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Barry Ferguson - well said - about time!


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I've waited many years for him to say something worthwhile but this article on the Daily Record website is absolutely spot-on.

I don't agree with every single thing in it but the narrative is perfect and is what every reasonable minded fan is at the very least thinking.

I've made an attempt at a copy and past so we don't give the fenian rhag the hits.


the truth one way or another at this AGM - Barry Ferguson

Our columnist and former Gers skipper reckons the chairman owes it to the supporters to give an honest account of what's gone, and is going on, at Ibrox.



06:00, 25 NOV 2016

UPDATED16:42, 24 NOV 2016


Dave King will address shareholders and fans at the club's AGM


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When Dave King stands up at the Rangers AGM today he owes Rangers fans just one thing: The truth.

Don’t try to sugar coat it. Don’t think we button up the back. And, please, don’t talk about spending enormous sums of money when you’ve no intention of forking it out. Or at least, not on the football team.

Give it to us straight and let us know exactly where the club stands because Rangers fans have been hit with so much bulls*** over these last few years that all they ask of the men in charge is the honesty and transparency that King promised them in the first place.

If there are problem behind the scenes - and I believe that there are - then come out and tell it like it is. Let us know how difficult the situation is and be up front about how much time and money it will take to fix it. Level with us because the worst thing you can do to these supporters now is to keep them out of the loop any longer. Not if you want to keep their trust.

I’ll be honest, I’ve met the man a few times but I can’t say I ever got to know him. He’s a deep person who gives nothing away.

But I do trust him to do what’s best for Rangers because I know his heart is in the right place and I believe the majority of the Rangers fans want to feel the same way.

Rangers Chairman Dave King said he would invest around £30million into the club (Photo: 2016 Getty Images)

The problem he’s got is that he hasn’t made much of an attempt to connect with the supporters. He took control 18 months ago and then disappeared back to South Africa.

I think the Rangers fans wanted to see more of him. To get to know him. To use him as a comfort blanket after all the bad that had been done to their club.

But when they’ve needed to hear his voice they’ve been deafened by his silence and that, in turn, has led to a sense of disappointment and maybe even suspicion.

So let’s get it all out there in the open today. Let’s treat one another like adults who are capable of hearing the truth and making their own decisions.


Rangers AGM and the big issues Dave King can expect to face including the £30m question and challenging Celtic

Like any other fan I want to see the club spending three or four million on a player who can really make a difference. I thought Rangers would be going for the title within the first couple of years of King’s time in charge.

But that’s not going to happen so it’s time for everyone to be realistic about the current state of play.

Now I believe it’s going to take between three and five years before Rangers are ready to mount a serious title challenge. With Celtic currently going for a sixth successive title that means there is a genuine chance of them going on to win nine, ten or eleven in a row.

Mark Warburton stands with Dave King at last year's AGM

Now that’s a hard thing for any Rangers man to get his head around and I hope I’m wrong. I hope in three years’ time Rangers are strong enough to stop them before they get to nine.

But for that to happen King is going to have to dig deep into his pockets to bolster the team and I’m afraid the truth of the matter is, his money is needed elsewhere right now. If that’s the case then it’s OK. Just tell us, we’ll understand.

Obviously, things are a lot better at the club than they were under the previous regimes. But I think Rangers fans were expecting more.

King made a lot of big promises before he was given the keys to the castle. He talked about spending anywhere between £30m and £40m on the team and even quadrupling the wage bill in order to take the fight to Celtic on the pitch.

Watch Dave King as he spoke about Sports Direct at last year's meeting:


By doing that he raised a lot of expectations. He painted a vision of what life would be like for Rangers if he was put in charge.

But the reality has been a very different picture.

I’m not having a go at him for that because I do honestly believe that he and the rest of the board are genuinely doing their very best. In fact, I’m eternally grateful to them for steadying the ship. I no longer wake up every morning wondering if this is the day that Rangers go under again.

The club is back in a safe place and the fans can thank King and his board for that.

Ferguson reckons King and the likes of Paul Murray underestimated the scale of the problems

But I think they underestimated the scale of the task. They rushed in because they wanted to stop the bleeding from the inside but they had no idea what they would find.

The moment they walked through that door I think the reality of the problems behind the scenes slapped them in the face like a wet salmon.

Now the truth is Rangers won’t be ready to win the league for a good few years to come and I hope the supporters will be understanding enough to give King and the board a bit of time and patience.

But that’s why there is also a need for the chairman to give them some honesty in return.

I’ve still got a lot of friends at the club and I’ve been hearing some horror stories about how bad things got under the previous regime.

They tell me the stadium needs millions upon millions of pounds spent on it in order to return it to the Ibrox I always knew and loved.

When I was a player the place was like a five star hotel. You could eat your dinner off the floor of the executive lounges. Wherever you walked there was a maintenance man in his overalls carrying a pot of paint or a screwdriver.

