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Super Ally Appreciation Thread


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Countless memories from his playing days but the one that stands out was the overhead kick winner against Hibs at Porkheid in the League Cup Final.

I was right behind it in the terracing behind the goal, from the angle I was at it looked like it was going wide then........total bedlam.

apart from the skill, the remarkable aspect of the goal was that it was Ally's first game back after the leg break he suffered against portugal and he scored it after five minutes of being on the park.

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Ally has scored so many great goals but there was one particular goal that defined who this man is.

and, ironically, but fittingly, i don't remember the game or the goal - only its importance.

an importance that had nothing to do with winning a vital football game.

before Souness came, Ally was a hero at ibrox.

but it was clear that, regardless of Ally's accomplishments, there was no place for him in the Souness revolution.

Souness's vision for the team was clearly the Hateley/Mo partnership.

thus 'the judge' was constantly demoted to the bench.

i will be straight up with you - initially, i concurred with Souness regarding the superiority of a Hateley/ Mo combo.

as well as the ignominy of the bench, Souness was constantly on Ally's back, including extreme verbal abuse.

in one particular instance, he called him a dud.

Ally was shattered - he broke down, reduced to tears.

but fuck, and it's the essence of this legend's character (something his current critics just don't get) - just about every time Ally came off the bench he scored a fucking goal.

there was one goal he scored and you could see the clear disappointment written all over Souness's face - because it undermined his intended plans.

it's considerably easier to faze out a goalscorer that you don't fancy who doesn't score than one who does.

i can't remember the really vital goal that Ally scored or the game - a goal that produced ecstatic jubilation in Souness and ensured that 'the judge' would remain at Ibrox.

while the goal meant a great deal that day, it represented a much more important victory for super Ally - one that defined the man's character, and embodied the words of Bill Struth:

No matter the days of anxiety that come our way, we shall emerge stronger because of the trials to be overcome.

what Ally went thru with Souness formed the mental fortitude that enabled him to be the pivotal factor in our club overcoming the horrendous trials of the last year, and will enable him to overcome those who are currently questioning his abilities as a manager to get us back to the spl.

Ally McCoist is simply the best - the epitome of Rangers.

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Ally has scored so many great goals but there was one particular goal that defined who this man is.

and, ironically, but fittingly, i don't remember the game or the goal - only its importance.

an importance that had nothing to do with winning a vital football game.

before Souness came, Ally was a hero at ibrox.

but it was clear that, regardless of Ally's accomplishments, there was no place for him in the Souness revolution.

Souness's vision for the team was clearly the Hateley/Mo partnership.

thus 'the judge' was constantly demoted to the bench.

i will be straight up with you - initially, i concurred with Souness regarding the superiority of a Hateley/ Mo combo.

as well as the ignominy of the bench, Souness was constantly on Ally's back, including extreme verbal abuse.

in one particular instance, he called him a dud.

Ally was shattered - he broke down, reduced to tears.

but fuck, and it's the essence of this legend's character (something his current critics just don't get) - just about every time Ally came off the bench he scored a fucking goal.

there was one goal he scored and you could see the clear disappointment written all over Souness's face - because it undermined his intended plans.

it's considerably easier to faze out a goalscorer that you don't fancy who doesn't score than one who does.

i can't remember the really vital goal that Ally scored or the game - a goal that produced ecstatic jubilation in Souness and ensured that 'the judge' would remain at Ibrox.

while the goal meant a great deal that day, it represented a much more important victory for super Ally - one that defined the man's character, and embodied the words of Bill Struth:

No matter the days of anxiety that come our way, we shall emerge stronger because of the trials to be overcome.

what Ally went thru with Souness formed the mental fortitude that enabled him to be the pivotal factor in our club overcoming the horrendous trials of the last year, and will enable him to overcome those who are currently questioning his abilities as a manager to get us back to the spl.

Ally McCoist is simply the best - the epitome of Rangers.

Excellent post

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The season sourness 'benched' ally sticks out amongst many highlights - despite sourness obviously not fancying him as a player he kept on scoring almost every game despite being sub! showed his steel then!

he did not do walking away even then !

