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Mark Hateley : Regan and Doncaster


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............. are two of the biggest problems in Scottish football

SCOTTISH football is in crisis and the SPL and SFA chiefs are not the men with the solution.

NEIL DONCASTER and Stewart Regan.

Two of my English countrymen who have come up here and don’t have a clue about Scottish football.

And two of my countrymen who this morning should not be in power at the SPL and SFA.

For fear of stating the obvious, Scottish football has massive problems.

The reasons for this are widespread but it has been proven this week Doncaster and Regan, I’m afraid, are not up to the jobs of sorting it out.

Take Doncaster first. The whole sorry mess of the SPL vote meeting at Hampden on Monday was a shambles.

When the reconstruction plan was put on the table a couple of months ago, my automatic reaction back then was it wouldn’t get through.

The catastrophic circumstances of people catcalling on the steps of the National Stadium saying there was nowhere else to go defied belief. I would have thought that, if you had an intelligent set of people behind the scenes, you would have a Plan A and Plan B.

This date was known for a long time and so was the prospect an 11-1 majority was in doubt.

Having just one plan at their disposal for all of this time and not having worked on something as a back-up is beyond me. It find it impossible to comprehend.

It was assumed the so-called big clubs would get around the table and browbeat doubters into accepting the proposal with no other outcome considered.

St Mirren and Ross County made their stance for whatever reason. It’s their rightful decision but we have known for a while that was a possibility. Who are others to question their motives?

The point is it was always on the cards and I’m in still in shock that no one had prepared for that outcome.

You have to ask yourself how that has been allowed to happen. At the SPL, chief executive Doncaster is a man of no power. He claims he serves the football clubs and does what they want but that’s a cop-out.

The man at the head should be a leader. Yes, he’s there to serve the clubs but that also means having ideas, pushing the agendas, driving things forward, making things happen.

You need to be a strong person who can win over people and get ideas across.

Doncaster strikes me as someone who is just happy to be pointed around by the clubs and having no real input of his own.

As for Regan, the SFA have sat there doing what during this time? I understand he was unable to just charge in and get involved because, as he points out rightly, this was a situation for the leagues to sort out.

But knowing there was a good chance of them not being able to do so, Regan and the SFA should have been working on a Plan B in the background.

Be proactive. Especially knowing there was disgruntlement within the clubs.

It should have been on him to have something else organised in the event that, as transpired, the reconstruction wasn’t agreed.

The SFA came out on Wednesday night saying they were now prepared to get involved. That statement should have included the blueprint for a new plan. Something from the SFA for the clubs to get their teeth into immediately having suspected in advance the majority vote among the SPL was not going to come.

To be fair, if Doncaster and Regan left this morning and the biggest and best league fixer in the whole of world football took charge, he’d identify the problem right away.

What would be his first stipulation before he’d come to Scotland to get sponsorship and revive the game? Get Rangers back into the top flight.

Listen, before I go any further and people accuse me of bias, I’d like to say what Rangers did was bad.

They were in the wrong and deserved to be punished. Even as my old club, I know fine well they deserve to be where they are and should spend the next two years fighting their way back.

But people are being asked to look at the bigger picture so consider this. Last weekend Record Sport spoke to Francisco Roca, the head of La Liga.

He was asked if he could envisage his league flourishing without either Barcelona or Real Madrid. He said it was unthinkable. And he was right.

Outside of these borders what is Scottish football? It’s the Old Firm.

What attracts sponsors like the Clydesdale Bank or Sky? The Old Firm.

Spain can’t flourish without one of the big two. Do you know how much Spanish clubs owe the taxman? 900m euros. Atletico Madrid have 160m.

They keep wiping Real’s debt. I think it’s been three or four times under their current management. Why? Because the whole La Liga structure would implode without Barca or Real.

In the same way you can’t revive Scottish football without Celtic and Rangers together. The SPL is the jewel in the crown and in any form of reconstruction they must get their two big clubs back in tandem.

Rangers were in the wrong and by rights should be forced to get back under their own steam. But Scottish football needs a blank canvas right now to drag it back into the light.

And, with a blank canvas, you can do what you like.

