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Fake 2015 Home Shirts

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Hi All,

Just a heads up, there are a load of fake home shirts doing the rounds on a certain auction sites.

The fakes are a darker blue, the easy way to tell is the printed inside label is red on the fakes and white on the genuine, also the "32Red" is slightly smaller as well.




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50 quid down to 11 quid? Sounds like a special Sports Direct offer. Does Ashley have 50 Polish wains trapped in a shoebox rattling them out at the target of 1,000 per hour? 1 strike and they get rigged out in Slazenger sportswear, 2 strikes and they get tazered, 3 and they are shipped up to an SNP controlled Scotland.

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Good shout mate. Best to buy from megastore, you generally can't buy them cheaper anywhere else, unless they are fake

Best if you don't buy at all. Why would I pay 50 quid for a long sleeve top for Rangers to make a fiver or thereabouts?

The only person who gains is Mike Ashley, so until the contracts are changes I would give buying a top a miss.

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50 quid down to 11 quid? Sounds like a special Sports Direct offer. Does Ashley have 50 Polish wains trapped in a shoebox rattling them out at the target of 1,000 per hour? 1 strike and they get rigged out in Slazenger sportswear, 2 strikes and they get tazered, 3 and they are shipped up to an SNP controlled Scotland.

strike three is a bit harsh,surely death penalty is more humane?
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They can't be any worse than what Ashley is knocking out.

For the first time in over 30 year I never bought our last home top, I refuse to pay the best part of fifty quid for a t-shirt that falls to bits (sponsor) after a couple of washes. shame really weve had some superb tops, Im not a fan of the new skin tight tops most clubs are going with nowadays (less shirt pulling) but weve had some crackers my favs are the eighties tops cr smith, Mcewans lager and the most recent good one was the tennents one (Jelavic final).

Hope we dump puma quick smart!

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don't know what you've been putting in your washing machines but mines has been fine so far. it was they fucking blackthorn ones that peeled. found that both 32Red ones (both last season and the upcoming season ones) have been better quality.

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Aye it was the blackthorn tops im on about i bought the black one aswell and it done the same. a club of Rangers stature should not be selling their lifeblood (us, the fans) tat. the 32 red seems to be fine but they lost my purchase because the damage was already done, literally.

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The clubs have only themselves to blame they have been charging to much and changing strips too often and ripping the punters off, I'm including Rangers in this as well. Do you think they Chinese are daft and going to let the west feed off them forever, they are flooding the place with everything cheaper, the best of it is we are too busy fighting amongst ourselves to realise what's goin on, there must be tens of thousands of the new strip in the country by now, revenue gone and the horse has bolted ! The sweat shops have done away with the middle men and are now gettin some benefit ! The trumpets here have got their heads in the sand so deep it's almost up to their arses !

PS - We deserve everything we get because we've put ourselves in the shite we are in sorry to say !

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