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Reality check for the Ally Bashers...


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People have always said that you can make stats prove any point that you want. I never believed them until I read the OP.

With the budget Ally has had coming through he leagues he should have been winning almost every match, not 3/4!

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People have always said that you can make stats prove any point that you want. I never believed them until I read the OP.

With the budget Ally has had coming through he leagues he should have been winning almost every match, not 3/4!

It just doesn't happen in elite level sport. Why should AM be held to a higher standard than anyone has ever achieved? Ever.

Show me what team has done it over 100 games.

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We have Fans like this coming in trying to justify Mcoist with pathetic win stats in lower fucking leagues and having spent nearly 20 odd million quid only on wages not counting his Durrants ans Mcdowells.

And the blame gets thrown at the Boardroom as well, the problem is the Ally Fans who are trying to justify the style and lack of coaching at Ibrox,

Fuck off with the politics of it all.

Mcoist is the moat embarrassing manager ever in our History with some of the worst ever results to show.

AAnnan, Forfar, Raith, Elgin,Albion Rovers, Stirling Albion x2 Alloa x2 couldn't even win the Ramsden Cup and we have to accept this shit.

Not to mention 15 points lead thrown away by an spl championship Team handed over to him by Smith.

Then our Malmo, and Maribor fiasco.

Theres some stats for you.

The guys a dud of a Manager.

Karaoke King.

Ally is an Insider for the Kings, and Rangers Man Qlique causing a huge problem for our Club, from Senior to youth, lack of Coaching/ Training development.

In a nutshell he was put there for Political reasons, and not football reasons.

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It just doesn't happen in elite level sport. Why should AM be held to a higher standard than anyone has ever achieved? Ever.

Show me what team has done it over 100 games.

Out situation is a bit different where we have continued to spend huge sums of money to maintain a far higher level of players ability.

Juventus did keep a couple of stars but not to the same level.

At times, we have been had Rangers teams on the pitch that earned more in a week than the other team did in a year!

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I'll sum up in a shorter post:

Even in the lower leagues against part-time opposition winning more than 73% of your games is incredibly difficult. Perhaps even beyond human capabilities. Playing at a lower level drags you down.

This is proven when you look at the stats of the greatest teams in history.

This is proven when you look at other great sides forced into the lower leagues (Juventus and Marseille).

I challenge anyone to find a manager with more than 100 games that has a greater win ratio. In any scenario, in history.

We are not in French or Italian football this is fucking Scotland FFS.

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I'll sum up in a shorter post:

Even in the lower leagues against part-time opposition winning more than 73% of your games is incredibly difficult. Perhaps even beyond human capabilities. Playing at a lower level drags you down.

This is proven when you look at the stats of the greatest teams in history.

This is proven when you look at other great sides forced into the lower leagues (Juventus and Marseille).

I challenge anyone to find a manager with more than 100 games that has a greater win ratio. In any scenario, in history.

Haha! Don't feed the troll...

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So our situation is entirely different from any scenario in the 150 year history of top level football?

If we judge this in money terms, if it takes £10 million to win 50% of your games; it does not take £20 million to win 100%.

As you get better, every 2-3% increase in performance takes an exponential increase in resource and ability.

AM could have won these divisions with less resource. But given the resource he has had, we should not have expected a better situation than where we are.

As for Maribor, I refer you to WS's euro record. Plenty fails at the first attempt.

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Regardless of the style in which he has done so, AM has consistently won football matches unlike nearly any previous manager.

His win ratio of 73% is unrivalled over his more than 150 games (including a season in the top flight).

Walter Smith for example, who is considered one of our (and therefore Scottish Football's) most successful managers, had a win ratio of around 64%. Anyone who thinks that vast quantities of the football served wasn't turgid has a false memory. Blooding youth - non-existant. Yet his battles with Tommy Burns were characterised by 1 thing: a winning mentality. Celtic's way was pretty football. Our way was winning. On the European front Walter also fell at the first hurdle more often than he progressed. 92-93 will forever be one of the best seasons to be a Ranger's fan; but for every Leeds Utd there are far more AEAEK Athens or Levski Sofias.

Some context outside Rangers, the Arsenal 'Invisibles' had a win ratio of 68.5%. That is seen as one of the most successful football seasons in the history of the game.

Detractors will point out that AM has had the luxury of managing Scotland's greatest club in the lower divisions. There are similar scenarios to draw on. Juventus in Serie B following a 'technical' relegation: win ratio 66%. This was despite retaining players such as Buffon. Marseille in Fr Division 2 when relegated for match fixing: win ratio just 57%. OK, so they had to rely on Tony Cascarino banging in the goals, so they were always going to struggle!!

The point is, even elite players cannot deliver every week. As human beings, we have frailties. 60-70% is about the limit we can expect any team to win. In any division, with any manager.

