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Is McCoist gone yet?


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Interesting, I think being "up to the job" is actually the most important thing isnt it? Getting results on the pitch? Not going backwards every year for 3 years and using football manager 101 tactics for building a squad (buy buy buy dont develop). As for bleeding blue? That wasnt enough for the greatest ever Ranger was it? Or, should mccoist be given that title too? Like him, or love him, sadly the man is a failure as a manager, and, if you look back 3 years, I was delighted when he took over. Facts are facts I'm afraid

what I am saying mate is we get rid of mcoist durrant and mcdowell. Who do we pur our trust in? because their no one on the board except maybe craig mather and I dont know much about him and it's looking like he'll be out the door next.
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So you concede that your claim of a majority is false?

You wont take a banner, but you're prepared to attack him anonymously on here? There's a word for that.

Dont flatter yourself; your comment happened to be the first that I saw when I logged on. I have, in the past agreed with some of your posts, but as you know I disagree with you about McCoist, this is a forum after all and if you dont want the argument, sit at the bottom of a swimming pool and shout.

1- Nupe. I stand by that. It's only my opinion based on what I read, hear and witness.

2- Yeah I won't take a banner - what will it achieve? some will agree and some others would take issue. The last thing we need is fans fighting amongst each other in the stands. I'm hardly attacking him. I'm expressing my opinion and concerns. I've been constructive.

3- I won't flatter myself, but it's refreshing to know that you think that much about my opinion and my posts obviously jump out at you.

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So you concede that your claim of a majority is false?

You wont take a banner, but you're prepared to attack him anonymously on here? There's a word for that.

Dont flatter yourself; your comment happened to be the first that I saw when I logged on. I have, in the past agreed with some of your posts, but as you know I disagree with you about McCoist, this is a forum after all and if you dont want the argument, sit at the bottom of a swimming pool and shout.

Can you prove his claim isn't true?

Get a fucking grip about "taking an Ally GTF" banner. Who in their right mind would do that after everything he has done for the club over the years? Even the biggest "ally haters" as you put it would lynch anyone with a banner like that.

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Well, I cant speak for others, but, just seeing him these days makes me angry. Maybe its because I had such high hopes for him? I feel completely let down. He hasnt even carried the luck he had as a player over into management.I think he also needs to remember his job title, and that he isnt on question of sport when he opens his mouth sometimes. Maybe its because everyone can see what needs to be done, on the pitch at least, apart from him? McCoist, like Greig, was one I really wanted to succeed as a manager. He wont.

I get where your coming from. I'm no fan of him as a manager, ive never even really been fooled by his "cheeky-chappy, hilarious, class clown" charm. His tactics are appalling, as are his lack of ideas, and his excuses for poor results in his post-match interviews anger me to exploding point.

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I see where you are coming from, but the question is, how many chances? I was a huge McCoist fan, an advocate for him becoming manager, but, after 3 years of it, I'm afraid I ran out of excuses for him

Be it from the "tactics", the constant undermining and criticism of his own youth players, his conduct unbecoming a Rangers manager, and, most importantly, the abysmal results, with the best will in the world, he isnt Manager material. Ambassador, perhaps coach, but not a manager.

We loan our kids out do division 1 and 2, yet he doesnt want to play them in division 3? Really, if they arent going to cut it there, they shouldnt be here

Buys midfielders, then, resorts to long ball tactics to the 1 man up on his own?

Horsed out of what? 8 of 13 competitions? Forfar was a joke, but, not as bad as some of last season, we would scrape a draw or win against someone, then, they would get smashed by another part time team the next week

I honestly think most people on here would do a better job of managing us at the moment, I mean, if we try the "pass to another player in the same shirt as you" ploy, that would help


He has to get us back to the SPL....as quick as possible.

He has to win every league.

Who gives a flying fuck about the cups?

This is about re-establishing ourselves, giving ourselves a firm footing and taking it from there.

He's won the first league....

He hasn't even had his team play one game in the next.

So...we lost to Forfar....we were shit.

We knew that last season cause it was the same side!

Give him a break!

If he wins div 2 he's done his job.

If he wins div 1 he's done his job.

Let's start criticising him in the SPL....

