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SFL Clubs still not allowed access to documents


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"It is understood the SFL has still not allowed access to documents".

"The information was originally expected last Wednesday".

"Dundee United Chairman Thompson believes there is still time to change the mind of Clubs who might be against the proposal".

Quotes from Thompson :-

" It is not dead at all and I'm quite excited that we might be able to do something to change the game in Scotland"

"I am quite hopeful there's going to be a lot of pressure put on lots of people this week"

"If people think there's another option on the table, there's no other option"

"It's not perfect, but there's enough in it for my Club to vote for it".

" There's a huge amount at stake here, I am trying to take my Club hat off and think of Scottish football"

"If it was purely about my own Club, I wouldn't vote for this because in some respects it gives you a great chance of being relegated".

So now we see the bullying tactics.

What a fanny, signing up for something with a great chance of relegation, he'd actually put his head in a noose than lose out on this farcical recon.

IMO, This shows it's all about keeping Rangers down.

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Is this the SFL holding their financial documents back from SPL or the SPL holding their financial documents back from SFL?

The heading implies that it's the former, if this is the case - what would the reasons be for this?

If it's the latter then we can assume that the cliams that the SPL is insolvent may be true.

Bit confused on this on!

PS Thompson is a right wee twisted knob isn't he.

"I am quite hopeful there's going to be a lot of pressure put on lots of people this week, If people think there's another option on the table, there's no other option".

Hope your listening to these bullying threats chairmen!

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If I was a DU fan I would be raging! This guy's a dick! Im sure he realises if this reconstruction goes ahead then it could be the final nail in the coffin for Scottish football!

Again is this all about hating Rangers more than loving your own club?

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SFL clubs need to be 100% sure what they are voting for here if this passes the SPL vote.

1) The SPL has no sponser for next season the SFL does, will Irn-bru take legal action if they walk away from that deal?

2) The SFL will bascially cease to exist, this is nothing more than an SPL takeover of the leagues. New league will be called SPL as that's the name on the sky contract.

3) Can the SPL pay the huge amounts of money they have offered every single year if Sky walk away at some point.

4) The Harry hood case could bring down the spl and cause huge damage to the game if it is successful, do they want to risk that?

5) Are fans going to buy season tickets at the start of the season not knowing what league they will be in midway through or who they will be playing?,

The whole thing is a car crash waiting to happen and will bring down Scottish football, SFL clubs need to think long and hard about this and not vote for short term gain as they always do in Scottish football.

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Reference access to documents, it is a recurring theme at the SPL.

It's only several weeks past when BBC Scotland's Jum Spence announced he had possession of the 17 pages that constituted the 12-12-18 proposals. He enthused over the set-up and predicted a no problem scenario in pushing the proposals through. Rheinhart Gordon enquired as to how the supporters would react to the plan? Carrot-top Jum told the listenership that he had handed the 17 pages to his junior playing son and asked him to read through it over the last weekend, and surprise, surprise, Jum's boay was wildly enthused too. Clearly, the proposals were a panacea for all the worlds ills!

Obviously, Stephen Thompson had provided his PRO(Jum Spence) with the proposals a week before and Jum had circulated the family. Fifteen minutes after Jum's garrulous performance, the Chairmen of Elgin City, Cowdenbeath, and Annan were contacting Radio Scotland to tell them and the listenership that they had NOT received the proposals, not read them, not been briefed on them, and wondered aloud how a specific selected journalist could wax lyrical with such confidence?

My advice to those worrying about access to documents, contact Jum Spence's junior playing son; he will be able to brief everyone, enthusiastically.

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Why aren't the media pressing for details on the TV deal ?

It is usually announced to great fanfare, yet it has become something of mystery.

For all we know it could be vapourware. One thing for sure, the secrecy means it ain't all that good and is doubtless contingent upon us.

I have a feeling it will be sprung on us all after the restructure is secured.

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The desperation to push this through should surely be questioned by the media! Why the rush? Why is it a take it or leave it? Why can't the redistribution of wealth and the one league body go ahead whilst the structure remains the same for further discussion? It's pretty evident they need us in the bottom tier for this to pass but that can't be the only reason.....what do we not know and why do they think its appropriate to "pressure" other clubs? Where is the extra money coming from and what's happening with sponsors and tv deals?

No one seems able to answer or even ask these questions and the only coverage is negative in respect of those clubs against these proposals! Why?

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"I am quite hopeful there's going to be a lot of pressure put on lots of people this week"

Says it all really

I hope this backfires and makes St Mirren and RC even more determined not to be bullied.

