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Ally is at it!


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The thing is he is still on the payroll so,technically,he is still around.

For me me he should never have been brought in as a Coach of any kind at Ibrox and the fact he was a lousy manager never really surprised me.

It is the mess he has left that really pisses me off.

But to castigate a guy for going for a pint is a bit inane imo and if i'd been in his position i doubt i'd be anywhere near a Football game,especially one i had a hand in creating.

Pretty much spot on. I think, from a personal point of view, that spending time with his family is exactly what Ally needs for a couple of weeks. After that I would hope that he can use his contacts to find a new role and, at that point, release the club from its obligation to continue paying him.

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I want him paid off with a settlement asap but we put him on gardening leave so he is entitled to do whatever he wants except take another job

How can the Club pay off Ally McCoist with money it does not have. Ally McCoist is Legally entitled to his 750,000 a year and the Club has a responsibility to pay that or if it can no longer meet its obligations declare itself insolvent. The budget Ally. McCoist was given to work with was generous. The remuneration he was given was more than generous. Yet he failed to deliver. I do not know of anyone who is a Rangers Supporter that enjoys watching Rangers play at the moment. That is Ally's legacy. It sticks in the throat to pay for a ticket when one is aware a significant chunk of the cash that one hands over is going into Mr McCoists pockets rather than assisting the Club move forward. The real sickener is that Ally McCoist was the one man every one trusted. Yet he has proved himself no better than anyone else that has squeezed cash out of the Club for personal gain. Ally McCoist, Charles Green, Graham Wallace and countless others have done rather well out of Rangers Football Club and the loyalty of its fans. Thy difference is many of us did not expect it from Ally McCoist.

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Is that the start of a craig whytesque beard he's sporting ! By the time this is finished we'll all be watching the rugby !

Well if he'd went to Easter Rd. instead of the Rugby and watched what we'd watched his eyes would certainly look like Whyte's :lol:

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The abuse Ally McCoist has reviewed on this thread is sickening.

Question & criticise his ability as a manager by all means but to denigrate the guy & use names that would be perfectly at home on Kerrydail St/Huddleboard etc is deplorable.

I'm sure RM admin had previously decreed such name calling would result in warnings etc & I hope they live up to their word.

Shocking & Dissappointing that RFC fans would stoop so low.

Im sure for 13.5k a week he doesn't give a flying fuck what the fans think

Make no mistake that was his team yesterday that got pumped, not many of the bears that went to easter road 2 days after xmas would have been smiling with a pint after it

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He's only classed as a legend because he holds the record for goals scored, he never was a great footballer, he only scored as many because he had great players giving him the chances.

The irony is he'll now be seen as a legend by the mhanky mob for being the guy that humiliated the club

Our two times a goolen boot winner, and record goal scorer was 'only' a ledgend for his goals! Correct!!!

Next you'll be telling us he only scored so many cause he was 'lucky' being in the right place at the right time!


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This makes no sense whatsoever. The board have not told Ally he's not allowed to goto sporting events :lol:

And being at a Rugby match is not taking the piss out of Rangers fans :lol:

Employers can stipulate terms in these cases of gardening leave - to prevent competitors gaining inside information on the business. We do not know if this has happened but if it has, I would reckon sporting events would be high up on the list. What we do know is Ally is supposed to be a Rangers fan, yet he just happened to pose in front of a journo pals camera AFTER a heavy defeat to Hibs. The man should have been as embarrassed by that result as Kenny and the fans, and as such not getting a smile in the media.

Ally is milking us dry and laughing at us at the same time.

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Some people don't even try and hide their hate any more. They will still be tbrowing the same stats about and demonising the man 10 years from now.

Bunny boilers extrodinaire.

probably because we'll still be suffering from his gross mismanagement of our first team squad in ten years

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Ally gets more abuse on here than C**** like Murray, Whyte and Green put together. These 3 are the real villains and they are the reason this club is a total shambles from top to bottom. If Green was pictured on here doing the same thing some people would be going on what a hero he was and how great it was that he fooked the club over with so many S+++ commercial deals.

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