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- Was Souness deliberately hard on him? [5:00]

Yeah. For his own good. I think Ally -- let me say, Ally and I had a great relationship. You know I would hear he'd been out, for argument's sake, and I'd get him upto my room, upto my office, and I'd say to Walter, "Come and here listen to what he's gonna tell us." So, he'd come in, I'd swear at him. I'd say, "Sit down."

You were in 'so and so' last night and I heard you left there at one o'clock, and you never got in -- "Yeah, but have you heard this one?", and he'd come out with a joke, and I'm trying to stop him from telling the joke. And then I'd start laughing and I'd lost the point then. He'd walk out the room, "See you later, boss! See you, Walt!" - and that was me giving him a hard time. I had a great relationship with him.

I've never been in the company of any footballer, in my time in football, that is so entertaining. I think that any dressing room with Ally McCoist in it is going to be a fun place to be around.
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Top of the table - Check

League wrapped up early - Check

Bring through some quality Youngsters - Check

Keep supporters coming every week - Check

Beat an SPL team - Check

Net Spend - £0

We fuckin love you Ally, keep up the fantastic work you are doing. No surrender.


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Countless memories from his playing days but the one that stands out was the overhead kick winner against Hibs at Porkheid in the League Cup Final.

I was right behind it in the terracing behind the goal, from the angle I was at it looked like it was going wide then........total bedlam.

alas, bogroll day at the piggery...good times.

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Actually, his diving header against Celtic in 98 just popped into me head. What a celebration - look at what it meant to him.

This is the video I was going to post. His celebration! You can just see the emotion of what it means to both Super and Gough. That is what it is to be a Ranger!

Absolute legend and my favourite ever player.

He is also a beautiful man!

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Ally has scored so many great goals but there was one particular goal that defined who this man is.

and, ironically, but fittingly, i don't remember the game or the goal - only its importance.

an importance that had nothing to do with winning a vital football game.

before Souness came, Ally was a hero at ibrox.

but it was clear that, regardless of Ally's accomplishments, there was no place for him in the Souness revolution.

Souness's vision for the team was clearly the Hateley/Mo partnership.

thus 'the judge' was constantly demoted to the bench.

i will be straight up with you - initially, i concurred with Souness regarding the superiority of a Hateley/ Mo combo.

as well as the ignominy of the bench, Souness was constantly on Ally's back, including extreme verbal abuse.

in one particular instance, he called him a dud.

Ally was shattered - he broke down, reduced to tears.

but fuck, and it's the essence of this legend's character (something his current critics just don't get) - just about every time Ally came off the bench he scored a fucking goal.

there was one goal he scored and you could see the clear disappointment written all over Souness's face - because it undermined his intended plans.

it's considerably easier to faze out a goalscorer that you don't fancy who doesn't score than one who does.

i can't remember the really vital goal that Ally scored or the game - a goal that produced ecstatic jubilation in Souness and ensured that 'the judge' would remain at Ibrox.

while the goal meant a great deal that day, it represented a much more important victory for super Ally - one that defined the man's character, and embodied the words of Bill Struth:

No matter the days of anxiety that come our way, we shall emerge stronger because of the trials to be overcome.

what Ally went thru with Souness formed the mental fortitude that enabled him to be the pivotal factor in our club overcoming the horrendous trials of the last year, and will enable him to overcome those who are currently questioning his abilities as a manager to get us back to the spl.

Ally McCoist is simply the best - the epitome of Rangers.

It was this double against the sheep I think, magic first goal.

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Love Ally but don't think he is the man to take us back to the top.

Would loved to be proved wrong though

There are plenty of threads full of fickle glory hunters slagging Ally, comments against Ally really were not needed in here. It really astounds me despite everything Ally has done for this club, not just as a player but as A MANAGER, you would be hard pushed to have any manager who put up with the utter **** Ally has, and he has done so with dignity and class. The man is a legend, and having met him a few times, a really decent bloke. I honestly couldn't think of ANYONE better to lead us to the top. He stuck by us at the bottom and pray he is with us at the top and these sily boo boys feel like **** for doubting such a brilliant man with Rangers in his blood. It is his passion and true love for this club that has kept him with us and will take us back to the top, I have no doubts about that.

These words will live with me forever...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOQ7GuTndQ4

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