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We Suck: Are You Helping or Making It Worse?

Guest Andypendek

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Guest Andypendek

No doubts about it, we really are mince.

Plenty of reasons why, been over this millions of times.

But as it stands, we face a Rangers team playing mediocre fitba for a good long while yet. So, where do you stand as a supporter? Because now is the time for you to stand up.

We've had it right fucking good, you and me. Especially if you were born after 1975, in which case you probably missed our really, REALLY shite years.

I wis just thinking the other day about some whiney post from someone who thinks they are being oppressed by the new laws. I remember coming out of Ibrox with my aunt and uncle after getting cuffed (yet again) by Aberdeen in the 80s and the cops deciding that, for some reason, they would launch a cavalry charge down Edmiston Drive.

Oh, how we laughed as the big bastard horses ran over us. What a hoot it was!

On top of a pumping from a fucking provincial team of plodders. Well, that's not fair, they were a good side.

But the point is, we suck and the club needs the fans as (almost) never before. And on RM at least, what's the reaction?

Whiney whiney whine whine.

Rangers FC has given you plenty of good nights out and lots of good times. It now needs you to stand firm and back it to stagger back to the top. S'gonna take about 5 years if we're lucky. We need men to back us up.

I dunno how many of you are fit to be Bluenoses, to be honest. You think it's all roses?? Think again and stand tall, or else...well, if you can't take the rough, you'd be as well following someone else.

I'll still be following on.

Of course, I could be pished. But I'm well fed up with our fans who won't support the team when it needs them the most.

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Born 1958 been through it all with Rangers and im going nowhere.

Had cans and bottles thrown at me ataacked in Dundee and Killie but stood firm and came out the other side.

I will always be a True Blue and will be there when most of the present players wont.

But we have to imprpve that much is for sure.

We must set our standards much much higher than what we have.

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Couldn't agree more with these posts,some of our fans should cast their minds back 12 months and think of the position we were in then.

Having being born in 1964 I have supported the team through some bad times and a lot of good. we are on the way back and it will only get better from here on in.

We are the people but I just wish some of us would look up the definition of 'supporter' in the dictionary before they attend another game.


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Having the misfortune to have been born in the same year as an unmentionable League Cup final defeat, I've seen a few bad times over the years but I followed on through the tarriers 9 in a row, and during the lean years of John Greig's management and Big Jock's second coming. I didn't turn my back then and although I'm not ecstatic with the way things are going now, i'm not for turning my back on the Rangers now.

Apart from anything else I'm the fifth generation of my family to support the club we've always had on our doorstep and I'm not going to be the one to give it up.

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I've been saying for weeks that we had a target this season, lets just get out the division, and once the disgraceful embargo is lifted, rebuild. That will happen.

We need to remember that we cannot attract loan players, there is not a great deal of teams going to loan you players when you are playing in the bottom tier.

It's the same with trying to sign players, extremely difficult to attract decent players down here, we need to pay over the odds as they wouldn't have come otherwise.

The signings we made all looked pretty good on paper, I didn't hear anyone complain when Black, Shiels, Sandaza and Templeton signed on.

I had a look back at some of the posts when we signed these players, and one poster in particular was pretty ecstatic about the players joining us, he said that we wouldn't lose a game and that we could win all the cups with the squad.

He also posted today, saying that the McCoist should go, his signings are woeful.

I agree that what we are watching is not perfect, but you have to think back to what we have went through the last year, get your flags and scarfs out, might want to dig the thermals out too, and get back behind the team, they need our support,

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No doubts about it, we really are mince.

Plenty of reasons why, been over this millions of times.

But as it stands, we face a Rangers team playing mediocre fitba for a good long while yet. So, where do you stand as a supporter? Because now is the time for you to stand up.

We've had it right fucking good, you and me. Especially if you were born after 1975, in which case you probably missed our really, REALLY shite years.

I wis just thinking the other day about some whiney post from someone who thinks they are being oppressed by the new laws. I remember coming out of Ibrox with my aunt and uncle after getting cuffed (yet again) by Aberdeen in the 80s and the cops deciding that, for some reason, they would launch a cavalry charge down Edmiston Drive.

Oh, how we laughed as the big bastard horses ran over us. What a hoot it was!

On top of a pumping from a fucking provincial team of plodders. Well, that's not fair, they were a good side.

But the point is, we suck and the club needs the fans as (almost) never before. And on RM at least, what's the reaction?

Whiney whiney whine whine.

Rangers FC has given you plenty of good nights out and lots of good times. It now needs you to stand firm and back it to stagger back to the top. S'gonna take about 5 years if we're lucky. We need men to back us up.

I dunno how many of you are fit to be Bluenoses, to be honest. You think it's all roses?? Think again and stand tall, or else...well, if you can't take the rough, you'd be as well following someone else.

I'll still be following on.

Of course, I could be pished. But I'm well fed up with our fans who won't support the team when it needs them the most.

Born in 1970 and remember the heady days of getting pumped in the early eighties by all and sundry.But the support the club got was brilliant.I blame the spoilt niar brats.Gorged on success and basically glory hunters.