Bang on the money about time some one came out about these incompetant rodents. pressure has to be cranked up to get the out there positions.

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I'm glad Mark calls for Doncaster and Regan to go, we all need that.

But why say that St Mirren and Ross County said no for 'whatever reason'?

We know why they voted no, they've told us why. The much ridiculed 12-12-18 league structure is the reason why!

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Guest Andypendek

Well, I'd like to disagree with Big Mark on that.

Regan and Doncaster are figureheads rather than active leaders and as such can be hung out to dry by the member clubs whenever they feel like it. As he even points out, no matter who comes in the same problems remain. Hitting out at these two, useless though they are, is like blaming the Queen for the policies of the government.

And his whining about Rangers is the sort of thing that just makes enemies all the more determined to keep up down as long as they possibly can. We'll go about getting back to the top the right way, the only way there is, The Rangers Way. Anything else would be a stain on our history for me and I would hope the club have more self-respect than to accept any fast track back up.

And the OF, far from being any sort of jewel in any crown, are more like the largest two cow pats in a field of shite.

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The first thing if ask mark is what exactly did rangers do that was so bad? That was deserving of the punishments we have been subjected to? We know what craig whyte did off his own back but what did we do? It pisses me off when people say that because it has subsequently been proven we didn't cheat, we didn't use illegal payment methods and our debt was very much manageable at that time!

A clear out is needed in the SFA and SPL.....if we go with a single league body it would litelary be papering over the cracks to keep the same individuals in place....

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Well, I'd like to disagree with Big Mark on that.

Regan and Doncaster are figureheads rather than active leaders and as such can be hung out to dry by the member clubs whenever they feel like it. As he even points out, no matter who comes in the same problems remain. Hitting out at these two, useless though they are, is like blaming the Queen for the policies of the government.

And his whining about Rangers is the sort of thing that just makes enemies all the more determined to keep up down as long as they possibly can. We'll go about getting back to the top the right way, the only way there is, The Rangers Way. Anything else would be a stain on our history for me and I would hope the club have more self-respect than to accept any fast track back up.

And the OF, far from being any sort of jewel in any crown, are more like the largest two cow pats in a field of shite.

£200,000 pa figurehead id like some of that.sorry but i cant agree with you Hately is right Doncaster should be more proactive,why a 15% hike in wages.I havnt had a wage rise in three years and all bonuses stopped because we are in recession.As for Regan he doesnt react quick because he has to wait a phone call from Liewell.

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Back to Rangers deserve to be where they are, no a criminal and the corrupt SPL put Rangers where they are, i'am sick of so called Rangers men spouting this pish. Last year they had the chance to show a bit of wisdom and level headedness and handle the whole affair with sporting integrity, but no they could'nt wait to put the boot in and call it sporting integrity.

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Well, I'd like to disagree with Big Mark on that.

Regan and Doncaster are figureheads rather than active leaders and as such can be hung out to dry by the member clubs whenever they feel like it. As he even points out, no matter who comes in the same problems remain. Hitting out at these two, useless though they are, is like blaming the Queen for the policies of the government.

And his whining about Rangers is the sort of thing that just makes enemies all the more determined to keep up down as long as they possibly can. We'll go about getting back to the top the right way, the only way there is, The Rangers Way. Anything else would be a stain on our history for me and I would hope the club have more self-respect than to accept any fast track back up.

And the OF, far from being any sort of jewel in any crown, are more like the largest two cow pats in a field of shite.

They head the organisations and are directly responsible for its actions, therefore they must go,. The buck stops there.

They are mere figureheads, you're right.

But the point is they shouldn't be. They should be in charge, driving and leading from the front, not pandering to some and being weak.

Even with the national side, Regan dithered over Leveins sacking and we lost any remote chance we had of qualifying.

Likewise Doncaster, by his own admission, didn't have the foresight to have a plan B. What sort of business acumen does that show ?

The 2 bumbling morons have to go before they sink what is left of scottish football.

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Back to Rangers deserve to be where they are, no a criminal and the corrupt SPL put Rangers where they are, i'am sick of so called Rangers men spouting this pish. Last year they had the chance to show a bit of wisdom and level headedness and handle the whole affair with sporting integrity, but no they could'nt wait to put the boot in and call it sporting integrity.

