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Lee Wallace

The Dude

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There's been plenty discussion about other players and their short comings but Lee Wallace seems to have avoided any real criticism. As one of the senior players in the squad, one of the highest earners and also the vice captain he has fallen massively short of the standards expected of him. Since January 2014 there's been no more than a handful of games where you could seriously say Wallace has performed anywhere near the level he had shown previously.

For a player who was so consistent in bombing forward and creating chances now his attacking forays seem to consist of him banging the ball of the right backs shins or firing across out of play. We can all see Jig and a few others are well past their best but that;s not something which can be levelled at Wallace yet he has performed as poorly as anyone else in the squad (even the likes of Foster and Black). It almost looks as though he has downed tools.

Defensively he was never too great but now he's more likely to give a free kick way or be caught totally out of position than he his to win possession of the ball.

There's been players who have had their fair share of criticism, and a few had more than their share, but as I said earlier Wallace has gotten away fairly flak free when he should be one of the first to be taking flak.


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Have to agree. If anything, his decline has been worse than anyone.

I still have the feeling he can get his performances back under a new training regime under McColl, but this is based on nothing other than gut feel.

He should have left when we were demoted to be honest. He was good enough to go to the EPL, now he isn't good enough for the SPFL.

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Yeah, he's been shit.

I posted last week that I think he gets less slack due to him performing well for us in the SPL. However, if he keeps up this form next Season he won't find it as easy to escape criticism.

If we bring in Sinnamon I'd maybe tell Wallace to stop going forward so often and to concentrate on defending.

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He's not been imposing himself on games like he used to but even still, he'd be one of the very few I'd be looking to keep a hold of. He's still got a future in the game unlike a lot of his team mates.

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Got to remember he was playing Division 2 and 3 teams when he looked much much better than the opposition. This season he hasn't looked any better than what's up against him.

Even in the SPL he looked good going forward. A bit ropey defensively maybe but really good going forward. Christ we were wanting him to be in the Scotland squad when we were in D3 and now he's being made to look piss poor against Alloa etc

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He certainly looks to have downed tools and looks to have piled on a few pounds too. Definitely lost a good few yards of pace that was key to his game and made him stand out as a decent full back. Now, like most of the first time he's an embarrasment who's blowing out his arse after 60 mins.

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He is suffering because of the team around him IMO.

That would be ok if he was still performing occasionally. He's been shit in all bar 2/3 games in Almost 18 months. How come the youths who train alongside these guys every day, and have been for a few years in some cases, not been dragged down with?

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That would be ok if he was still performing occasionally. He's been shit in all bar 2/3 games in Almost 18 months. How come the youths who train alongside these guys every day, and have been for a few years in some cases, not been dragged down with?

They're fighting to establish themselves a career while Wallace has watched his flushed down the pan?

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I think if we take that outlook we'd struggle to field a team in 5 a sides.

Well, if the outlook that the vice captain should be held to a very high standard will see us unable to field a 5 a side team then so be it. I'd rather that than these useless fucks get paid thousands a week to embarrass the club.

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Well, if the outlook that the vice captain should be held to a very high standard will see us unable to field a 5 a side team then so be it. I'd rather that than these useless fucks get paid thousands a week to embarrass the club.

It's a funny one. It's basically the fundamental error in McCoist's approach, to get a player used to playing at higher levels to drop down 4 levels is going to cost money. No one was there for the lols, they were there for the lolly and McCoists approach ensured we'd have to blow thousands on, in the main, average Scottish players.

Consequently he left himself with nothing in the bank when things did go tits up. I think most of us thought this season would be the tough one to crack because there's a few pro teams and some semi pro so we no longer had the full time training advantage over the posties and bus drivers in the bottom two divisions.

Hearts and Hibs falling into this league was a bit of a wild card but we still should have been two years further down the building road than them but it never truly looked like it.

We were by this time skint and McCoist couldn't buy his way out of trouble and certainly couldn't coach his way out of it which left us watching on as the team desperately tried to tread water while Hearts and latterly Hibs, started to look like well coached teams.

I think the players confidence in McCoist vanished. They had none in McDowell and he knew it himself. McCall walks in through the door and I think it's so late in the season the players no longer believe in each other and their ability to win promotion.

Being so far behind Hearts in division 2 has destroyed anything they had left.

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I think the big part of the problem is that he's almost left on his own and marked out the game as teams often are better organised than us.

And expected to get up and down the wing as well, whilst having to "trust" those behind him to cover. and with no decent midfield to cover or play off him. Must be soul destroying when you realise his potential a few years back when he was getting international recognition.

I really think he has been dragged down to a lower level by the management and the team itself. Hopefully we'll see the real Lee Wallace next season, and for me, as captain. He certainly had the potentialwhen he played at international level.

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thought he had a good game tonite, best for a long time

was I watching a different match :lol:

He didn't do much wrong tonight although at one point he was caught totally out of position on the right wing, however young Walsh covered for him when the ball then broke out to where he should have been.

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And expected to get up and down the wing as well, whilst having to "trust" those behind him to cover. and with no decent midfield to cover or play off him. Must be soul destroying when you realise his potential a few years back when he was getting international recognition.

I really think he has been dragged down to a lower level by the management and the team itself. Hopefully we'll see the real Lee Wallace next season, and for me, as captain. He certainly had the potentialwhen he played at international level.

Totally, the players didn't trust the previous two managers and didn't seem to have confidence in each other. A recipe for disaster.

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