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UB again another own goal


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I'm a political exemptionist (hate all political parties and politicians equally), am an athiest who largely detests all religious beliefs but am pro British.

I guess I'd fail the true Rangers fan exam.

No mate, I think you would be surprised at how many are in that category.

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Once again this group have cringeworthy banners at game. The Independence vote no banner was just daft, we are all old enough to make up our own minds. The "less tweeting....." banner was more that stupid. This is the mob who shout the praises of Ally at every game, don't they see the contradiction? Anyway tweeting is the least of our worries player wise.

Are you Kyle hutton by any chance.

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I am sorry i totally agreed with the banners, it will be a big NO from me. Anyone who thinks Scotland can be independent is crazy, very little way to substain ourselves, if the oil issue is a problem, we will be screwed. I think just looking at the problems ROI have been having finacially is an obvious indicatior to what would happen to Scotland.

I dont like the SNP, never have and the thought of Salmond being a kind of 'Prime Minister' is terrifying. I believe in the Union, and when I think of the removal of the Union Flag in NI it was a disgrace in my opinion, and although I dont condone violence I believe it was much more than a flag, hundreds of years of fighting and people should not let their beliefs be squashed. I worry that that this may happen in Scotland should it gain independence, i fear riots in the street and it does scare me. I pray people vote No.

As for the tweeting one, it was kinda funny but i feel perhaps the players should stay off twitter and be training a bit more. If yesterday was anything to go by they need more training.

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Forgot about them, probably lots more we could drag up if we put our mind to it. As others have said the UB are a look at us group who are out for self publication. It's not all about the Rangers to them IMO.

The Yank Go Home banners that were in the Copland? Obviously nothing to do with us, don't let that get in the way of your agenda though.

The "look at us" stuff you always hit out with couldn't be further away from the mark. We don't do it for recognition or pats on the back, but we do appreciate them. Come on forums after the game and you'll see people saying "I watched BF1 more than the game blah blah", so evidently we don't need banners to get people to "look at us" because of how much of a morgue Ibrox has become. Anyone supporting their team will be looked at, which is mad.

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The Yank Go Home banners that were in the Copland? Obviously nothing to do with us, don't let that get in the way of your agenda though.

The "look at us" stuff you always hit out with couldn't be further away from the mark. We don't do it for recognition or pats on the back, but we do appreciate them. Come on forums after the game and you'll see people saying "I watched BF1 more than the game blah blah", so evidently we don't need banners to get people to "look at us" because of how much of a morgue Ibrox has become. Anyone supporting their team will be looked at, which is mad.

The Yank Go Home banner comment was in reply to another poster who mentioned it, ok it was not theUB. As far me always coming out with "look at us" stuff, well that's not true. Did mention earlier today though. My opinion of the atmosphere you and TBO create is the same as most other fans, it's great. But you spoil it by IMO using Rangers for political purposes, there are plenty Rangers causes and songs to be sung.

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One of our players has agreed with the banner so it wasn't that much of a "own goal" was it. Considering the OP is always having a go at the UB'S just shows how bitter this wank is.

He goes on about how the union bears are to political etc..... The op is letting his "politics" get in the way aswell because he's always going on about the UB'S.

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The Yank Go Home banners that were in the Copland? Obviously nothing to do with us, don't let that get in the way of your agenda though.

The "look at us" stuff you always hit out with couldn't be further away from the mark. We don't do it for recognition or pats on the back, but we do appreciate them. Come on forums after the game and you'll see people saying "I watched BF1 more than the game blah blah", so evidently we don't need banners to get people to "look at us" because of how much of a morgue Ibrox has become. Anyone supporting their team will be looked at, which is mad.

I was the one who mentioned he Yank Go Home banner. Merely trying to point out that we seem to have a recent history of stupid banners and stupid posts. Was not blaming the UB as that particular protest was all the good work of the.................................................. well that wee clique which claims to be the vioce of the Rangers support......... STR?..... nope, TRS??........ nope...... damm I'm sure those three letters form the anagram...... :matron:

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That is an absolute nonsense. Scotland is very strongly revered for its culture all across North America, Australia and New Zealand.