If i could add to that the fraud squad are investigating Whytes take over.If he is found guillty of buying the Gers illegally then there will be or should a lot of SPL chairmen and others who will need to apologies and more.

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"What Rangers did was bad. They were in the wrong and deserved to be punished".

Rangers were the fecking victims of that knob Whyte - he was 'bad, wrong and deserved to be punished' not the players, staff and fans (victims).

I wish people, especially those who have an association with the club, would stop misinterpreting what happened to our great club.

Regan & Doncaster are puppets being worked from behind - anyone can see that. No one trusts them and they need to be replaced for Scottish fitba to move forward.

Just stop spouting the pish about 'big bad Rangers' - victims are not 'bad, wrong and deserved to punished'!


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The first thing if ask mark is what exactly did rangers do that was so bad? That was deserving of the punishments we have been subjected to? We know what craig whyte did off his own back but what did we do? It pisses me off when people say that because it has subsequently been proven we didn't cheat, we didn't use illegal payment methods and our debt was very much manageable at that time!

A clear out is needed in the SFA and SPL.....if we go with a single league body it would litelary be papering over the cracks to keep the same individuals in place....

That was my first thought on reading it! Apart fom CW's antics (which hopefully he'll be a very long holiday at Her Majesty's pleasure very soon indeed) the club & us fans did nothing wrong. I agree with his main point though. Taxi for Rhegan & Dungcaster.

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Got as far as this.

Listen, before I go any further and people accuse me of bias, I’d like to say what Rangers did was bad.

They were in the wrong and deserved to be punished. Even as my old club, I know fine well they deserve to be where they are and should spend the next two years fighting their way back.

Maybe Mark can tell us what the bad thing was, apart from being victims of crime.

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I take exception to this :-

i’d like to say what Rangers did was bad.

They were in the wrong and deserved to be punished. Even as my old club, I know fine well they deserve to be where they are and should spend the next two years fighting their way back.

WTF did Rangers do wrong Mark?

Why are you still writing for that horrible rag?

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Having just one plan at their disposal for all of this time and not having worked on something as a back-up is beyond me. It find it impossible to comprehend.

It was assumed the so-called big clubs would get around the table and browbeat doubters into accepting the proposal with no other outcome considered.

St Mirren and Ross County made their stance for whatever reason. It’s their rightful decision but we have known for a while that was a possibility. Who are others to question their motives?

The point is it was always on the cards and I’m in still in shock that no one had prepared for that outcome.

This bit - the lack of back-up plan was deliberate and calculated. They genuinely believed that clubs wouldn't dare vote against a 'this or nothing' plan, for fear of being labelled the clubs that stopped reconstruction in Scottish football.

We need to say it loud and often - St Mirren stopped the ridiculous 12-12-(8-8-8)-18 system, the lack of a plan B stopped reconstruction.

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Back to Rangers deserve to be where they are, no a criminal and the corrupt SPL put Rangers where they are, i'am sick of so called Rangers men spouting this pish. Last year they had the chance to show a bit of wisdom and level headedness and handle the whole affair with sporting integrity, but no they could'nt wait to put the boot in and call it sporting integrity.


I really can't see that Rangers did do anything wrong.

All we did was get singled out by the HMRC over our use of EBTs, which were a very common and legal tax aviodance measure used by a large number of UK companies (including other football clubs). We won the case, which proves we were not in the wrong.

The tax case forced the club into bankruptcy, nothing else. Without it, there would have been no sale to Whyte and none of scandals under his tenour would have happened. All of our financial difficulties and the problems that came out of them were because of a tax case that HMRC could and should have settled with Murray.

So I don't accept that "Rangers did wrong and deserve to be where they are". I think Rangers were singled out and heavily penalised over a tax liability that didn't actually exist.

I don't understand why more of the people on our side with a voice in the media (like Hateley) aren't complaining about this. It baffles me that they would actually claim that the club had been in the wrong.

If something like this happened to ceptic, they would be shouting from the roof tops.

