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Anti Rangers propoganda in full flow.....


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It's not a new thing and ultimately it's something we may never fully change but there exists this philosophy/attempted perception within sections of the media (and more extreme views online) that we as Rangers fans are the bad guys and we are the cause for sectarianism, bigotry etc in Scotland.

The jim spence fallout is a prime example....here is a man mocked and derided by the majority of Scottish football but following a deliberate and innacurate slur against rangers he becomes the poster boy for the dregs of society and members of the media who's remit seems to be to constantly attack rangers.

Those rangers fans who dared to complain about these innacurate slurs were compared to nazis by spence and deluded/knuckle draggers etc throughout social media....(so much for moving on and building bridges eh)....freedom of speech only seems to count when it's someone critising rangers. Now the propoganda shift is in full flight....'rangers fans abuse jim spence', 'hate filled abuse', 'disgusting emails from rangers fans' etc etc.....all of a sudden the victim card has been played and once again the rangers fans are portrayed as the bad guys....

Coincidently today I walked into morrisons and seen the front page of the Scottish sun (yes front fucking page).......bigoted rangers fans attack a dog wearing a Celtic strip? You really have to laugh (on so many levels) but what it does is continue this myth that the rangers support are criminals and Celtic fans (including dogs) are the victims....

I liken it to almost all coverage you see of trouble in n. Ireland....every time, the images you see are of unionists and Orangemen conveniently missing out those throwing objects at them in the same picture/clip....if someone just saw a snapshot of that they would wrongly believe that all issues are from the one side and its what we are up against here.

The press continue to push this myth and we need to do something about it.. What they want is for us to lose the rag and send abusive messages and cause bother so they can justify there stance. What we need to do is start putting our internal issues aside as a fanbase and set about changing the constant wave of negative propoganda against our club and our fans but in a professional and factual way.....

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If you want to show the scottish journos up for what they are, I'd suggest sending them the Coventry city report which appeared on here last night and compare it to the reports about us.

That would be a start mate but I think the most important thing is to change the perception we are held in by the media and alot of the general public....id love to know how to go about that mind you.

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Coincidently today I walked into morrisons and seen the front page of the Scottish sun (yes front fucking page).......bigoted rangers fans attack a dog wearing a Celtic strip?

Great post mate...you have to agree it is pretty fucking sick though.

Dressing a dog up in a Celtic strip ;)

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That would be a start mate but I think the most important thing is to change the perception we are held in by the media and alot of the general public....id love to know how to go about that mind you.

I really don't know where you could start with it tbh. We've had 2 or 3 Rangers friendly journos and the rest just seem to be bitter fucks.

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Agree with every word, that's the way it's been for a long time but it's only getting worse.

I saw that in The Sun today, and I couldn't figure out who is the bigger idiot - the person who sent the story to a so-called newspaper in the first place, or the person who decided it was not only newsworthy, but newsworthy enough to go on the front page.

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It will turn in time. The journos will see their reputations destroyed by the hysterical reporting, papers will see their sales dwindling and the Scottish press will be seen as a joke abroad, then it will turn. As for us, we need to keep doing what we have been doing; telling the truth and ridiculing those who warrant it.

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dont buy these rags, but ffs a dug thats a rabid celtic fan, wholly shit this country is f.d, again great post kev

I agree in not buying them mate....(their reporting on non sport related stories are a joke aswell Michael la vell was pretty much found guilty by these rags before trial etc etc) but the problem is that would only make a difference if significant numbers adopted that approach.....as is, ignoring it is not nessecarily the answer as they will just continue to paint our club and fans in a negative light which affects the public perception whilst appealing to those with an obsession and hatred of us....we have to find a way to influence change but in a calm and professional manner....

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I really don't know where you could start with it tbh. We've had 2 or 3 Rangers friendly journos and the rest just seem to be bitter fucks.

Dignified silence never worked. We need to hound them with dignified vocals. We need to be clear and succinct in what we say. We don't need to resort to their sort of cheap and bigoted mud slinging. Point out that they are wrong and why and ask them reasonably to change their stance. Do it over and over and over again. Don't lose the rag with them and always show that we are reasonable and fair but simply won't stand by and take it any longer. Don't buy their product, tell their sponsors and advertisers why we are complaining. We have to respond diligently to every incorrect and snide comment - we must keep doing it. We have been letting it happen for years but we must never do so again!

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Agree with every word, that's the way it's been for a long time but it's only getting worse.

I saw that in The Sun today, and I couldn't figure out who is the bigger idiot - the person who sent the story to a so-called newspaper in the first place, or the person who decided it was not only newsworthy, but newsworthy enough to go on the front page.

Your spot on, it must be a right slow news day today and you really need to ask questions why the fk is that front page news and it's more evidence that the content is aimed at the lowest common denominator of our society.

Truly pathetic and totally farcical and I'm just suprised they never said the dug was a kafflick.

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