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Banner at today's game


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I had a couple come up and say, why you voting no, when we could stop illegal wars and people like saddam hussien could still be alive, and there would be no in-fighting, Erm, Hussien was a terrorist likechis best pal bin laden,

On other words aboutvthe UB, great banner, small children singing sack the board then singing Rangers til I die when they have been to one game

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I had a couple come up and say, why you voting no, when we could stop illegal wars and people like saddam hussien could still be alive, and there would be no in-fighting, Erm, Hussien was a terrorist likechis best pal bin laden,

On other words aboutvthe UB, great banner, small children singing sack the board then singing Rangers til I die when they have been to one game

Not a fan of Terrorists but at least Hussien kept his house in order much better than what we do! And who knows most likely Iraq would be a different place as it is today.............

Still fuck the Nationalists!

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Loved the flags, & love the message. I can't believe that there are Rangers fans voting yes. We are the 'Quintessential British Club'! You have some fans singing 'Rule Brittania' & 'God Save The Queen' on match days, but are voting yes, how does that sit with these people? I'm disappointed that any real Rangers fan, would even consider, breaking up the union by voting yes... :7325::7326::7325:

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Do most fans really expect to got to a football match and be advised how to vote in a national referendum ?

My point about the message being irrelevant to a Rangers game and therefore unnecessary (and I would make the same point about any other blatant attempt at political influence at at a sporting event, including the "yes" adverts at other clubs), is that our club is a non-political club, catering to all types of fans who have a right to their own opinion.

Most Gers fans already know how they will vote and each and every one will be right in their choice, because we live in a democracy. They do not, and should not, expect to be influenced on which way to vote at a football match.

I have posted in the OT many times already about which vote would be my choice, explained my reasoning,and also encouraged those not voting, to go and vote regardless of my opinion, as I am sure common sense will prevail. I would be much happier if the banner wavers had focused their message independently from the club by canvassing to voters in the real community, and not using the football club as a platform for political messaging.

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Not a fan of Terrorists but at least Hussien kept his house in order much better than what we do! And who knows most likely Iraq would be a different place as it is today.............

Still fuck the Nationalists!

But when he invaded Saudi he committed the unthinkable act in the Arab world of biting the hand which had fed him for so many years. May even have allowed to keep Kuwait had he not crossed the border.

Lots of propaganda out there from the Yes campaign of which Josef Goebbels would have been proud.

So not a big UB fan but I'll give them (tu) (tu) for the banner.

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No reason for the UB to get involved with it.


No it isn't.

Given the unchecked preponderance of Yes material at some football matches, those of us who don't want to leave the UK (i.e. those of us who don't sit on t brains) are equally entitled to make a statement about such an important issue. As the Union Bears (correctly) chose to do so in a manner that could not in any way be considered to be threatening or offensive, there's really nothing to get worked up about.

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Loved the flags, & love the message. I can't believe that there are Rangers fans voting yes. We are the 'Quintessential British Club'! You have some fans singing 'Rule Brittania' & 'God Save The Queen' on match days, but are voting yes, how does that sit with these people? I'm disappointed that any real Rangers fan, would even consider, breaking up the union by voting yes... :7325::7326::7325:

Because the referendum is about your future. It's nothing to do with Rangers football club. These traditions you talk of are fan-made. There's no official ties between Rangers and the union. An organisation named after her majesty fucking brought us to our knees ffs. It's a decision each person has to make themselves. There's more than enough logical reasons to vote no , the football club you support should have nothing to do with it. If it does , and is the only factor you consider, you're an utter mong .

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I dont care if this banner changes peoples minds on the vote, i doubt UBs thought a banner would change anyone from NO to yes, the banner represents one of the core parts of Rangers - Britishness. Folk would like 142 years British tradition to be forgotten because it doesnt suit their agenda or because its not PC these days.

I wouldnt go to a Scotland game because i dont want to sit and listen to a bunch of anti english nationalist shite, so I dont see why someone would go to Ibrox if they dont like pro-British displays, weve always supported the union just because fat Salmond and his jacobite scum want to change things or because some fans want to vote yes doesnt mean Rangers should or will change.

To many people willing to accept the tarrier lie that loving Britain isnt PC or is bigoted. Im proud of my beliefs and im proud of Rangers Britishness as are thousands if bears, if that bothers people then no one is forcing them to sit through it. As ive said theres clubs everywhere you could go see without having to feel o'ffended by pro-union songs and displays. Some folk just look for anything to take offence to.

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Because the referendum is about your future. It's nothing to do with Rangers football club. These traditions you talk of are fan-made. There's no official ties between Rangers and the union. An organisation named after her majesty fucking brought us to our knees ffs. It's a decision each person has to make themselves. There's more than enough logical reasons to vote no , the football club you support should have nothing to do with it. If it does , and is the only factor you consider, you're an utter mong .

Rangers offical products like the wee blue book state that Rangers is a British club, the Union Flag is on our jersey. The queen is in our dressing room, the flag flies above Ibrox, and weve had British troops at Ibrox numerous times. So stop talking a load of waffle. No one should base their vote only on what team they support, but they shouldnt be trying to bend and twist what Rangers represent because theyre voting yes. If the union flag annoys them they support the wrong club.I doubt anyone is voting no just cause they support Rangers, some are just baffled that some who have crawled out the woodwork with their anti unionist views would want to sit at Ibrox and look at the flag and listen to songs that clearly go against everything they believe, theyre just kidding themselves on. I bet they sit at Ibrox singing rule britannia then come in here moaning about the union.

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Rangers offical products like the wee blue book state that Rangers is a British club, the Union Flag is on our jersey. The queen is in our dressing room, the flag flies above Ibrox, and weve had British troops at Ibrox numerous times. So stop talking a load of waffle. No one should base their vote only on what team they support, but they shouldnt be trying to bend and twist what Rangers represent because theyre voting yes. If the union flag annoys them they support the wrong club.I doubt anyone is voting no just cause they support Rangers, some are just baffled that some who have crawled out the woodwork with their anti unionist views would want to sit at Ibrox and look at the flag and listen to songs that clearly go against everything they believe, theyre just kidding themselves on. I bet they sit at Ibrox singing rule britannia then come in here moaning about the union.

There is though... there's thousands. And on the other hand there's probably thousands of Celtic fans voting yes just because they're celtic fans. It's stupid. I completely respect those with both unionist and nationalist views, so long as they can logically support their opinion. It's my opinion though that in 2014 , football and this referendum should be completely detached.

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No it isn't.

Given the unchecked preponderance of Yes material at some football matches, those of us who don't want to leave the UK (i.e. those of us who don't sit on t brains) are equally entitled to make a statement about such an important issue. As the Union Bears (correctly) chose to do so in a manner that could not in any way be considered to be threatening or offensive, there's really nothing to get worked up about.

I don't like the fans groups of my club making political statements.

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