Oh....and if all those that hate us want him to stay....why are so many obvious non-Gers fans on this thread having a pop at him....

Cause.....big picture......he unites most of us......and stands for Rangers these days.....they'd love to see us sack our own.

To anyone that can see it... (tu)

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You have actually heard people say McCoist is a great manager!?

No, I hear people saying that in our darkest hours no matter the results short term why the fuck would Rangers supporters want Walter & Ally gone..

Are you incapable of seeing the bigger picture ??

Take Ally's goals and Walters Trophies out of the equation .........then bitch

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You think?

Let's look at Q.O.S in this division last year......

Check out their record.

They barely lost a game and set records.

Anyone would struggle against that....who's to say Dunfermline can't do the same?

You can't influence your rivals results against other teams....check Q.O.S's record.....

So what has McCoist done?

Only sign their record goalscorer who made that possible....

Yet he's clueless.

I mean....really....can we just actually take a minute and think about it?

I don't fully understand Lucy. This was Allan Johnston's footballing philosophy - a poor manager can ruin a good player you know!!

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what I am saying mate is we get rid of mcoist durrant and mcdowell. Who do we pur our trust in? because their no one on the board except maybe craig mather and I dont know much about him and it's looking like he'll be out the door next.

For me its less about trust, and more about results, if I am being completely honest. I tell you one thing, those who have been involved previously, under Murray and since, the "real Rangers men"? I dont trust them. Most of them have cocked us up in one way or another.I am fine with a fresh approach and staff, almost across the club, it should have happened last summer, but, it didnt. It was right to give McCoist the chance last season, but, about 5 games in it was clear it was the same old same old. The only plan was to buy our way to the title, which got us where we were a couple of years ago, and, to see that being put into practice as soon as green was out the door was frightening

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He has to get us back to the SPL....as quick as possible.

He has to win every league.

Who gives a flying fuck about the cups?

This is about re-establishing ourselves, giving ourselves a firm footing and taking it from there.

He's won the first league....

He hasn't even had his team play one game in the next.

So...we lost to Forfar....we were shit.

We knew that last season cause it was the same side!

Give him a break!

If he wins div 2 he's done his job.

If he wins div 1 he's done his job.

Let's start criticising him in the SPL....

Oh....and if all those that hate us want him to stay....why are so many obvious non-Gers fans on this thread having a pop at him....

Cause.....big picture......he unites most of us......and stands for Rangers these days.....they'd love to see us sack our own.

To anyone that can see it... (tu)

Everyone I speak to that isn't a Rangers fan wants McCoist to keep his job, and this farce to continue.

Try speaking to people who aren't walking around with their heads up Allys arse.

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Funny that because all around me, nearly every week, the running joke was that McCoist didn't have a bloody clue, the people making such statements were not always the same people but others just occupying a seat.

Never once did I hear anyone commend McCoist

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I get where your coming from. I'm no fan of him as a manager, ive never even really been fooled by his "cheeky-chappy, hilarious, class clown" charm. His tactics are appalling, as are his lack of ideas, and his excuses for poor results in his post-match interviews anger me to exploding point.

Yea. I hate the goals he scored, how he let his guard down once in 20 odd years, I hate his openness as opposed to the Bheasts cloak and dagger downtrodden shit......

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No, I hear people saying that in our darkest hours no matter the results short term why the fuck would Rangers supporters want Walter & Ally gone..

Are you incapable of seeing the bigger picture ??

Take Ally's goals and Walters Trophies out of the equation .........then bitch

Stop living in the past. How are allys goals and walters trophies going to help us progress in the future?

Ive asked this question plenty of times tonight. Maybe you will answer.

Are you willing to sacrifice good football and a progressive business model just because ally and walter are club legends?

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Funny that because all around me, nearly every week, the running joke was that McCoist didn't have a bloody clue, the people making such statements were not always the same people but others just occupying a seat.

Never once did I hear anyone commend McCoist

Yea never heard anything like super ally or that in my life............

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If I were at Ibrox and seen a McCoist Out banner id be angry and could see trouble being caused, no need for banners like that, there are differing opinions, if you want to bring a banner make one with the Rangers badge and help support the team, a negative banner achieves nothing.