Mind you, if that happens they will resort to bribery or blackmail.

Following that, a quick change of rules will be on the cards.

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Was Thomson not one of the chairmen that insisted they had to listen to their fans over Rangers membership of the spl, funny how on this occasion he couldn't care less what his clubs fans think on this ridiculous proposal

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The ONLY document that counts is the tv contract.

It is inconceivable that it does not contain clauses re viewing figures and retaining the rights to Rangers games. The SPL is fooked.

D Utd would have entered admin a few years back if Levin hadn't got them to the league cup final. FACT (no often a word you see in a post about Thomson)

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"I am quite hopeful there's going to be a lot of pressure put on lots of people this week"

This is a shocking thing to come out with doh. I hope we apply pressure on people for having the audacity to engage their own brains and vote in whichever way they see fit.

What the fuck is the point in even having a vote then?

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"Dundee United Chairman Thompson believes there is still time to change the mind of Clubs who might be against the proposal".

Quotes from Thompson :-

" It is not dead at all and I'm quite excited that we might be able to do something to change the game in Scotland"

"I am quite hopeful there's going to be a lot of pressure put on lots of people this week"

I would think that in any situation this comment would be described as bringing the game into disrepute. A charge that seem quite fashionable when dealing with some people but totally ignored when dealing with others.
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"It is understood the SFL has still not allowed access to documents".

"The information was originally expected last Wednesday".

It is a legal requirement that company directors act in the best interests of their company. I would therefore they would be on extremely dodgy ground legally if they were to sign up to any contract without having seen all of the documentation covered by the contract. If they are coerced into signing the contract it would then be open to a challenge in the courts as it was signed under duress. To my understanding contracts if found to have been signed under duress have very little if any hope of standing when challenged in court. However there is a recent case of coercion by the Scottish football authorities in dealing with clubs when they forced Rangers to pay old co football debts while withholding payments that the club was due in the form of prize money, TV revenue and transfer settlements. The act of coercion here being the withholding of their licence to play in the Scottish leagues and as such kill the club if these demands were not agreed to. I for one would like the club to challenge this agreement in court.
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Why is the media not digging deeper with everything going on with the Sfa/Spl .They seem to spend everyday digging stories about us .

Why are questions not getting asked about sponsors ect.And why can't they print the reasons it needs to go thru for the next season instead of waiting a season and getting it done right with fans included in the discussions.Something is not right and all the media can do is print about us!!!!

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"I am quite hopeful there's going to be a lot of pressure put on lots of people this week"

Says it all really

Bully boy tactics. That is about Thompson's level. Has he surveyed the Dumpdee Utd supporters about possible reconstruction yet? I doubt it. Dictators don't do surveys.
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Reference access to documents, it is a recurring theme at the SPL.

It's only several weeks past when BBC Scotland's Jum Spence announced he had possession of the 17 pages that constituted the 12-12-18 proposals. He enthused over the set-up and predicted a no problem scenario in pushing the proposals through. Rheinhart Gordon enquired as to how the supporters would react to the plan? Carrot-top Jum told the listenership that he had handed the 17 pages to his junior playing son and asked him to read through it over the last weekend, and surprise, surprise, Jum's boay was wildly enthused too. Clearly, the proposals were a panacea for all the worlds ills!

Obviously, Stephen Thompson had provided his PRO(Jum Spence) with the proposals a week before and Jum had circulated the family. Fifteen minutes after Jum's garrulous performance, the Chairmen of Elgin City, Cowdenbeath, and Annan were contacting Radio Scotland to tell them and the listenership that they had NOT received the proposals, not read them, not been briefed on them, and wondered aloud how a specific selected journalist could wax lyrical with such confidence?

My advice to those worrying about access to documents, contact Jum Spence's junior playing son; he will be able to brief everyone, enthusiastically.

This is the very same son of spence who allegedly got erections in the cold showers looking at his teammates.

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I am a bit confused as to what documents have not been senn and who has not seen them.

Have the SFL clubs not seen SPL documents or is it the other way around.

Why would the SPL need to see SFL documents?

Surely the most important document to study is the TV contract.

The SFL got 1 m for their TV contract this year, surely they could make more from TV rights this year than what the SPL plan to redistribute. That must be the case otherwise SPL clubs would not be so keen to merge. All the talk is of SPL clubs going to the wall if reconstruction does not happen, but why is that the case unless they are going to make money out of it even after redistribution.

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