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Rangers medal presentation

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If the SFA board members had any decency the should resign.

Their faux condemnation of the events at Hampden is bad enough but, not having the decency to go to the Rangers dressing room at present the medals to our team correctly is scandalous. 

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5 hours ago, Tom0411 said:

From the way our medals were "handed out" it seems to me that no matter what happened on the park the cup was going to be presented to Hibs which is an effin disgrace. It should have been handed to them in their dressing room instead of around 45 minutes after the final whistle.

That would have been as good and worthy a punishment as a fine. Bit harsh on the supporters that stayed in the stand? Yes but fuck them. They caused the bother. I would have told them to go home, no presentation. Fuck if it was us we would have been stripped of the trophy right at the very start of it

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The players should all hand there medals to the club to sell them and give the money to a charity in disgust at the way they have been treated.

The club in the future should also only give statements and  interviews through or own media- PR company.

look after nos1 tolerate the rest.

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That is criminally unprofessional. That's disrespect of the highest order.

Not even a member of management, but a cup-tied, young, loanee in Ryan Hardie. Incredible.

Its almost as if, if it isn't mentioned, it didn't happen (the attacks). I have visions of Regan, in avoiding any liaising himself, telling one of his assistants to give Rangers their medals. The assistant, equally as evasive, picks-out the one with the least authority, hands them over, doesn't make eye contact, mumbles and shuffles away.

A car crash, from top-to-bottom. That's the SFA.

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No mattter the truth of these events, it will be well lost, as the nation only hears and wants to hear, that it is again us who are the wrong doers. The lies and demonisation of all that is associated with us, is what is favoured and I am sad to say that it will now stay this way for eternity. We are treated like shit on the sole of a shoe.

The politicos and the mhedia have done their job well in this. Listen to the views of even some of our very own and you can see just how well they have succeeded. We are the punchbag of the nation and believe whilst we play to their rules, there is no winning in any of it for us. In the off chance that Hivs are punished, it will be us who will remain to be demonised and perceived to be the the guilty no matter the evidence and the dark forces will continue to conspire against us, awaiting their next opportunity to strike the fatal blow. The club statement yesterday, effectively declared war on the establishment and it will neither be forgiven nor forgotten.

Grasping at straws here, but one out may lie in the recently announced English league review and restructuring to 5 leagues. Outwith that, we shall remain in the same old, same old awaiting the next whim of officialdom and the mhedia to demonise, dehumanise and punish us. It will never change until we take matters into our own hands and yesterday was the first step on that road.

It is a sad indictment on society where it's citizens despise the country in which they live, but the despots who govern us care not, as do the enemies of a free thinking and democratic society. The country is a train wreck with division as wide as the grand canyon. Do we remain as part of the problem and turn slowly and quietly into dust, or do we become part of the solution and take back what is ours by birth right, our liberty, our democracy and our dignity? 




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1 hour ago, Courtyard Bear said:

The players should've left the medals on the dressing room floor, or better still marched up to rheagans office and shoved them down his throat. 

They should be returned gift wrapped, with a very large turd deposited inside, by a way of thanks in kind for the SFA hospitality received.

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9 hours ago, Vercingetorix said:

Here is the whole article

Derek Johnstone: Hibernian, the Police and the SFA should be ashamed after Hampden riots that brought back memories of 1980

 22nd May 2016 Evening TimesRangers

via Evening Times |

AS I watched the disgraceful scenes unfold at Hampden on Saturday as Hibernian fans invaded the pitch and Rangers players were attacked, I couldn’t help but think of the 1980 Old Firm Scottish Cup Final.

I played in that game and it was frightening. It was a day nobody in Scottish football will ever forget. Saturday was an ugly end to the final and the repercussions for Hibernian could, and should, be severe.

We can all appreciate that it has been a long time since Hibs won the Scottish Cup and they were under a lot of pressure. It is understandable that the fans were delighted when they won the game.

But you just cannot, ever, behave in that manner. You can’t have thousands upon thousands of supporters running onto the pitch and heading for the opposite end of Hampden.

In 1980, we got off the park very quickly thankfully. When you have thousands coming on the pitch, there is very little that stewards can do. But the police should have had a tougher hand on it.

Watching the scenes on Saturday, it brought it all back for me to that day 36 years ago. It is a situation no player should ever be put in and I am sure the Rangers players will be shaken by the experience.

I could see it happening and I knew I had to get off the park. The fans were getting involved with each other and it turned really nasty.

On Saturday, there were a few Rangers fans that were out the stands and that didn’t help matters. But you have got to take your hat off to the majority who stayed in their seats. If more of them had got involved, we would have had a full-scale riot.

When it happened in 1980, I was off the park quickly. I was never the fastest runner, but I wasn’t hanging about that day.

When you see two sets of fans running on the park, you are off straight away. It was absolutely frightening, as it would have been for Mark Warburton’s side at the weekend.

I find it incredible that it got to the stage that it did. The police must have known that, if there was a win for Hibs, something like that was going to happen.

That is why they had the officers on horses outside, just in the chance that anything happened. So I am amazed that it was allowed to escalate into the trouble that it did.

The police have to have a look at themselves. These are the worst scenes we have had for a while, and we hoped we would never see it again after the 1980 game. But, here we are drawn back to that era again.

All the stewards are doing is standing in a line behind the goal. If you have got thousands of people coming over the wall at the same time, what are you supposed to do? I think the police were slow to react and that was a problem.

You have to ensure the safety of the players, but the Rangers players never even got a chance to get off the park because the fans were coming from both sides and behind the goal so they couldn’t reach the tunnel.

