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Pzj On Andy 'fat Bhoy' Muirhead


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The Perfumebhoys response to this will be most interesting...

The Truth about Andy Muirhead of Scotzine

Many will remember when Muirhead's name appeared in The Gazette and his reaction to this paticular notice. People immediately pointed out to Muirhead that his name was mentioned and certainly not with anything with honour.

Muirhead's immediate reaction was to deny that the person mentioned was not him. In fact for two full days he denied that the Andrew Muirhead of 118 Crossmill Avenue, Barrhead, Glasgow was not him. In fact his denials were and became very vehement. In fact if you did not know this serial liar you would have believed that this was in fact an innocent man defending his integrity.

But most people know that Muirhead is a consistent liar, despite his claims that he only likes to deal in facts, and when confronted with a fact he actually denied the fact. While Muirhead was in the process of completely denying the truth, unknown to him some were already in possession of the truth. You see his wife was also named in the same Gazette and everybody knew that an Andrew and Lisa Muirhead was just to much of a coincidence not to be the intrepid ''journalast''

Here was the better half of Andrew Muirhead mentioned in The Gazette https://m.thegazette.co.uk/notice/E-27175-80

Despite this fact, Muirhead continued to deny that what was being claimed about his creditors was nothing but ''lies and smears''.

Muirhead had entered into a Protected Trust Deed. Here is a definition of a Protected Trust Deedhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protected_trust_deed

Now I can tell you that The intrepid journalist entered into this Protected Trust Deed on the 12/11/2012.

Now the representatives for Muirhead in this trust were Iain C Forsyth CA from

Carrington Dean
Full Address
135 Buchanan Street, GLASGOW, G1 2JA

So far these are what Muirhead likes to describe the facts. But let me tell you a little bit more at this point. I confronted Muirhead on numerous occasions about what exactly this Protected Trust Deed consisted of. In fact I quoted him the amounts and what was included and Muirhead reacted with fury threatening that I would hear from his solicitor as he believed that I had broken the Data Protection Act. How that information was obtained will forever remain a secret and Muirhead will never know that information.

The total amount of the Protected Trust deed that Muirhead entered into was £8540.00.

That amount included unpaid tax and he was also paid to much state benefit which he did not pay back. And also included was a quick quid loan of £750.

Muirhead did pay his solicitor costs which amounted to £1250 and that was the last thing this intrepid journalist with no integrity paid.

Now what was agreed in the Protected Trust to repay his creditors was the sum of £150 per month. Muirhead failed to pay this. His creditors then agreed to reduce this sum to £100 per month and Muirhead again broke this arrangement and failed to repay his overpaid state benefits and tax and quick quid loans debts.

Finally his creditors sickened by his behaviour and even Mr Forsyth who was patiently acting on Muirhead's behalf lost patience and decided enough was enough.

The Protected Trust Deed was broken and the creditors and Mr Forsyth knew that he had no intention of paying anything back. So what we had was this below


If you open this document up you will see Muirhead named. You will also see the date the Trust was set up which was 12/11/2012.

You will see another date. This is Trustee Discharge Date 18/06/2014. (Discharged only because it was broken by Muirhead and was no longer valid because agreement broken)

What you wont see is any date next to Debtor Discharge Date. This is because Muirhead broke that agreement and arrangement.

Now all the above are facts and the truth right down to very amounts Muirhead owed his creditors and the agreed monthly arrangement.

What I find remarkable is the fact that included in the amounts was tax and state benefits from a man who constantly berets Rangers fans about such things.

Now if all the above is not the case I expect Muirhead to produce ''facts'' that he did not break his Trust Deed and that it did not consist of state benefits and tax. I also hear that charges are being added by his creditors and they are now looking Mr Muirhead no longer protected by the Protected Trust Deed.


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Sounds like a mhank but who is he? If he is prominent in the mhedia then lets see if it's reported but won't hold my breath. PZJ has done some great work trying to expose the truth and hope this is another.

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Sounds like a mhank but who is he? If he is prominent in the mhedia then lets see if it's reported but won't hold my breath. PZJ has done some great work trying to expose the truth and hope this is another.

The only thing prominent about that ugly rotund tumshie is his waistline.

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Sounds like a mhank but who is he? If he is prominent in the mhedia then lets see if it's reported but won't hold my breath. PZJ has done some great work trying to expose the truth and hope this is another.

Runs Scotzine and as bitter and hate filled as they come. Looks like karma really is a bitch, tax dodging benefit cheat that he is.

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Sounds like a mhank but who is he? If he is prominent in the mhedia then lets see if it's reported but won't hold my breath. PZJ has done some great work trying to expose the truth and hope this is another.

He's behind the Scotzine website / blog.

One serious, hate-filled, bitter cunt. Basically yer typical Bheast.

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Runs Scotzine and as bitter and hate filled as they come. Looks like karma really is a bitch, tax dodging benefit cheat that he is.

He's behind the Scotzine website / blog.

One serious, hate-filled, bitter cunt. Basically yer typical Bheast.

Great minds......


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This shouldn't be in the Bears Den.

Ordinarily I'd show some sympathy, debt can be a nasty cycle and a few bad choices along the way can leave you fucked. For this fat fuck though, it's fucking hilarious given the level of bile he directed our way when we were fraudulently shafted by some of the club's custodians. Get it right up you, you prick. I hope you get made bankrupt and lose everything.

Wonder if he'll change his twitter handle to SevcoScotzine ?

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Cheers guys, I don't look at that shitey site as it is predudise against us and now it makes sence. Fuck him and get him in court, he obs does not do irony. I wonder if he is also a kiddie fiddler denier? Search his laptop.

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I think the funniest thing i've seen from Muirhead was the saga where he was arguing with another Celtic fan over some fanzine that he "had nothing to do with" even though eh had been actively promoting it and talking about it before release, the website was registered to him as was the paypal account that payments went to for the fanzine itself...

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Why do we have a thread for some no mark mhanky rhat that is only known and gains further infamy through us talking about him?

Possibly because the more people who know about this obsese ugly bastard the better.

Some people actually believe that Scotzine is a neutral site and this smelly stinking bastard can actually access Ibrox with his press card and write articles about Rangers than can be published in National newspapers.

should we ignore him and allpw him to continue his hate campaign against Rangers and influence neutrals who do not know any better?

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