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Our Support Changed When Murray Bought Our Club


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Sorry you are quite right. I should of said the majority imo. I know there are some Rangers fans like yourself that go to church regularly and truly believe in God. However, in my experience the majority would class themselves as protestant but when asked don't actually know about the religion or even believe in God. Imo its a lack of education. I personally do not believe its sectarianism its tribalism.

I would be interested to know if you have met these sort of fans and what you think when they class themselves protestant.

I'm not one to force religion onto others, but in my opinion (and it's only an opinion), to say that you follow a particular faith is only valid if you actually practice and believe heart and hand in said faith.

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Man I wish we could go back to steam engines and slavery and wooden clubs and living in caves n that, way back in the past when we were all Christians and na'body looked at a rich man sideways and the cobbles were aw made oot a Hovis.

We evolve. We move forward. Or we die.

We moved forward and we nearly died.

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It definately did change. For the worse, especially on internet forums. We're now filled with conformists & apologists. Maybe one day the new breed Rangers fans will grow a pair, but I wont hold my breath.

Definitely some, but not all - And you can hold your breath if you want...........

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I wouldn't give back our trophies or the memories for anything. We earned them.

That old adage, What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, is very apt for me in our current situation. We will rise again and we will be stronger for what we have been put through.

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I wouldn't give back our trophies or the memories for anything. We earned them.

That old adage, What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, is very apt for me in our current situation. We will rise again and we will be stronger for what we have been put through.

We will rise again, but i would still give everything back, if it meant us not going under. Fans no longer with us would be disgusted how our great club was allowed to go under.

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I think in that era, football and football crowds were changing throughout the land, not just Ibrox. There were wholesale changes in society taking place. We were part of that change.

The past is always seen through rosé tinted specs, and I wouldn't blame Murray for everything even though he made himself a convenient scapegoat for many by selling to Whyte.

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Right from day one I can honestly say I personally never liked Murray, some may call me a liar but I swear it's true, sure he gave us all that success and I admit I thorougly enjoyed it, but I never felt that he was truly one of us

It really started with the stadium being all season ticket holders only, and while I appreciate that ,that was the way it had to be, unfortunatly for me and many like me I couldn't afoard a season ticket so it was always a mad scramble to obtain a ticket, this scenario also meant that my mates and I were scattered all around the stadium, for me a large part of the games was attending with your mates, there were 10 of us who regularly attended together, and with many others in the same boat a lot of supporters got fed up with it and slowly stopped going to the games, this allowed the camel coat brigade to infiltrate Ibrox, and god forgive any fan who might have disturbed their afternoon snooze by singing out loud.

The next step was the hiring of Herr Hood and the demonizing of the vociferious among us, while it may be argued that thay never jailed these supporters they were definatley banned from any future games and being relieved of their season tickets [if they owned one], and while the PC among the support may have been happy it just wasn't the way that the older supporters among us behaved, in my day we stood shoulder to shoulder with one another, now we were being asked to grass on our fellow supporters, which IMO started the errosion to the point we are at now with Ibrox being like a morgue on matchdays.

Another point as others have pointed out, the complete capitulation that was termed "dignified silence" was the catylist that gave every one and his dog carte blanche to attack us without fear of retribution that has led us to the sorry state we find ourselves in now, and still it continues.

Last point, the final nail in the coffin was him selling to that bastard Whyte, and I don't care what anyone says but I still believe Murray and Whyte have a connection.

So to summerise IMO Murray may have cared at the begining, but ultimately we were only a platform to assuage his ego, people may say that he put in millions of his own money, I'm not so sure, I do know he got millions out of us, [top tier of the main stand, catering ETC] and don't forget the millons that others put in during his reign, King anyone, and of course as soon as MIM were in trouble, who was the sacrificial lamb? so in hindsight was Murray good for The Rangers? I know what I believe.

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Right from day one I can honestly say I personally never liked Murray, some may call me a liar but I swear it's true, sure he gave us all that success and I admit I thorougly enjoyed it, but I never felt that he was truly one of us

It really started with the stadium being all season ticket holders only, and while I appreciate that ,that was the way it had to be, unfortunatly for me and many like me I couldn't afoard a season ticket so it was always a mad scramble to obtain a ticket, this scenario also meant that my mates and I were scattered all around the stadium, for me a large part of the games was attending with your mates, there were 10 of us who regularly attended together, and with many others in the same boat a lot of supporters got fed up with it and slowly stopped going to the games, this allowed the camel coat brigade to infiltrate Ibrox, and god forgive any fan who might have disturbed their afternoon snooze by singing out loud.

The next step was the hiring of Herr Hood and the demonizing of the vociferious among us, while it may be argued that thay never jailed these supporters they were definatley banned from any future games and being relieved of their season tickets [if they owned one], and while the PC among the support may have been happy it just wasn't the way that the older supporters among us behaved, in my day we stood shoulder to shoulder with one another, now we were being asked to grass on our fellow supporters, which IMO started the errosion to the point we are at now with Ibrox being like a morgue on matchdays.

