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Manager worked for nothing. Really

mearns loyal

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Al you can dress it up all you like and make comparisons but ultimately it is far to high a salary (win bonuses on top?) for one man....add to that the Salaries of his backroom staff and other non playing personnel and it's easy to see where these figures come from! All the focus seems to be on the board but our management are ridiculously overpaid at the moment!

Look Ally didn't hold a gun to anyones head. He wanted to manage Rangers FC, that's all. Who on here can blame him? Some on here make out all Ally is interested in is squeezing every penny he can out of Rangers FC. Utterly ridiculous and obvious of a stinking agenda against our manager. The board gave him that contract. He's agreeing to a wage cut, what more can the man do? Send his team out to beat other teams 8-0? Well, even that's not good enough.

Also did anyone else read the report? Ally got no win bonuses, unlike BS (FD) and CG (CEO).

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Look Ally didn't hold a gun to anyones head. He wanted to manage Rangers FC, that's all. Who on here can blame him? Some on here make out all Ally is interested in is squeezing every penny he can out of Rangers FC. Utterly ridiculous and obvious of a stinking agenda against our manager. The board gave him that contract. He's agreeing to a wage cut, what more can the man do? Send his team out to beat other teams 8-0? Well, even that's not good enough.

Also did anyone else read the report? Ally got no win bonuses, unlike BS (FD) and CG (CEO).

i think ally's wage etc will have been taken into account by cg etc and the fact he didn't take wages and backed the board, yes even cg initially and that also showed loyalty from both parties, his wage and others will be reduced considerably this year, until we are back on top
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Ally's contract was TUPE'd because he 'did not walk away' so his SPL contract went with him.

If Davis, McGregor and Naismith stayed (like everyone said they should) then they too would have been earning big money.

In other words you get f...n slagged on here for going AND for staying!!

Ha ha ha ha ha you canny make it up.

The difference is mate that if the players had tupe'd over they could then have been sold,earning the club money.

Your not comparing like with like with manager and players.

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He didn't get any bonuses.
Aye, why should he let facts get in the way of a rant. I can't remember any previous manager's salary being disclosed. Harsh criticising without a like for like comparison. Ally may be a "rookie manager" at club level, but was a successful assistant manager at international level. I Will let the usual Ally haters have their wee rant now. They of course would do a lot better job for us for a lot less. What with their huge experience of running a huge club from the comfort of their keyboard.
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Yeah but Stockbridge et al are called leeches and spivs for taking their salaries and bonuses.....why is ally different?

Bloddy hell! Hello!

Ally negotiates his salary. Stockbridge, green GIVE themselves one!

If you go into work tomorrow and are offered another £100 a week - what do you Do?

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I know I said this in another thread, but my friend said earlier "no wonder ally doesn't do walking away". Am I right in hearing that he was earning more than David Cameron (and someone else who's name I didn't hear) in that year

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You are being a bit disingenuous.

When things when tits up, one of the outcomes which helped the club was that they all took paycuts. In return they all had their contracts renegotiated so that they could leave for sums which were less than what would normally have been expected to be realised. Fair enough.

The problem was that when the company was put in liquidation they all jumped ship. I don't think many of us would have expected McGregor et al to play 4th tier football. We could not have afforded it anyway. But they COULD have Tupe'd over and earned the club some cash in the form of the previously agreed transfer fees. We would probably still have seen them as heroes for doing this. Instead, their names are mud.

Haha, aye bullshit... They would have been blamed regardless.*

It is the way of the short-sighted keyboard-gnasher. Rather than focus on the real villains, they would rather get a chance to finally vent their anger, envy and jealousy against players. Exact same reason Barry Ferguson is vilified on here day-in-day-out.

Some wankfuck called him a jump-the-dyke on here the other day. This place is going to the dogs, I tell thee.

* Like our manager who gets slagged to fuck for 'TUPE-ing' over and also taking a paycut... and staying when it would have been so much easier for him to walk.

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Thats tame even for you .On the ropes on this one .Its a scandal for a Manager that will let us down as soon as we start to play anyone decent .Not 1st or 2nd tier sides .We all love him but this wage is fucking obscene

If people are saying or thinking he got a bonus I'll correct them with the facts. Nothing "tame" about that.

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Is it just me or do some fans seem absolutely raging that we are not heading for armageddon financially?

Your spot on Gogzy its actualy pretty sad that their blazers are more important then our financial security, how any bear can hope for the worst to say i told you so is beyond me.

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Its just madness considering we are meant to be saving money. Stockbridge 750k Ally 825k, Chuckie say 1,000k......the mathers, the ahmeds etc..........I mean if these bloody idiots didnt line their own pockets to this extent we could have probably had an extra 10 mill or something in the bank. Poor show from Ally tho really is.

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So yet another Ally bashing thread fuck me this place is getting pathetic.

its not really an Ally bashing thread just one to mention that his salary is nuts. I love Ally complete legend and good to see the team improvin but what the fuck....825 grand for managin a third division team when we are scrapin about for cash and given ally is already a millionaire many times over i would assume
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its not really an Ally bashing thread just one to mention that his salary is nuts. I love Ally complete legend and good to see the team improvin but what the fuck....825 grand for managin a third division team when we are scrapin about for cash and given ally is already a millionaire many times over i would assume

Calling him an 'idiot' is Ally bashing.

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Jesus fuckin christ the knives are out for Ally again.

We have just had a financial report that was a lot better than the doomsday merchants were predicting. That has knocked the wheels off their little red wagon so now they need something else to bleat about.

Simple scenario, you have a contract that includes wages and benefits that may seem over the top in the current financial state of the company.

The remit you are given is, if you can get the company to perform in the market place, gain the trust of the shareholders and in doing so encourage them to increase their investments.

If due to your efforts all the criteria are met and the company is showing healthy signs of recovery. Despite some setbacks.

Would you not feel you have earned your wage.

Because this is the very offer that numerous large companies have made to various managers all over the World.

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It's different to comparing it to our jobs and asking if we would take voluntary pay cuts. I don't have the same emotional attachment at my job that Ally has at his. I only turn up to my work for the money, if my company went tits up I'd get another job somewhere else.

Different ball game with Ally, and if I was the manager at Rangers it would be more than just a job, my love for the club as a whole would come into it. I'm not bashing Ally, I'm just stating that the comparison is totally invalid.

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So this has lasted for 8 pages? We knew his salary months ago. It is old news. Ally took a voluntary salary cut last week. A point ignored by many on here. But the accounts are good, can't vilify the board, let's go for a man who refused to walk a year ago and aged a decade in a year for the club he dedicated much of his life to. Might be worth thinking to yourself whilst posting on here during working hours people..... is this value for money for my employer? Would I stay if I had the chance to jump if my company was going under? Would I risk my health, house, car, etc. For them? Would you take on a challenge greater than any of your predecessors had encountered with less backing and enemies lurking at every corner? If you can answer yes to all of them you deserve the salary your employer thinks you are worth.

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