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What Do We Need?


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We need the right manager in place, someone who has the strength to implement a new footballing ethos. A meritocracy where your only keep your place if playing well. I still think on the football side, we could improve dramatically in a short space of time. Most Out of contract players dropped completely and told to train away from first team. No point in playing these guys if not going to be here next year.

Keep Bell, McGregor, Moshni, Faure,Law Clark, Hutton Templeton and Aird, (some of those players have not performed but would under a better coach) promote the best of the youths into first team to fill in gaps and add competition and double or triple training sessions till end of season, with the emphasis on ball skills and i think we could make it thru playoffs. With a right coach and ethos and evidence of improvement on the park, we'd get fans back and be an attractive place for players to want to join in close season. For modest sums we could get good players from lower leagues and Spl to join us but we should always be looking to promote from in the youth structure first. Football isn't rocket science which is why it's so galling we screwed this up the last 3 years.

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Scouting network that concentrates on finding British players. Forget trying to find hidden gems abroad .Put all our efforts into finding players who have the mentality to play for Rangers. I dont think its that hard to spot a decent player, the difficult part is knowing if they can handle playing for us. Spend some good money on finding someone who can sort out the weak from the strong charachters before we sign them. One of our scouts in England spot a player informs the main man and he does the necessary charachter check and gives it the go ahead if the player is deemed to have the right attributes.. Scouts should be paid bonuses if a player they have pointed out plays a certain number of games etc Salaries should be low and bonuses high for our scouts.

Nothing against foreigners btw just think we have a chance to take a different path from our main rivals and build a team that may have the edge when it comes to charachter.

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Scouting system surely we already have one.All these ex players getting their two bobs wortth in at every opportunity to talk about the club they LOVE.Surely all these guys could go out and scout the new talent for fuck all after all they are quick enough to tell everyone else what to do and how to turn things round.Well all these players who are all over Europe can actually help the club they" LOVE"

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A whole new board..maybe Llambias can stay.

a new manager and coaching staff who get our players to train all day and are great at bringing through young talent.

A whole new team..maybe keep Bell,Murdoch,Gallagher and Temps.

A network of scouts scouring the globe for the best young talent we can improve and sell.

An end to all the different supporters groups bickering like old wumin and stand as 1.

Another year in the championship to starve the Premier league of our cash.

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8 years of development at least to get back competing unless you want to go back to Murrays policy on overspending to buy the first place spot.

Can't agree there. You could easily build a team within 1-2 years, capable of at least 2nd with 10mill in transfers augmented by free agents and youth.

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Scouting network that concentrates on finding British players. Forget trying to find hidden gems abroad .Put all our efforts into finding players who have the mentality to play for Rangers. I dont think its that hard to spot a decent player, the difficult part is knowing if they can handle playing for us. Spend some good money on finding someone who can sort out the weak from the strong charachters before we sign them. One of our scouts in England spot a player informs the main man and he does the necessary charachter check and gives it the go ahead if the player is deemed to have the right attributes.. Scouts should be paid bonuses if a player they have pointed out plays a certain number of games etc Salaries should be low and bonuses high for our scouts.

Nothing against foreigners btw just think we have a chance to take a different path from our main rivals and build a team that may have the edge when it comes to charachter.

Don't think we can exclude foreign market...think back to uefa cup run, when we last had a decent team, we had a great mixture of scots and foreigners like Beasley, cuellar, papac, novo, darch, hemdani etc

If the player is good enough, he will be able to handle the likes of Aberdeen, Inverness etc

We should be focusing on younger emerging talent, predominantly in Scotland where market in cheaper, but also across European leagues

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Can't agree there. You could easily build a team within 1-2 years, capable of at least 2nd with 10mill in transfers augmented by free agents and youth.

:lol: nae bother. shall we just keep pishing money away on developed talent at inflated prices instead of developing our own talent and infrastructure?, did you like the Murray years that much? free agents are free for a reason.

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Better groundsmen, and get all these gardeners back from leave, a fucking disgrace the money they are getting, and i still see the pitch cutting up, during a Jig stamp, a Foster flail, A Law headless chicken run, Ian Blacks's free kicks have been affected by this as well, can't remember the last good one i saw.

Is that Charlie Dimmock lassie still on the go?

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:lol: nae bother. shall we just keep pishing money away on developed talent at inflated prices instead of developing our own talent and infrastructure?, did you like the Murray years that much? free agents are free for a reason.


No idiot is going to chuck £10 million at us in a lump sum anyway.

We all know what will happen if we go down the buying our way to the top route again....

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The biggest problem from here on in is convincing talented youngsters to sign for us on relatively low wages, let's be honest we need at least 10 New players regardless of what league we are in next season.

I can't see why they would tbh.

They just have to look at guys like Telfer who didn't get a sniff so had to move to a team in the league above us and to play while we stick with over the hill hammer throwers.

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