Another point as others have pointed out, the complete capitulation that was termed "dignified silence" was the catylist that gave every one and his dog carte blanche to attack us without fear of retribution that has led us to the sorry state we find ourselves in now, and still it continues.

Last point, the final nail in the coffin was him selling to that bastard Whyte, and I don't care what anyone says but I still believe Murray and Whyte have a connection.

So to summerise IMO Murray may have cared at the begining, but ultimately we were only a platform to assuage his ego, people may say that he put in millions of his own money, I'm not so sure, I do know he got millions out of us, [top tier of the main stand, catering ETC] and don't forget the millons that others put in during his reign, King anyone, and of course as soon as MIM were in trouble, who was the sacrificial lamb? so in hindsight was Murray good for The Rangers? I know what I believe.

Great post Mate spot on.

I was exactly like you although through the 9 iar years I spent 6 of them in Germany and England.

I never really bought in to it, as as you say he started all the shit of gagging the Fans.

I knew a guy who came from Leith and was a Hibby and knew him from old, said he was a Cnut and a Gambler.

Anyway he left us to the Hyenas.

I feel he had a bit of an idea what Shyte was up to.

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Right from day one I can honestly say I personally never liked Murray, some may call me a liar but I swear it's true, sure he gave us all that success and I admit I thorougly enjoyed it, but I never felt that he was truly one of us

It really started with the stadium being all season ticket holders only, and while I appreciate that ,that was the way it had to be, unfortunatly for me and many like me I couldn't afoard a season ticket so it was always a mad scramble to obtain a ticket, this scenario also meant that my mates and I were scattered all around the stadium, for me a large part of the games was attending with your mates, there were 10 of us who regularly attended together, and with many others in the same boat a lot of supporters got fed up with it and slowly stopped going to the games, this allowed the camel coat brigade to infiltrate Ibrox, and god forgive any fan who might have disturbed their afternoon snooze by singing out loud.

The next step was the hiring of Herr Hood and the demonizing of the vociferious among us, while it may be argued that thay never jailed these supporters they were definatley banned from any future games and being relieved of their season tickets [if they owned one], and while the PC among the support may have been happy it just wasn't the way that the older supporters among us behaved, in my day we stood shoulder to shoulder with one another, now we were being asked to grass on our fellow supporters, which IMO started the errosion to the point we are at now with Ibrox being like a morgue on matchdays.

Another point as others have pointed out, the complete capitulation that was termed "dignified silence" was the catylist that gave every one and his dog carte blanche to attack us without fear of retribution that has led us to the sorry state we find ourselves in now, and still it continues.

Last point, the final nail in the coffin was him selling to that bastard Whyte, and I don't care what anyone says but I still believe Murray and Whyte have a connection.

So to summerise IMO Murray may have cared at the begining, but ultimately we were only a platform to assuage his ego, people may say that he put in millions of his own money, I'm not so sure, I do know he got millions out of us, [top tier of the main stand, catering ETC] and don't forget the millons that others put in during his reign, King anyone, and of course as soon as MIM were in trouble, who was the sacrificial lamb? so in hindsight was Murray good for The Rangers? I know what I believe.

Good post.

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IMO we should have listened when Hugh Adam sold all his shares and said that Murray would ruin Rangers, hindsight!

Not reading all the posts but I am certain this is the most accurate. Murray viewed Rangers as his works team. Rangers were a form of self promotion for him

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When Murray came in, Rangers turned their back on the Traditional support, to appease the media and press. He was more interested in the prawn cocktail brigade, the ones who only used our club as a hobby, and also allowed people to kick our club all over the place.

Murray also tried to turn the fans against each other, by bringing in the grass line, to encourage fans to grass on other fans for singing songs. And yes he did bring good days to our club, and i cheered every title and cup that we won. But in the end, he helped run our club into the ground, and at the end, he sold our club to the wrong man.

When i now sit back and think, was all the success worth it, in my opinion no. If i had the chance to give everything back, i would, if it prevented the club going under, even if it meant winning nothing. When you think that greater men in history than Murray helped build our great club, and look where we have ended up.

You need not give anything back, because our club did not go under.

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When Murray came in, Rangers turned their back on the Traditional support, to appease the media and press. He was more interested in the prawn cocktail brigade, the ones who only used our club as a hobby, and also allowed people to kick our club all over the place.

Murray also tried to turn the fans against each other, by bringing in the grass line, to encourage fans to grass on other fans for singing songs. And yes he did bring good days to our club, and i cheered every title and cup that we won. But in the end, he helped run our club into the ground, and at the end, he sold our club to the wrong man.

When i now sit back and think, was all the success worth it, in my opinion no. If i had the chance to give everything back, i would, if it prevented the club going under, even if it meant winning nothing. When you think that greater men in history than Murray helped build our great club, and look where we have ended up.

The support had to move on and modernise with the times - Murray was just the guardian during those changes.

However for all the good Murray did he wiped it all out with his act of idiocy in selling us to Whyte. For that he will never be forgiven.

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