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Keith Jackson: Rangers' on-field struggles will continue until they find a way out of recurring boardroom nightmare

WITH Charles Green back on the scene and a losing start to life in the Championship, KEITH warns that Rangers' troubles will never go away until they sort out their boardroom.

Rangers--Charles-Green.jpg Charles Green's re-emergence is bad news for Gers

FOR a while yesterday Ibrox felt like a football ground again.

Yes, it may be scabby in places and needing a lick of paint in others but the atmosphere that was generated inside its walls for a Championship curtain-raiser against Hearts was a throwback to simpler times and a reminder of what Rangers used to be.

Just 90 minutes, however, was all it took to remind the watching world of the state this club has

made of itself and remove any misconception Ally McCoist and his players might be about to set off on a cakewalk towards the top flight of the Scottish game.

Today’s Rangers are a pale imitation of their former selves and even though McCoist has tooled up for the big push by re-enlisting a couple of big shots in Kris Boyd and Kenny Miller a huge amount of work is required to turn this team into any kind of force.

The very sight of Boyd and Miller together again might frighten the life out of second-tier defences but unless Rangers add some style, structure and substance to their play this pair will have to endure more days like yesterday when they were starved of any genuine supply as

Rangers opened up with a defeat on their own ground.

But really, what did anyone expect? While this club continues to rip itself to pieces off the pitch it’s unlikely they’ll find any sort of solace or unity on it.

That’s not to say Charles Green’s mysterious re-emergence was to blame for Hearts’ two goals but McCoist was right to bemoan the latest twist because this is one manager who must feel as if his own club has done nothing but conspire against him.

The illness afflicting Rangers runs way deeper than how to get the ball to Miller and Boyd. There has been a poison inside Ibrox for three years now and it remains in the system, flowing through its veins and infecting every part of the body.

The manager and chief executive say publicly their relationship is solid but the truth is they have been clashing behind the scenes for months.

As a by-product of these skirmishes a trust issue has developed that might never be fixed.

Remember the flurry of speculation linking former player Christian Nerlinger with a role as director of football? An idea that infuriated McCoist. Well that was down to Graham Wallace who was so keen on landing the German that he travelled to meet Nerlinger face to face.

None of which is a hanging offence, even if the thought of this financially troubled outfit – which was making staff redundant at the time – finding £500,000 a year for another executive might be hard for many to fathom.

But Wallace did this without informing McCoist, even out of courtesy, which is not so much working shoulder to shoulder with his manager, more like operating behind his back.

There have been other strange goings-on between the two. At one point this summer McCoist, having been told he had up to £1million to spend on player transfers, asked the board to use the bulk of it to buy striker Stevie May from St Johnstone. May, of course, is off to Sheffield Wednesday for £800,000. It’s unclear if Wallace ever made that call to the boardroom in Perth.

Exactly what became of that £1m kitty is also something of a mystery. It most certainly has not been used on player purchases.

What is glaringly obvious, however, is Wallace has also been undermined by some of the figures who were sat around him in the directors box yesterday and by Sandy Easdale in particular.

It was Easdale’s football board that ultimately put the kibosh on Wallace’s Nerlinger plan on the grounds it would have cost the club around 10 grand a week to make it happen.

All of which lends weight to Walter Smith’s belief the PLC board is a busted flush, incapable of making decisions or running the business. And as a former chairman who could not win a vote in his own boardroom Smith ought to know.

If Wallace is now encountering the same levels of resistance that forced Smith to quit the post after only a couple of months it’s hard to understand why he has stuck around for so long.

Of course, there are around 600,000 reasons for him to cling to his salary with all his might but if a CEO is rendered powerless like a minister without portfolio then surely the right thing to do would be to say so and resign with professional dignity intact.

But Wallace is hanging in grimly much to the annoyance of Big Sandy who would gladly see him gone but who is probably baulking at the thought of the massive costs involved in sanctioning a sacking and another stonking compensation package.

McCoist, meanwhile, has reason to wonder if he has the support of either of these rutting stags at the top of the stairs, not least because of Easdale’s old alliance with Green – that big-handed Yorkshireman with a seemingly incurable case of Rangersitis.

The symptoms are easy to smell and cured only by frequent injections of cash. Green got it so bad that eventually he chateauxed himself in the heart of France (everyone gets a castle in the end) but his whiff has never gone.

Green’s recent return to the scene would be risible were it not so utterly terrifying for all those who were naive enough to believe he really went away in he first place.

His grubby fat fingerprints have been all over this relentless debacle even if he may have managed to keep his massive mouth shut for much of the last 18 months.

That must have been hard for a man who so enjoys the sound of his own voice but when he did begin to talk again on Friday he sounded the same as ever. A man completely bereft of self awareness.

“Why Charles Green? I’m not applying to be the Messiah but I won’t let the club continue to slide and become a laughing stock,” said the man with the size 40 shoes and revolving bow tie.

Yes, Charles Green. The man who teamed up with Craig Whyte and Duff and Phelps in order to snap up Rangers for just £5.5m in a closed-shop sale after trying and failing to save it from liquidation.

Who then oversaw a cash burn of £70m in little more than a year at the helm. And who could not see the irony in insisting on Friday, as he did, this club must learn to spend its money more wisely.

That Green now seeks to educate the current regime in how best to do that suggests he may be in need of another castle.

He did get a couple of things right though the other day, especially when he expressed fears about the club’s health in the short to medium term and the fact the recently proposed £4m share issue is nothing more than a ham-fisted attempt to paper over the cracks – cracks of course created by his own big hands.

Rangers have never been the same since. Which is why yesterday’s defeat may not be an isolated incident.

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The record is ran by tarriers. They know as long as McCoist is in a job they're untouchable, even under their current dud of a manager.

After every embarrassing game they wheel out the old boardroom shite to deflect away from the dugout. It's getting predictable.

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Tbh the stadium is scabby as fuck looking. Its in desperate need of an upgrade

The money we spunked away on Edminston House could easily have been spent on cleaning the outside of the stadium and freshening it up. I agree it's a complete dive :(

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The football under Ally is brutal, the turning point for me was the Ramsdens Semi last year.

That being said, Jackson is right in what he says is going on off field and what he says about Green, despite the head in the sand loyal.

Still, certainly not an excuse for the actual football, i feel dread at the thought of Ally staying as manager, we won't go up. He has to go.

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