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............. are two of the biggest problems in Scottish football

SCOTTISH football is in crisis and the SPL and SFA chiefs are not the men with the solution.

NEIL DONCASTER and Stewart Regan.

Two of my English countrymen who have come up here and don’t have a clue about Scottish football.

And two of my countrymen who this morning should not be in power at the SPL and SFA.

For fear of stating the obvious, Scottish football has massive problems.

The reasons for this are widespread but it has been proven this week Doncaster and Regan, I’m afraid, are not up to the jobs of sorting it out.

Take Doncaster first. The whole sorry mess of the SPL vote meeting at Hampden on Monday was a shambles.

When the reconstruction plan was put on the table a couple of months ago, my automatic reaction back then was it wouldn’t get through.

The catastrophic circumstances of people catcalling on the steps of the National Stadium saying there was nowhere else to go defied belief. I would have thought that, if you had an intelligent set of people behind the scenes, you would have a Plan A and Plan B.

This date was known for a long time and so was the prospect an 11-1 majority was in doubt.

Having just one plan at their disposal for all of this time and not having worked on something as a back-up is beyond me. It find it impossible to comprehend.

It was assumed the so-called big clubs would get around the table and browbeat doubters into accepting the proposal with no other outcome considered.

St Mirren and Ross County made their stance for whatever reason. It’s their rightful decision but we have known for a while that was a possibility. Who are others to question their motives?

The point is it was always on the cards and I’m in still in shock that no one had prepared for that outcome.

You have to ask yourself how that has been allowed to happen. At the SPL, chief executive Doncaster is a man of no power. He claims he serves the football clubs and does what they want but that’s a cop-out.

The man at the head should be a leader. Yes, he’s there to serve the clubs but that also means having ideas, pushing the agendas, driving things forward, making things happen.

You need to be a strong person who can win over people and get ideas across.

Doncaster strikes me as someone who is just happy to be pointed around by the clubs and having no real input of his own.

As for Regan, the SFA have sat there doing what during this time? I understand he was unable to just charge in and get involved because, as he points out rightly, this was a situation for the leagues to sort out.

But knowing there was a good chance of them not being able to do so, Regan and the SFA should have been working on a Plan B in the background.

Be proactive. Especially knowing there was disgruntlement within the clubs.

It should have been on him to have something else organised in the event that, as transpired, the reconstruction wasn’t agreed.

The SFA came out on Wednesday night saying they were now prepared to get involved. That statement should have included the blueprint for a new plan. Something from the SFA for the clubs to get their teeth into immediately having suspected in advance the majority vote among the SPL was not going to come.

To be fair, if Doncaster and Regan left this morning and the biggest and best league fixer in the whole of world football took charge, he’d identify the problem right away.

What would be his first stipulation before he’d come to Scotland to get sponsorship and revive the game? Get Rangers back into the top flight.

Listen, before I go any further and people accuse me of bias, I’d like to say what Rangers did was bad.

They were in the wrong and deserved to be punished. Even as my old club, I know fine well they deserve to be where they are and should spend the next two years fighting their way back.

But people are being asked to look at the bigger picture so consider this. Last weekend Record Sport spoke to Francisco Roca, the head of La Liga.

He was asked if he could envisage his league flourishing without either Barcelona or Real Madrid. He said it was unthinkable. And he was right.

Outside of these borders what is Scottish football? It’s the Old Firm.

What attracts sponsors like the Clydesdale Bank or Sky? The Old Firm.

Spain can’t flourish without one of the big two. Do you know how much Spanish clubs owe the taxman? 900m euros. Atletico Madrid have 160m.

They keep wiping Real’s debt. I think it’s been three or four times under their current management. Why? Because the whole La Liga structure would implode without Barca or Real.

In the same way you can’t revive Scottish football without Celtic and Rangers together. The SPL is the jewel in the crown and in any form of reconstruction they must get their two big clubs back in tandem.

Rangers were in the wrong and by rights should be forced to get back under their own steam. But Scottish football needs a blank canvas right now to drag it back into the light.

And, with a blank canvas, you can do what you like.

Bang on the money about time some one came out about these incompetant rodents. pressure has to be cranked up to get the out there positions.

Any CEO should have a plan B.

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