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Why Lawwell should be on the SFA board.


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The SFA have installed Regan, Lawwell's mate from Coors as head man. The SFA appointed Lord Nimmo Smith to give an air of credibility to the unjustifiable, fatuous and specious "title-stripping" efforts. They also had earlier appointed the ever so partial Vincent Lunny to perform what should be an impartial role. They fined one club for activities which received no fine when other clubs did the same. They then lied and claimed that the one club that was fined, asked to be fined, which is both utterly false and a misrepresentation of the stated case.

All these examples, which are merely a snapshot of a wider, more prevalent pattern, are evidence of partiality, incompetence and corruption.

Therefore, I can think of few people better than Lawwell when it comes to fitting in with that incompetent, partial and utterly corrupt organisation. Indeed, they seem made for each other, which isn't a surprise given the sterlingly partial and corrupt efforts of Messrs. Lunny and Regan.

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Stench from over that way is getting a bit overpowering, this problem stems from the departure of Gordon Smith the people in charge at Ibrox took their eye of the ball and allowed the whole process to become corrupt, always felt Smiths problem was he was too impartial.

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Stench from over that way is getting a bit overpowering, this problem stems from the departure of Gordon Smith the people in charge at Ibrox took their eye of the ball and allowed the whole process to become corrupt, always felt Smiths problem was he was too impartial.

Usually a criticism, impartiality doesn't fit at the SFA. Indeed, there's only one form of partiality that fits in at Hampden.
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In some ways, I am surprised at Liewell making his stranglehold overt and official.

Perhaps he feels that, in his new role, he will be able to justify openly the control he currently exerts behind the scenes.

Either way, Doncaster, Regan and Lunny now have a buddy and they can meet openly with to discuss how to forward Celtic's cause while keeping Rangers down at heel.

It cannot be anything but bad news for us.

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It's as bent as that boxing verdict and like that they keep getting away with it !

A topical and very apt comparison.

In some ways, I am surprised at Liewell making his stranglehold overt and official.

Perhaps he feels that, in his new role, he will be able to justify openly the control he currently exerts behind the scenes.

Either way, Doncaster, Regan and Lunny now have a buddy and they can meet openly with to discuss how to forward Celtic's cause while keeping Rangers down at heel.

It cannot be anything but bad news for us.

Sadly, I think you're spot on with that assessment.
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They have got away with being corrupt for so long they are now becoming blatant as no one seems

able to touch them, I cant see any at our club willing to stand up against them so maybe a properly

worded fans petition to Fifa/Uefa could get some action as this cant go on.

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I await the day that, (though not holding my breath) when a leaked email or recorded phone call can prove without any doubt the involvement this chinese compulsive liar and his lapdogs have had in the wrecking of Scottish football and the death of many spl clubs.

Perhaps when the mhedia hacks can smell their p45s heading in their direction along the corridor they will feel it is a story that may keep them in a job, and sweep the whole lot back out from under the carpet.

Rangers are the biggest club in Scotland, with the biggest support and we can force this issue by not buying the daily rags and steering clear of their major advertisers.

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Lawwell/Reid have been planning their stranglehold on Scottish football for years and installed their puppets Rhegan and Dhoncaster.

Their cronies from other cubs are involved too.

Corrupt to the core.

Murray did nothing as he was desperate to offload us and the last 2 years has been a disaster for our club.

We have to get our Boardroom / finances sorted first, get back (confronting them when necessary) to the top and sort these bastards out.

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Liewell - blatantly lied about the tour of Japan to hinder Rangers winning the league and a European trophy. Liewell, through his clubs lawyers, actively pursued the stripping of Rangers titles and publically seethed when the verdict did not go his way (THIS SHOULD NEVER BE FORGOTTON). Liewell was actively involved in the TV deal that no-one is allowed to see. Liewell and his cronies destroyed a perfectly good football body (SFL) to sustain their own failing football body (SPL) - the new body SPFL still has no sponsor. It is very scary that this man (a Rangers hating control freak) is now in a position of power in the SFA. We, more than ever, need strong leadership in the boardroom and until that is achieved I will not sleep easy knowing that Liewell has the ability to exert absolute power over us. We cannot afford to just idly let this happen!

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The SFA have installed Regan, Lawwell's mate from Coors as head man. The SFA appointed Lord Nimmo Smith to give an air of credibility to the unjustifiable, fatuous and specious "title-stripping" efforts. They also had earlier appointed the ever so partial Vincent Lunny to perform what should be an impartial role. They fined one club for activities which received no fine when other clubs did the same. They then lied and claimed that the one club that was fined, asked to be fined, which is both utterly false and a misrepresentation of the stated case.

All these examples, which are merely a snapshot of a wider, more prevalent pattern, are evidence of partiality, incompetence and corruption.

Therefore, I can think of few people better than Lawwell when it comes to fitting in with that incompetent, partial and utterly corrupt organisation. Indeed, they seem made for each other, which isn't a surprise given the sterlingly partial and corrupt efforts of Messrs. Lunny and Regan.

I didn't know that their claim about our lawyer asking for a fine was false, why wasn't this denied by the club? Did I miss it?

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You talk as if only the Rangers Football Club were/are competent to rid Scottish football of the likes of Reagan and his motley crew?

Where are the rest of Scottish Football in this equation?

Are they so gutless that they will/have allowed this to happen?

All they have to do is say 'No this just can't go on' and the cabal would be gone, but I fear it wont happen.

The blind being led down the path to ruin by cancer that needs removed.

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Beat the cunts on the park and nothing else matters.

I am afraid that won't be enough to do the job, besides that is going to take us at least another 3-4 year's at least.

We need to stabilise this Boardroom shit , and don't need the shit stirring going on right now.

If we rid ourselves of the Rebels then we have a chance to grow and strengthen, If not we will just continue to be in disarray.

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You talk as if only the Rangers Football Club were/are competent to rid Scottish football of the likes of Reagan and his motley crew?

Where are the rest of Scottish Football in this equation?

Are they so gutless that they will/have allowed this to happen?

All they have to do is say 'No this just can't go on' and the cabal would be gone, but I fear it wont happen.

The blind being led down the path to ruin by cancer that needs removed.

I'm afraid the analogy that springs to mind here is that this would be like your local corner shop trying to bring to book the likes of Asda, Sainsbury's or Morrisons. This mob have got their supporters in lots of these wee clubs.

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I just think that where there are only 2 teams capable of winning the league, having only one of them with representation is not in the best interests of..... sporting integrity.

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