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I was going to make a thread at half time praising the way we played


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I was going to praise McCoist for actually having us passing the ball instead of punting it, having the back line sit forward instead of too deep. Creating decent chances, passing it about, playing well on the wing, especially down the left with Templeton. Thank fuck I never.

The second half was just more stale pish, and eventually more punting the ball up. But that's not what I'm angry about, I'm absolutely raging at one decision and that was McCoists decision to take off the best player on the park for Andy fucking Little. Seriously? Is the guy for fucking real? What a fucking disgraceful substitution. Shameful. Anyone that sticks up for McCoist after that action is a fucking idiot. It nearly cost us the points, we then proceeded to sit deep and long punts up to no cunt when did get the ball. All this against part timers at Ibrox. Are you people going to wake up soon and realise what's going on here?

Also, someone needs to take Mohsni and boot him in the balls, what a fucken clown he is.

I await all the usual bullshit excuses and people having digs at me, the proof is in the pudding and people there today are fed up with it.

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Templeton should have stayed on and Little should have replaced Daly but what an overreaction to one substitution.

Also Temps hasn't played a full 90 minutes in some time so I can understand the decision and the logic behind it - even if I wouldn't have made that sub (tu)

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Agreed Goat, from where I was sitting you could see Templeton questioning why he was taken off, he was absolutely raging as were the fans around me.

Aird was fucked well before he was substituted as was Daly (although he stayed on for the 90).

Fair to say Little showed us why he isn't a winger and we were very lucky to escape with 3 points, shambles.

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All about the result though eh . I can't even bear to hear our manager speak at post match interviews these days , turn the radio off . Don't even bother going on the club website as it's full of bullshite propaganda , never acknowledges the real state of our play .

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You still can praise the first half performance, the bad second half doesn't cancel out the first half but it does raise questions as why we don't play that well much more often. Having not seen the game i dont know how Temps reacted to being subbed or whether he was knackered or not.

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I want to know why he's scared to either drop or sub Daly? As soon as I seen Little coming on, I thought he'll take Daly off, it's the obvious decision. Maybe a wee bit more pace up front for Aird and Templeton to get chances to. It was absolutely shocking, it's probably the worst decision McCoist has made as a manager yet.

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*Everyone, look at me*

Funny every post so far has agreed with me, apart from you. Maybe it's look at you. I honestly cannae be bothered arguing with anyone tonight, so just give me peace. Everyone that was there reacted the same way, it's why they boo'd the substitution initially before applauding Templeton for his effort.

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Fuck, fuck fuckity fucking fuck, weekly slate our fucking manger to fuck thread!!!! :pipe:

Is it just me that noticed the game turned once Moshni got himself needlessly sent off?

It gave Brechin confidence and they started to push forwards in numbers.

We should have scored into double figures, but were not clinical enough in front of goal. Their keeper had a fantastic game too.

Onward and upwards....5 more wins and it's ours.

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*Everyone, look at me*

:lol: if nobody offered an opinion then this place wouldn't exist! Every single thread that someone starts could be applied the same criticism.....just because you don't agree with the opinion stated doesn't make it any less valid than any other thread on this forum!

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I want to know why he's scared to either drop or sub Daly? As soon as I seen Little coming on, I thought he'll take Daly off, it's the obvious decision. Maybe a wee bit more pace up front for Aird and Templeton to get chances to. It was absolutely shocking, it's probably the worst decision McCoist has made as a manager yet.

Because he doesn't have it tactically, if plan A isn't working then it's just more if the same and hope for something to happen.

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Funny every post so far has agreed with me, apart from you. Maybe it's look at you. I honestly cannae be bothered arguing with anyone tonight, so just give me peace. Everyone that was there reacted the same way, it's why they boo'd the substitution initially before applauding Templeton for his effort.

Do you have to start a thread every time you have an opinion (that's mostly always controversial).

Can't you just give your opinion in the match thread instead of all these 'look at me' threads?

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My biggest concern about ally from the start was his tactical awareness and ability to affect change in games! Today was yet more evidence for me he is severly lacking in those key attributes for a successful manager!

That's always been one of my major concerns too.

Smith made some baffling decisions, but generally they came off, and that's because he was astute tactically. I'm not sure if McCoist has that same level of knowledge to do the same.

McCoist is "ok" for where we are just now where the gulf in class that we have over these teams tends to be enough to see us over the line in games, but once we start playing better teams where there isn't going to be the same gulf in class that there was in the past, and they have managers who are more astute tactically, I worry that he will be shown up as a bit naive.

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