If the board want to sack Ally they will, how will a banner like that help anyone? Not going to make the board lean one way or the other, will do nothing but cause trouble.

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I don't fully understand Lucy. This was Allan Johnston's footballing philosophy - a poor manager can ruin a good player you know!!

I was replying to a post saying it was straightforward to win these leagues.

I gave the example of Q.O.S last season to refute this, as any team in this league last season would have had to beat their performance which was phenomenal.

I qualified this by saying you can't influence results played amongst other teams i.e Q.O.S would still have set a record points total for the division with Rangers in the league. Unless Rangers eclipsed it obviously.

Ergo....it ain't that fucking easy.

To tie it to the O.P and the 'McCoist is clueless argument' many have said....I stated he's just signed the record goalscorer from Queens who was largely responsible for that record tally in the division.

That doesn't seem clueless....it seems very fucking sound logic actually.

So I kinda tied two points into one.....the fact the division is easy....it's not....and the fact Ally is clueless....he's not.

Hope I've made it clear. (tu)

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He has to get us back to the SPL....as quick as possible.

He has to win every league.

Who gives a flying fuck about the cups? - You do realise the Scottish cup can lead to a European place dont you? (check about SFA dispensation on the 3 years aspect before replying), and, when did Rangers stop wanting to win everything they entered??

This is about re-establishing ourselves, giving ourselves a firm footing and taking it from there. - he had the chance to completely revitalise us, and chose not to, or is incapable

He's won the first league.... - I could have won that league with a team made up of members of this board

He hasn't even had his team play one game in the next.- well, I can also base it on last season, and the season before, hence, how many chances?

So...we lost to Forfar....we were shit. - and have been constantly since he took over, and, also in the first half of cup games prior to Smith rescuing us at half time the season before!

We knew that last season cause it was the same side!

Give him a break! - he has had many, and managed to turn one of his biggest fans against him

If he wins div 2 he's done his job. - totally disagree, that is not his job, simply a small part of it

If he wins div 1 he's done his job.- as above

Let's start criticising him in the SPL.... oh to be sarky, the SPL doesnt exist anymore ;) And, I did judge him in that, 2 season ago, he flopped and threw away a 15 point lead

Oh....and if all those that hate us want him to stay....why are so many obvious non-Gers fans on this thread having a pop at him....- am i a non-gers fan? Dont follow that one

Cause.....big picture......he unites most of us......and stands for Rangers these days.....they'd love to see us sack our own.

To anyone that can see it... (tu)

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No, I hear people saying that in our darkest hours no matter the results short term why the fuck would Rangers supporters want Walter & Ally gone..

Are you incapable of seeing the bigger picture ??

Take Ally's goals and Walters Trophies out of the equation .........then bitch

I can honestly say i have never heard anyone say that to me over the last 2 years, home or away.

Do you really think i or any other Rangers fans want Ally McCoist to be a pish manager and play the worst football i have ever seen from a rangers team? I grew up idolising McCoist the player.

The fact is Ally McCoists main job is to provide a successful and entertaining football team on the pitch. I have yet to see anything over the last 2 years that gives me even the slightest bit of hope he can achieve any of this.

I didn't want Smith to go as i also believe he has the clubs best interests at heart. The only saving grace for me is i am clinging on to the hope he actually comes out and tells us what the fuck is going on inside the club.

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He has to get us back to the SPL....as quick as possible.

He has to win every league.

Who gives a flying fuck about the cups?

This is about re-establishing ourselves, giving ourselves a firm footing and taking it from there.

He's won the first league....

He hasn't even had his team play one game in the next.

So...we lost to Forfar....we were shit.

We knew that last season cause it was the same side!

Give him a break!

If he wins div 2 he's done his job.

If he wins div 1 he's done his job.

Let's start criticising him in the SPL....

Oh....and if all those that hate us want him to stay....why are so many obvious non-Gers fans on this thread having a pop at him....

Cause.....big picture......he unites most of us......and stands for Rangers these days.....they'd love to see us sack our own.

To anyone that can see it... (tu)

Spot on Lucy.

Now is not the time to put the boot into the manager. The real issue is what's happening behind the scenes. Serious trouble ahead if we don't get some stability. Ally's new team will do the business come September, a change in management would be an unnecessary risk.

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