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Forget Scott Allan, We Need A Striker

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It's not that we need another striker, it's plain to see teams know how we are going to play and they have bodies in the box making it hard to get space for him.

I'm not disputing the fact we do though I'm just saying teams know how to play against us, we're just too good for them :)

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Would people rather we only scored 9 goals in 3 games and our loan central striker scored 3 hat tricks, would that make things better?

or is 12 goals in 3 better spread about the team not good enough ?

The system we play means that our midfield and fullbacks will get forward and into the box.

Waghorn is snatching at chances at the moment and he is trying to burst the ball, a bit of composure could make all the difference.

He has the strength, he has the touch, he has the workrate, better players that him have went through goal droughts and missed chances.

FFS, He has only scored 2 in 3 games.

We need to grasp, understand and buy into the system we play.

don't judge him too early.

don't pluck negatives from all the positivity surrounding the club.

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No mate am talking about them!!! Make no mistake once we go up they will be at it!! The death threats etc esp.

Think we will need a few at the club as I can see pure venom being thrown at our playing staff next year.

True but i wouldnt care what the obsessed threw at me.

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don't judge him too early.

don't pluck negatives from all the positivity surrounding the club.

:lol: says the one thats already judged him good enough to sustain the season.

We are Rangers FFS, winning is not enough. Winning convincingly and laying all to waste is - and always should be - Warburtons and the fans view.

Again - im not slagging waghorn, but there's no point being productive on the wings and not turning it into goals. We need 2 up top when he plays.

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:lol: says the one thats already judged him good enough to sustain the season.

We are Rangers FFS, winning is not enough. Winning convincingly and laying all to waste is - and always should be - Warburtons and the fans view.

Again - im not slagging waghorn, but there's no point being productive on the wings and not turning it into goals. We need 2 up top when he plays.

Where did I judge anyone ?

I know exactly who we are. We have absolutely destroyed, overpowered, dominated and humiliated our last 3 opponents.

What more do you want?




2 of those game against what many people consider to be our main rivals.

I love the way Warburton demands and expects more, if you continually set targets they you will always be striving to achieve them.

Improvement should be continual.

Of course we want to score every chance that we create, off course we want a clean sheet every game.

I have no idea if you have played football or coached football at any level but most seasons it takes players a few games to get their eye in, sharpness, timing and composure,,,,,,,,,, especially strikers

We don't need 2 up top, The goals scored and games won suggest differently.

Germany won the World Cup without playing 2 up top through the middle. I can't think of any successful team worldwide who play with 2 out and out strikers.

Most of us are now watching the type of football we have been demanding since 2012 and I love it, it's fantastic to watch.

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Agree with the OP.

Still want to see SA at Ibrox , but the reality is that we are creating loads of chances without him , but no one there to take them.

A prolific scorer should be our priority.

12 goals in 3 games, 2 of those games against our main rivals.

4.5 goals scored on average against our main rivals ??????????????

would you prefer a prolific goal scorer who scored 30 a season or a striker and attacking midfield who scored 60 between them?

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Good night lads.

Great to be discussing football again and good to hear other opinions.

Its even better to see our expectations rise again to the level expected of our club.

Our expectations dropped so low in recent years and we were asked to accept mediocrity and a system of play that barely resembled football.

After 3 competitive games into a new management regime with a team of players where only two of them were 1st picks last year................ We still want more that 12 goals in 3 games..

Brilliant ! we are back and we now expect and demand the standards expected of a Rangers team. (tu)

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12 goals in 3 games, 2 of hose games against our main rivals.

4.5 goals scored on average against our main rivals ??????????????

would you prefer a prolific goal scorer who scored 30 a season or a striker and attacking midfield who scored 60 between them?

I've no complaints the way we're playing , other than we should be converting a better ratio of chances. We might get away with it in this league , but come cup games against higher quality teams , or even next season in the spfl , it could prove costly.

Yes , I feel we're missing a prolific goalscorer in the mould of Boyd or McCoist in their prime.

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Good night lads.

Great to be discussing football again and good to hear other opinions.

Its even better to see our expectations rise again to the level expected of our club.

Our expectations dropped so low in recent years and we were asked to accept mediocrity and a system of play that barely resembled football.

After 3 competitive games into a new management regime with a team of players where only two of them were 1st picks last year................ We still want more that 12 goals in 3 games..

Brilliant ! we are back and we now expect and demand the standards expected of a Rangers team. (tu)

Other than we may disagree about a prolific goalscorer I can't argue against that . (tu)

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Nicky Clark was never and never will be a Rangers quality striker.

Waghorn has the presence and mentality of Sebo, something about the way he moves and his runs stinks of Filip. Lets hope he doesn't end up an Ibrox tongue in cheek legend. Jury is out for me regardless of work-rate as his brain is about 3 seconds ahead of his feet.

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We do need a striker, but Waghorn has been great does a power of work all over the park.

Still we could have had the game finished first half if we had a goalscorer.

His workrate and touches are brilliant but I can't see him hitting the net very often unless he gets on the training ground and learns to keep his shots down.
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