There were very few police in that area. Whether they were taken aback or not, I don’t know. But they certainly made mistakes.

Fans shouldn’t be on the pitch, but it is different if they are at their end and are celebrating. When they start assaulting and abusing players and goading opposition supporters then that is a completely different matter altogether.

It is a worry, a real worry, for Scottish football. Nobody is talking about Hibs’ win, which they deserved, but the headlines are all about the scenes at Hampden.

The SFA have to sit down with Police Scotland and determine where it all went wrong. It is a sad state of affairs when you can’t ensure the safety of players. It is a worry.

I do have some sympathy for the Hibs fans who only went to Hampden to see their team winning and then stayed in the stand at the final whistle. Everyone will get tarred with the same brush, but not every supporter at Hampden was goading Rangers fans on the park or assaulting players.

There were plenty that were just happy to see their side win the cup and wanted to celebrate. They couldn’t do that because of the actions of their fellow fans.

We don’t put them in the same bracket as those who stormed the pitch. But the idiots have to be highlighted and dealt with here.

I was absolutely disgusted with the comments of Rod Petrie after the game as well. He should be hauled up for the way he handled it.

It was a load of utter nonsense. I am not surprised he didn’t have a real go at his own fans because he is under enough pressure from them already, but what he said was an absolute disgrace.

For someone in his position, I thought it was a shocking way to handle a very serious situation.

When your fans are attacking players and abusing them, they have to be dealt with. The SFA have to come down hard on Hibs.

They have waited a long time to win the cup and they were worthy winners, but you can’t have fans doing that. It was absolutely ridiculous and it is a huge test for the SFA now.

When it happened at Fir Park, it took months and months for anything to be done and Motherwell got a slap on the wrist. So, what do we do now?

Did the Hibs fans think ‘well, they were allowed on the pitch so we will have a bit of that as well’? They have taken chunks out of the pitch and broken the goalposts. It is just malicious damage.

It is not kids we are talking about here, either. It is grown men that are running about causing damage at the National Stadium, goading the Rangers fans and assaulting Rangers players and staff. It is completely and utterly unacceptable.

These pictures will go out all over the world, and what does it say about Scottish football? It is one thing being on a pitch and being excited after winning a cup.

But when we are talking about players being spat on and assaulted then that is another matter entirely.

It is a real problem and something has to be done about it. It should have been a great day for Hibernian, but their fans ruined it for them.

Also, the disrespect shown to the Rangers players is staggering. Someone came down with all the medals, didn’t even go in the dressing room, and handed them to Ryan Hardie to give to the players. That is an absolute disgrace.

There was no way they could go back out due to the safety concerns, but there should have been a bit more respect shown.

The medals should still have been presented, not just handed to a young lad. It was pathetic and the SFA have to look at themselves.

They are not the only ones after a sad day for Scottish football.



Fuck off DJ, Rangers fans coming onto the pitch at the same time as Hibs fans? Idiot. 

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If true, this is outrageous.  Backs up the point made in our statement that nobody in the SFA had the decency to enquire whether our players were OK after being attacked on the park. Any organisation with any decency and class would surely have used a medal ceremony, even in the confines of dressing room, to talk to each of our players and make sure they hadn't been badly injured.

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2 minutes ago, Ibroxholm said:

If true, this is outrageous.  Backs up the point made in our statement that nobody in the SFA had the decency to enquire whether our players were OK after being attacked on the park. Any organisation with any decency and class would surely have used a medal ceremony, even in the confines of dressing room, to talk to each of our players and make sure they hadn't been badly injured.

It is 100% true. 

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The board should add another statement saying that unless hibs get their due desserts for their fans, then we, as a Club, will not be competing in next season's Scottish Cup. That will anger the sponsors, who will pressurise the SFA into some sort of action, otherwise this sorry episode will be swept under the carpet.

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6 minutes ago, MarathonMan said:

It is 100% true. 

I don't doubt it.  

If nothing else, it will bring home to our current management and players (if they don't already know) the anti-Rangers agenda that has pervaded this country over the last few years and continues to this day.

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12 minutes ago, Ibroxholm said:

I don't doubt it.  

If nothing else, it will bring home to our current management and players (if they don't already know) the anti-Rangers agenda that has pervaded this country over the last few years and continues to this day.

According to a first team player they are absolutely fuming about it. Understandably. 

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This is a disgrace from the SFA. No matter the result on the day for those players to get to the national final was an excellent effort in their first season together. They deserve to have that recognised and to basically just dump the medals on rangers is nothing short of disgusting and goes in line with the actions of the SFA from the whole day. Regan should have personally went into the dressing room and given them the medals oh wait fuck they should have been able to collect them from the representatives in the presentation area utter farce of an organisation and they must be brought to task for their actions.

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13 minutes ago, MarathonMan said:

According to a first team player they are absolutely fuming about it. Understandably. 

Hopefully the players will now get an extra element added to their build up. They'll see what we are up against and hopefully it will,provide the motivation and desire to get back at those who have wronged us in the best possible way i.e. Lifting 55 next year.

its absolutely scandalous just so pleased that the board made that statement last night, if they had bowed to this shite I think we'd have been in disarray this morning.

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I'm absolutely appalled to read that.


Help me raise £250 and I'll make sure every one of Our Boys gets a medal that isn't tainted.


(the medals are £10 each)

Current total: £10


  • govanblue - £10


Donation Link - http://www.rangersmedia.co.uk/paypal.html

Then post here. so I can allocate it to the right fund. (tu)



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