But I reserve the right of any Bear to moan like fuck.

Best patter comes from the moany guys.

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No doubts about it, we really are mince.

Plenty of reasons why, been over this millions of times.

But as it stands, we face a Rangers team playing mediocre fitba for a good long while yet. So, where do you stand as a supporter? Because now is the time for you to stand up.

We've had it right fucking good, you and me. Especially if you were born after 1975, in which case you probably missed our really, REALLY shite years.

I wis just thinking the other day about some whiney post from someone who thinks they are being oppressed by the new laws. I remember coming out of Ibrox with my aunt and uncle after getting cuffed (yet again) by Aberdeen in the 80s and the cops deciding that, for some reason, they would launch a cavalry charge down Edmiston Drive.

Oh, how we laughed as the big bastard horses ran over us. What a hoot it was!

On top of a pumping from a fucking provincial team of plodders. Well, that's not fair, they were a good side.

But the point is, we suck and the club needs the fans as (almost) never before. And on RM at least, what's the reaction?

Whiney whiney whine whine.

Rangers FC has given you plenty of good nights out and lots of good times. It now needs you to stand firm and back it to stagger back to the top. S'gonna take about 5 years if we're lucky. We need men to back us up.

I dunno how many of you are fit to be Bluenoses, to be honest. You think it's all roses?? Think again and stand tall, or else...well, if you can't take the rough, you'd be as well following someone else.

I'll still be following on.

Of course, I could be pished. But I'm well fed up with our fans who won't support the team when it needs them the most.

I thought better of you than this kind of thing Andy.
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I totally agree the fickle glory hunters do my head in. We have had a very limited squad who have never played together and put up with a ridiculous amount of s**** from every corner. It wasn't brilliant but i thought we were doing ok, then CG has the stupidity to say they are the worst team ever. This was one craziest things to say, no other Rangers team has been through what this one has and whether he felt that way or not he should never have said in in the public domain. It changed everything from that 3-1 win to east Stirling after those comments the same players were there but they played as a different bunch. Just as I had felt a sense of unity and fluidity about play, they played liked strangers and did so again today. How that must feel that your own tells you how ***** you are, how can they be confident at all? It was very foolish to say anything, I had been pleased with everything else CG has done but this was wrong he has wiped out what little confidence we had.

I was there today so cold I didnt need to wear my blue nose my own nose was doing a fair enough impression. It was bitter. I watched again as people who recently had looked promising could hardly put a pass together. Seb Faure is rubbish he must have touched the ball a handful of times and when he did he gave it away. I saw alot of defeated guys out there every ball was met with petulance and oh we'll lost it again attitudes instead of i'll get it back. Kane H up front himself was never going to work, it was terrible to watch we literally had kids playing against Stirling and they loved running rings round us.

I think everyone needs a good break and then attitudes and reasons for being here need to be looked at. I had liked Fran, I had stuck up for him but the phone thing was another stupid thing the team didn't need. We need players because its Rangers not just for the money or we will never get there. How the rest of the team must feel about their pal Fran saying how pish the football is, another confidence blow.

I know it's hard to attract people but we should stop bring so picky there is plenty of talent in the lower divisions people who would give anything to play for Rangers, who couldn't dream of making the money these guys think isn't much.

It will take time, we really need a confidence boost, screaming abuse at half time full time does no one any good. Sack Ally? That will weaken us more, he is our rock and these results hurt him so much too just look at today pictures, his face is telling a very difficult story.

We will get there but everyone needs the fans more than ever, have a little faith, I'll be there every step of the way :)

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problem of our own sucess, the glory boys have no memories of the bad days, such as Septics 9iar. we need to stand steadfast through this as we have before

You know what I find ironic about this post and the preachy OP is that very few of the "whiners" are actually concerned about the results at the moment....it's actually you fans who seem to think you are better than others who are the problem..

How many times have you and others stated winnings all that matters, just getting out this division is all that matters? Well I'm sorry THAT is glory hunting....what I and many others are "whining" about is that we are missing a fantastic opportunity away from the pressure if the old firm to revolutionise our club from top to bottom, to develop a style of play and a structure to build in for the future....instead what we are doing is labouring through with very little progress.

I have said from day one that I have no issue dropping points on our rise back up provided we are trying to play football....we are playing in a part time league and are being out ran, out fought, out thought and at times out played and we have guys like the OP telling us we should be happy with that....sorry rangers was built on standards and expectations as soon as they drop then we become just another football team...

I find it funny that you (op) come on here to whine about those you consider "whiners"....maybe a bit more thought before posting would be helpful..

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Born '85. All I've known as a Rangers supporter is decades of success. My dad told me stories of our past failures. 9 years of watching them laud it over us the most painful.

I've been very happy to celebrate all Rangers recent successes, now I'm very prepared to stand by my club 100% through these hard times as we battle to claw back what was taken from us.

It will be a hard fight, long and drawn out. At times it will seem like there is no end sight. People will fall by the wayside claiming they're tired or it hurts too much that's their choice. It's not one I'm prepared to make though.

