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Celtc's CEO,former players and managers

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Given the news today that the above were involved in what a court has now said was an illegal tax avoidance scheme... Should these schemes have been declared to the SFA. ?

If you also look at the dates those involved in this illegal tax avoidance scheme joined Celtc FC,It was a very short time between joining and then using these illegal schemes,Are we to just believe that it is just sheer coincidence that all those involved knew all about these illegal tax avoidance schemes on their own... Or were all these people advised by someone within Celtc FC ... Perhaps an ex employee now working on the SFA board.


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3 hours ago, j1mgg said:

It has nothing to do with us, or the tim club.


This is individuals doing stuff, after they have been paid by the Tim's.

And in a coordinated manner, just after signing, after the club tried out EBTs, but stopped quickly, while holding discussions with a high ranking government official who later joined them as chairman.

Separately Lawwell was party to the  original draft of the 5 way agreement, which wanted to strip titles, prior to the conclusion of Tax Tribunals and was approved by Regan and Doncaster of the SFA & SPL respectively.

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14 minutes ago, j1mgg said:

It has nothing to do with us, or the tim club.


This is individuals doing stuff, after they have been paid by the Tim's.

Just a sheer coincidence then that they all joined these schemes soon after signing ?

How do you know these schemes weren't an incentive offered to them,If that was the case,Would they have signed if these schemes weren't offered ?

My guess is once those involved start getting huge tax bills through their doors,They will claim they were told these schemes were legal and the shit just might hit the fan if they claim their club advised them..You see where i'm going with this.

These same players might also counter claim Celtc for wrongful and misleading information given they are more than likely about to be hit with bills running perhaps into the hundreds of thousands which could bankrupt them or leave them with no choice to do so.

These players will also have assets and the last thing they would want is the tax man taking those assets away from them and could end up very dirty indeed.

They were involved in an illegal tax avoidance scheme, Rangers were involved in a legal tax avoidance scheme which is still to be determined in the supreme court if tax should have been paid on those loans.

Ours was legal and theirs is now deemed illegal by a court of law.

This is going to get very dirty and expect a lot of mud slinging between Celtc and their former employees.


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11 minutes ago, Courtyard Bear said:

I'm shocked that so many Bears are trying so hard to deflect this away from celtic the club. 

My thoughts exactly (if I have picked you up right). 

It doesnt matter which Celtic player was involved or how much the club was aware of the scheme (which they obviously were)... no one on here should be saying "it's the Celtic players, not the club" etc. 

They are all in this together.

You imagine if any former Rangers player done something immoral, their fans would be all over this as a Rangers story, regardless of whether it was a former hero of ours, or a diddy who had one first team appearance.


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5 minutes ago, Ryju84 said:

My thoughts exactly (if I have picked you up right). 

It doesnt matter which Celtic player was involved or how much the club was aware of the scheme (which they obviously were)... no one on here should be saying "it's the Celtic players, not the club" etc. 

They are all in this together.

You imagine if any former Rangers player done something immoral, their fans would be all over this as a Rangers story, regardless of whether it was a former hero of ours, or a diddy who had one first team appearance.


It's more damming that their very own CEO and former director of finance who is on an SFA board are involved in this.

More damming that Lennon had plenty to say about Rangers players using tax avoidance schemes along with Sutton the bankrupt (Irony indeed).

We have also seen undisputed proof today from the usual suspects in the media,You know the ones like Speirs,English,Spence,Cosgrove and the very BBC not even mention or speak about this,Perhaps because a court has ruled it illegal they cannot hide behind their usual legal stance of not saying anything... But that didn't stop any of them commenting on our own tax case which is still legally ongoing.

They were shouting about stripping titles and cups and now seem to all lost the ability to speak... Wonder why.

Not also one word about it on radio snyde in 2hrs of being on air.. Gerry trying to protect his ex employer and favourite football team.. Snyde indeed.

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36 minutes ago, Ryju84 said:

My thoughts exactly (if I have picked you up right). 

It doesnt matter which Celtic player was involved or how much the club was aware of the scheme (which they obviously were)... no one on here should be saying "it's the Celtic players, not the club" etc. 

They are all in this together.

You imagine if any former Rangers player done something immoral, their fans would be all over this as a Rangers story, regardless of whether it was a former hero of ours, or a diddy who had one first team appearance.


Spot on mate ?

They are up to their neck in this scandal, in fact it comes a close second to their child abuse scandal. But not a thing on the main news and we folk in here just casting it aside as if it's nothing. 

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1 hour ago, Rangersfansmediawatch said:

Just a sheer coincidence then that they all joined these schemes soon after signing ?

How do you know these schemes weren't an incentive offered to them,If that was the case,Would they have signed if these schemes weren't offered ?

My guess is once those involved start getting huge tax bills through their doors,They will claim they were told these schemes were legal and the shit just might hit the fan if they claim their club advised them..You see where i'm going with this.

These same players might also counter claim Celtc for wrongful and misleading information given they are more than likely about to be hit with bills running perhaps into the hundreds of thousands which could bankrupt them or leave them with no choice to do so.

These players will also have assets and the last thing they would want is the tax man taking those assets away from them and could end up very dirty indeed.

They were involved in an illegal tax avoidance scheme, Rangers were involved in a legal tax avoidance scheme which is still to be determined in the supreme court if tax should have been paid on those loans.

Ours was legal and theirs is now deemed illegal by a court of law.

This is going to get very dirty and expect a lot of mud slinging between Celtc and their former employees.


It would be great if that did happen, but I highly doubt there will be any proof that the Tim's set this up, plus it was also used by one of our own and other teams players; not a thing will happen to Celtic the football club.

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6 minutes ago, j1mgg said:

It would be great if that did happen, but I highly doubt there will be any proof that the Tim's set this up, plus it was also used by one of our own and other teams players; not a thing will happen to Celtic the football club.

Both you and me know they were complacent in setting these schemes up,Just too much of a coincidence they all started using them after they joined,But as you say proof will be needed,But if we had a compliant and unbiased media they would easily find that proof just as they went out of their way as was the case with Rangers.

The big question that must be asked... Should this have been declared to the SFA ? Given for the amount they invested(No sniggering at the back now) and the actual amount they took which was far greater than what they put in.

There is not a lot of difference to what Rangers did with EBT's when compared to what the unwashed have done and there use of tax avoidance has now been deemed illegal by a court.

The amount also far exceeds anything we have done which they were involved in.

Be interesting to see how any of those former players responded to on social media on being asked their feelings on having to pay the money back and also who advised them,Someone will break ranks and spill the beans.

We need to ramp the pressure up here with this and use the tools to our advantage.

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On 12/10/2016 at 7:39 PM, BluesClues said:

Nothing to do with Rangers

Everything to do Rangers, Sporting Intergreity should be seen to be done .

Because if  they cheated our soilder, school, hospitals etc out of money from football gains then the SFA should be all over this and make sure it does not happen again  




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