A few 2nd and third generation Scots playing the pipes and watching Braveheart?

The Irish propaganda machine has totally trumped the Scottish one and that's why millions of people all over the globe stupidly claim to be of Irish descent and celebrate St Patricks day - sad but true

Very few people celebrate St Andrews day or even know when it is

The second part of your post confirms the irrelevance of Scotland globally

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The Yank Go Home banner comment was in reply to another poster who mentioned it, ok it was not theUB. As far me always coming out with "look at us" stuff, well that's not true. Did mention earlier today though. My opinion of the atmosphere you and TBO create is the same as most other fans, it's great. But you spoil it by IMO using Rangers for political purposes, there are plenty Rangers causes and songs to be sung.

They spoil it by using for rangers for political reasons? For fuck sake :lol:

This threads 20 pages long, and that's your reason criticism...

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A few 2nd and third generation Scots playing the pipes and watching Braveheart?

The Irish propaganda machine has totally trumped the Scottish one and that's why millions of people all over the globe stupidly claim to be of Irish descent and celebrate St Patricks day - sad but true

Very few people celebrate St Andrews day or even know when it is

The second part of your post confirms the irrelevance of Scotland globally

That's because globally we are seen as England lap dogs rather than our own nation. Independence would bring forward a complete rise in tourism and world knowledge of what this country is all about. We have a fantastic culture and the whisky business speaks for itself. As much as Rangers and c*ltic fans wont want to admit it but Scottish and Irish culture is very similar which is easy to understand being so close to each other but the obvious major divide is religion. People would still be able to sing God save the queen in an independent Scotland, the monarch will always remain and we will always be a protestant country, we just wouldn't have the cunts at Westminster who probably couldn't spell Scotland.

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That's because globally we are seen as England lap dogs rather than our own nation. Independence would bring forward a complete rise in tourism and world knowledge of what this country is all about. We have a fantastic culture and the whisky business speaks for itself. As much as Rangers and c*ltic fans wont want to admit it but Scottish and Irish culture is very similar which is easy to understand being so close to each other but the obvious major divide is religion. People would still be able to sing God save the queen in an independent Scotland, the monarch will always remain and we will always be a protestant country, we just wouldn't have the cunts at Westminster who probably couldn't spell Scotland.

Fucking dream on.
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That's because globally we are seen as England lap dogs rather than our own nation. Independence would bring forward a complete rise in tourism and world knowledge of what this country is all about. We have a fantastic culture and the whisky business speaks for itself. As much as Rangers and c*ltic fans wont want to admit it but Scottish and Irish culture is very similar which is easy to understand being so close to each other but the obvious major divide is religion. People would still be able to sing God save the queen in an independent Scotland, the monarch will always remain and we will always be a protestant country, we just wouldn't have the cunts at Westminster who probably couldn't spell Scotland.

You're wee bubble is fucking frightening :lol:

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That's because globally we are seen as England lap dogs rather than our own nation. Independence would bring forward a complete rise in tourism and world knowledge of what this country is all about. We have a fantastic culture and the whisky business speaks for itself. As much as Rangers and c*ltic fans wont want to admit it but Scottish and Irish culture is very similar which is easy to understand being so close to each other but the obvious major divide is religion. People would still be able to sing God save the queen in an independent Scotland, the monarch will always remain and we will always be a protestant country, we just wouldn't have the cunts at Westminster who probably couldn't spell Scotland.

You're funny.

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Three very good responses lads :P To try and claim you are "Scottish" British is an insult to Scottish people. A Scottish Brit wouldn't have such a loathing hatred towards the country of their birth. You always claim that Scotland is a British country yet you want nothing to do with its culture or traditions? You are better suited living in London and calling everyone north of the border sheep. Wales is British yet there doesn't seem to be a hatred of their own country there.

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