Failures are nothing to be ashamed of, they are how you learn to be a Champion. Memories of our failures and the pain they brought is what motivates us.

It appears to me that some take the fact that the Rangers name is associated with unmitigated success for granted and don't appreciate the amount of hard work it takes to achieve and deserve that success.

What sort of Bluenose would be thinking about withdrawing his support now? I don't know, but not this Bluenose. Not now. Not ever.

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Born '85. All I've known as a Rangers supporter is decades of success. My dad told me stories of our past failures. 9 years of watching them laud it over us the most painful.

I've been very happy to celebrate all Rangers recent successes, now I'm very prepared to stand by my club 100% through these hard times as we battle to claw back what was taken from us.

It will be a hard fight, long and drawn out. At times it will seem like there is no end sight. People will fall by the wayside claiming they're tired or it hurts too much that's their choice. It's not one I'm prepared to make though.

Failures are nothing to be ashamed of, they are how you learn to be a Champion. Memories of our failures and the pain they brought is what motivates us.

It appears to me that some take the fact that the Rangers name is associated with unmitigated success for granted and don't appreciate the amount of hard work it takes to achieve and deserve that success.

What sort of Bluenose would be thinking about withdrawing his support now? I don't know, but not this Bluenose. Not now. Not ever.

You know at times your posts are like something out of a Cameron Crowe movie ie cheesy as fuck....do you actually even hear yourself....who is talking about withdrawing their support of rangers? They may have withdrawn or are losing their faith in a manager/players but that is very different! How many games have you been to this year? I appreciate you live away but if your not at the games I think it's difficult to gain the sense of frustration and disappointment that the "whiners"/"boo boys" feel and express!

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Not sure how you've missed the repeated posts about not renewing being the only way to get the manager out. This isn't about the manager its about Rangers.

This journey won't be easy. There won't be a smooth gradual rise back. There will be hard times, falls and harder times. If you think bitching and moaning will help that journey carry on. I don't think it helps. Encouragement and support is what we need for this journey.

I know, I know my loyalty levels are insane. I'm cheesey, I'm deluded, my heads in the sand etc etc etc

I'm not sure why how I support my club irks you so much.

I've made it to just 5 games this season and I'll only be able to make the Berwick game of what's left, next season will likely be the same but I'm still going to renew both ST I renewed this year. I'm gutted I can't make more however it doesn't affect my frustrations over my teams struggles this season. I just choose not to let it affect how I support my team.

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Not sure how you've missed the repeated posts about not renewing being the only way to get the manager out. This isn't about the manager its about Rangers.

This journey won't be easy. There won't be a smooth gradual rise back. There will be hard times, falls and harder times. If you think bitching and moaning will help that journey carry on. I don't think it helps. Encouragement and support is what we need for this journey.

I know, I know my loyalty levels are insane. I'm cheesey, I'm deluded, my heads in the sand etc etc etc

I'm not sure why how I support my club irks you so much.

I think you like the idea that you are some extra special supporter to be honest....you are no better or worse than any other bear but as I say not being at the games on a regular basis does affect your perception....sitting in a warm bar/house with a drink I'd imagine minimises the sense of frustration and disappointment watching our performances this season....

No one is saying it will be a smooth ride back the problem is if we do just stumble back there then we gain nothing and we are right back where we started! Hopefully it will never come to this but it would interest me to see your and others reaction if we got back to the top and continued to play with the same apathy and with the lack of structure and creativity we have this year....

As I have said many times I was so excited for this season as it was a great opportunity to build something long term for the first time. I have played in this league and I knew that although we would get some tough games against hard working lads no matter what we would win the league as these teams struggle greatly with consistency of team selection, form etc....yet we are missing the chance and you and ally seem to be happy approaching this like its still the SPL where as long as we grind out a win that's fine....well it's not fine and it will end up costing us long term!

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I've never said I'm better, or think I'm better, than others that has been labeled at me by people like you. We all support Rangers in our own way and this is mine.

I see your point about attending Ibrox opposed to watching elsewhere but don't pretend you know how I react to Rangers struggling/losing games.

Being at Ibrox makes me less disappointed and frustrated, as I don't agree with booing my team, so I wouldn't show my pain. Perhaps not being able to attend every game makes me appreciate how special it is to go to Ibrox and watch my team.

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I would bet any Rangers team, from quote " the really really shite years" would wipe the floor with our lot now, no problems.

None of these teams would have existed in these circumstances. Go to the squad three seasons ago, and compare them to what we have now, and then ask yourself how that happened. And then, blame Ally.

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None of these teams would have existed in these circumstances. Go to the squad three seasons ago, and compared them to what we have now, and then ask yourself how that happened. And then, blame Ally.

What we have on the park at the minute is being out thought/out fought/ out footballed ( if that's a phrase) by an assortment of Rabs, Boabs and Tams training twice a week earning pin money, are you happy with that? Ally McCoist is a top man but not a manager, if anything we are getting worse and I would not trust him with a transfer budget, we have dragged in players from all over the globe and they are pretty awful.

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