.

Would never have thought i would feel that way when i first moved away

Used to get home sick, now i just get sick of home


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these cunts will stop at nothing to try and blacken the name of rangers but it will never suceed as we are bigger better stronger than anything they throw at us.the athletic wing of the i ran away are the scum and dregs of this society that we live in, are easily offended but never shamed, scotlands answer to penn state sweep sweep.GSTQ.and no surrender

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So singing 'Aidan Macanespie' outside a ground during a minute's silence isn't sectarian and worthy of Sky muting the sound, yet celebrating and rewarding our brave servicemen is 'sectarian'?

Fuck off Scotland. Fuck right off. The SNP are winning.

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