Yes the style could be better but, just like his predessesor, it has been sacrificed for grinding out results.

Youth development, I am especially frustrated with this one but in reality AM has fielded more academy players than any Premier League era Old Firm managers.

AM has had virtually no money to spend. The wages have been splashed not to win these divisions but to guarantee winning these divisions. It could have been achieved on a lower budget but to do so would have introduced a greater risk of failure. No-one would want us to take that risk. It may be working for Hearts right now but they had few other options.

The journey back to the top has become painful. Our patience is running out and we are ready to get back into the top flight. The excitement of fresh opposition has long since worn off and we long to test ourselves against our biggest rivals.

AM has led this club through its toughest period. He has taken us 15 points clear of Celtic before the circus started and won more football matches than 100 years of statistics say he ought to.

Be very, very careful what you wish for. I remember the excitement when CW beat HMRC and got Duff and Phelps appointed. The men responsible for our current situation are not in the dug out. The sad fact is we cannot even be sure they are no longer involved in our club because we do not know who has been pulling the strings throughout. We do know AM has led us through that period with dignity and showing respect for others, even when they do no deserve it. Regardless of his wage that takes courage.

I remember a time when that was the Rangers way. Let's not walk away from AM until we have given him a chance to restore those glory days.

Great post !

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When your in a league where you spend 20 x more than the rest, you should win almost every game. The money was spent very poorly with big contracts for the likes of Sheils and co.

Winning 3/4 is an excellent record, however when the full picture is viewed it is not as impressive as first thought!

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The main problem is there is no sign of any decent coaching ,we struggle to pass the ball ,the football is slow and turgid . I have been watching for over 50 years and this stuff is the most difficult to watch.over this time. Allly was a great player but he is not a great manager. While if we lose against Hearts next week I would expect him to go . However no matter the result unless Ally goes the style of football will be the same. We need a new manager hopefully in next month and able to do something in the transfer window by getting rid of some players and by the board ( Ashley really ) letting a new manager sign a couple of players. I suspect that nothing will change. The biggest factor in the drop in attendances is the poor football on show

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So our situation is entirely different from any scenario in the 150 year history of top level football?

If we judge this in money terms, if it takes £10 million to win 50% of your games; it does not take £20 million to win 100%.

As you get better, every 2-3% increase in performance takes an exponential increase in resource and ability.

AM could have won these divisions with less resource. But given the resource he has had, we should not have expected a better situation than where we are.

As for Maribor, I refer you to WS's euro record. Plenty fails at the first attempt.

What about the 15 points thrown away to Septic fc with an SPL Winning side.

He is a shambles of a Manager and I know from personal reasons where I live next to one of our top Players, our Training team are part time just like our players.

I've also watched us utterly Struggle against East Stirling, Peterheed, Queens Park, Elgin City, Brechin, and other Teams, and it has been obvious that if Mcoist stays with us, we may not be promoted this season, and if we are promoted we will not be Champions, and he will never bring the glory years back to Ibrox.

Tjats my observations about this Management Team nothing personal, but Mcoist is a drain financially and has to go.

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What about the 15 points thrown away to Septic fc with an SPL Winning side.

He is a shambles of a Manager and I know from personal reasons where I live next to one of our top Players, our Training team are part time just like our players.

I've also watched us utterly Struggle against East Stirling, Peterheed, Queens Park, Elgin City, Brechin, and other Teams, and it has been obvious that if Mcoist stays with us, we may not be promoted this season, and if we are promoted we will not be Champions, and he will never bring the glory years back to Ibrox.

Tjats my observations about this Management Team nothing personal, but Mcoist is a drain financially and has to go.

Unless there is a massive cash injection into players between now and the start of next season, no manager is going to get us to be champions of the SPFL.

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The main problem is there is no sign of any decent coaching ,we struggle to pass the ball ,the football is slow and turgid . I have been watching for over 50 years and this stuff is the most difficult to watch.over this time. Allly was a great player but he is not a great manager. While if we lose against Hearts next week I would expect him to go . However no matter the result unless Ally goes the style of football will be the same. We need a new manager hopefully in next month and able to do something in the transfer window by getting rid of some players and by the board ( Ashley really ) letting a new manager sign a couple of players. I suspect that nothing will change. The biggest factor in the drop in attendances is the poor football on show

Correct mate I've taken both myself and Wife for the 3rd And 2nd Div and start of championship and my missus can't watch it now.

I'm struggling myself watching this shit from Mcoist.

Its brutal and that's the major reason why Ibrox is emptying.

Thats a fact.

There is no joy in going now to watch this shit by overpaid underachieving players who can do much better as we have seen when they where all with other Clubs.

Under Mcoist they are collectively brutal.

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