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A tale of two cities - Chris Graham


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Just seeing the comparisons and contradictions in black and white its quite extraordinary and yet still some if our own support condone the actions if the press in this country....as seen in d'arts thread.

No-one condoned anything - that's the 2nd time you've made that up. The disagreement was about how the club should handle it.

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I'd like to say he is just stating the obvious, be he isn't, for every positive story there is about Rangers there is a negative one that is more in the public interest. That phrase seems to feature a lot when Rangers are being dealt another body blow. Yes we do not want to be stalking down the road to rampant paranoia as we have seen from the scum, but we should bear witness to a quite startling difference in attitude when it comes to reporting events down south.

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Just seeing the comparisons and contradictions in black and white its quite extraordinary and yet still some if our own support condone the actions if the press in this country....as seen in d'arts thread.

Cheap shot. We've had this argument elsewhere.

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Good article. Give the cellic enough rope and they will hang themselves. Its only a matter of time.

It nice to see a real postive reaction in the wider national press and online to our support. As I have previously posted I hate to see negative national press sporting us as the bad guys, but this is the good flip side.

Someone likes us, we do care. :lol:

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Excellent read, clearly demonstrating the divide in journalism across the border.

It's a pathetic system up here, clearly bubble-wrapping the scum from negativity and softening the blow of bad headlines.

At the end of the day, whilst our journalists should be completely impartial, I couldn't care less what the rhags up here have to say about Rangers.

With nights like the Owls game, the ripples reach outwards and the news gets to more people than the backwater that is Scottish journalism.

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No-one condoned anything - that's the 2nd time you've made that up. The disagreement was about how the club should handle it.

And I corrected you the last time both with directions to read the thread in full and an interpretation given by yourself where you discussed the right of the "free press" and your support of that....without saying it in exact terms you condone the actions and agenda of these reporters under that ideology! You can't support the right of the press to write their own opinions, often without fact and unfortunatly as we see with a clear agenda in relation to our club yet take issue with individuals who's opinion you don't like....a press should report facts as they are and the creative licence taken and illustrated in this article is something I will never support.

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And I corrected you the last time both with directions to read the thread in full and an interpretation given by yourself where you discussed the right of the "free press" and your support of that....without saying it in exact terms you condone the actions and agenda of these reporters under that ideology! You can't support the right of the press to write their own opinions, often without fact and unfortunately as we see with a clear agenda in relation to our club yet take issue with individuals who's opinion you don't like....a press should report facts as they are and the creative licence taken and illustrated in this article is something I will never support.

That is not the case, as explained in the other thread. Looks like we're about to have the same discussion again. Can't wait. :(

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And I corrected you the last time both with directions to read the thread in full and an interpretation given by yourself where you discussed the right of the "free press" and your support of that....without saying it in exact terms you condone the actions and agenda of these reporters under that ideology! You can't support the right of the press to write their own opinions, often without fact and unfortunatly as we see with a clear agenda in relation to our club....a press should report facts as they are and the creative licence taken and illustrated in this article is something I will never support.

Not only did I not say it in exact terms, I never said it at all. You didn't correct me, you merely misrepresented my argument, which you're doing again.

What I did say is some of what is written about Rangers is outrageous and should be dealt with, I disagreed on how the club should deal with it. That's hardly condoning agenda's in the press.

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Sorry guys, but Chris Graham doesn't speak for me.

I was immensely proud of the way our lads handled themselves in Sheffield, the whole trip looked like a huge party and a credit to Rangers start to finish, but Mr Graham seems to be a self appointed spokesman for all Rangers fans.

Frankly, I couldn't care less what gets sung in a football stadium, any football stadium, anywhere, anybody who wants to be offended by it should stay away from a football stadium. Football 'humour' is just not PC, never has been.... live with it.

I have no love for our East End neighbours, what they get up to brings little of quality into my life. I pretty much ignore what I don't want to take on board, but nobody's going to tell me that when I watch a game, like I did last season just as one example, C**tic v Barcelona when they pulled off a freak result, that I should not feel a wee bit of grudging respect for them as a football man, and a wee bit envious that it was not us.

If Chris Graham or anybody else for that matter, looks on this forum even, he'll see videos and reports of 'The Billy Boys', and 'Build My Gallows High' along with reports of flares going off, flags being paraded round the pitch and drunken bears having a whale of a time, people bouncing on tables in pubs and marching down the streets giving it laldy... not a bit of bother to anybody and rightfully being congratulated and praised for the atmosphere they created. Nobody's going to tell me that none of them had a pish round the back, or dropped a McD' wrapper all day.

This pish about them singing about Lee Rigby is just that, pish! Anybody who wants to try to gain any mileage from that is, in my opinion, worse than anybody who would have considered doing it.

I am not playing down that we have had some horrendously one sided reports about us in the past, and no doubt will again in the future, and that makes my blood boil, but for the likes of Chris Graham to come on, purveying some of the one sided 'victim' tripe that is contained in that piece of nonsense, I say.... not in my name Mr Graham.

I am nobody's victim, and I don't need a jumped up twat like him telling me what to think, or how I should be feeling about it.

We are not victims, we are Rangers!


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Sorry guys, but Chris Graham doesn't speak for me.

I was immensely proud of the way our lads handled themselves in Sheffield, the whole trip looked like a huge party and a credit to Rangers start to finish, but Mr Graham seems to be a self appointed spokesman for all Rangers fans.

Frankly, I couldn't care less what gets sung in a football stadium, any football stadium, anywhere, anybody who wants to be offended by it should stay away from a football stadium. Football 'humour' is just not PC, never has been.... live with it.

I have no love for our East End neighbours, what they get up to brings little of quality into my life. I pretty much ignore what I don't want to take on board, but nobody's going to tell me that when I watch a game, like I did last season just as one example, C**tic v Barcelona when they pulled off a freak result, that I should not feel a wee bit of grudging respect for them as a football man, and a wee bit envious that it was not us.

If Chris Graham or anybody else for that matter, looks on this forum even, he'll see videos and reports of 'The Billy Boys', and 'Build My Gallows High' along with reports of flares going off, flags being paraded round the pitch and drunken bears having a whale of a time, people bouncing on tables in pubs and marching down the streets giving it laldy... not a bit of bother to anybody and rightfully being congratulated and praised for the atmosphere they created. Nobody's going to tell me that none of them had a pish round the back, or dropped a McD' wrapper all day.

This pish about them singing about Lee Rigby is just that, pish! Anybody who wants to try to gain any mileage from that is, in my opinion, worse than anybody who would have considered doing it.

I am not playing down that we have had some horrendously one sided reports about us in the past, and no doubt will again in the future, and that makes my blood boil, but for the likes of Chris Graham to come on, purveying some of the one sided 'victim' tripe that is contained in that piece of nonsense, I say.... not in my name Mr Graham.

I am nobody's victim, and I don't need a jumped up twat like him telling me what to think, or how I should be feeling about it.

We are not victims, we are Rangers!


Cry me a river.

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good article by chris,it's time our fanbase went after the record,we should get the names of the people we should complain to printed up in here,and pound the record with complaints and also encourage a boycott of the record,the record have been relentless against us,it's time to put a stop to it

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