We got to know them all by name because they were always around, carrying out repairs or keeping the place spick and span. They looked after Ibrox and Murray Park as they would have their own homes. They took a pride in their work because they cared so deeply about Rangers. And it showed.

Rangers' Kenny Miller at Murray Park training yesterday - a place that was in a state of decay only last year says Ferguson

But these guys were gone the moment Craig Whyte took control. And the club has been in a state of decay behind the scenes ever since.

I’ve also been told about the state Murray Park was in before King’s takeover. Leaks in the roof, grubby walls and fences which have been blown down and left in a state of disrepair. When I was there the place was like a luxury spa.

I’ll be honest here, I don’t think King and his men realised the true extent of the problems inside the club and I believe they have been shocked by what they have found.

I mean, I picked up the Daily Record the other day to read about Mike Ashley renting the stadium’s megastore for a pound a year and I got so angry about it that I had to stop when I was only half way through. I couldn’t take in another word.

It made me think about what has been done to the club by the very people who were supposed to be taking care of it. On every level, they just left the f****** place to rot and that angers me. I’m sorry about the language but that’s how strongly I feel about it.

That’s the truth of the matter. And surely the time has come for a bit of honesty all round.

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1 minute ago, eskbankloyal said:

@K.A.I - would you feel the same if you knew Keith Jackson writes his stuff :D 

Wouldn't be surprised mate. Whoever wrote it, it's pretty spot-on.

I don't like Barry - never hid it so it's no skin off my nose if he wrote this or not - I like the message :D

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1 minute ago, ritchieshearercaldow said:

Barry seems to be shocked at the state of our buildings, if that's the case I'm sure there's hundreds of skilled or unskilled Bears who would sort the problems for free..the club only need to ask.

I wouldn't be comfortable with a load of 'unskilled' people doing work on Ibrox...

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Sorry great player he was but BF was one who did very well out of Rangers in coining in millions incluing his EBT that led to most of our problems. From 2012 until now what has he personally ,as a fan of the club he loves, contributed to the cause financially? BF and his big bro use us for their paid articles  Put back a few bob to the club Barry you love so much and the one that made you very rich, then you can walk the walk and criticise all you like.

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29 minutes ago, mabawsa said:

Sorry great player he was but BF was one who did very well out of Rangers in coining in millions incluing his EBT that led to most of our problems. From 2012 until now what has he personally ,as a fan of the club he loves, contributed to the cause financially? BF and his big bro use us for their paid articles  Put back a few bob to the club Barry you love so much and the one that made you very rich, then you can walk the walk and criticise all you like.

A bit of a scrounging post.. Footballers get paid the amount they do because its a short term career to make a living from. It's nothing to do with him getting paid large amounts, that's not his fault that the board miss calculated and over spent. His job was to be a football player nothing else is owed back.

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8 minutes ago, BillyG93 said:

A bit of a scrounging post.. Footballers get paid the amount they do because its a short term career to make a living from. It's nothing to do with him getting paid large amounts, that's not his fault that the board miss calculated and over spent. His job was to be a football player nothing else is owed back.

I agree.

I know where Mabaw is coming from though but the only thing I expect from ex-players is to defend us in some shape or form. Nothing else. The money they earned whether we agree with the amounts or not or think they are worth it, or not.

Sadly not too many of our ex players do that. Keep hearing things like Alex Rae big Rangers man .. goes on Clyde One and other platforms ... Alex McLeish big Rangers man ... turns out for SFA do's at Hampden and coaching schools for good will .. Graeme fucking Souness is the worst, on Sky Sports News during title stripping investigation "Rangers just need to take their medicine" ... Billy Dodds and Derek Ferguson another 2 ... sat on Radio Scotland for years and said nothing while Cosgrove, Spiers, Spence, McGlaughlin would call us cheats, new club etc.

I don't want nothing off our ex players money wise, just some respect and a defence of the club/fans.

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51 minutes ago, mabawsa said:

Sorry great player he was but BF was one who did very well out of Rangers in coining in millions incluing his EBT that led to most of our problems. From 2012 until now what has he personally ,as a fan of the club he loves, contributed to the cause financially? BF and his big bro use us for their paid articles  Put back a few bob to the club Barry you love so much and the one that made you very rich, then you can walk the walk and criticise all you like.

Not having that at all, Rangers paid Barry what he was worth at the time, it's not down to him on how we went about paying him, if you don't like him ( and im not hia biggest fan) the  fair enough but you can't lay fault at the players for EBTs

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I think Barry might need a hand writing his name however if it's his sentiment he's right on many accounts.  Pity he and many others like him in a position of influence were not so vocal when we were systematically taken apart for several years.


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3 hours ago, mabawsa said:

Sorry great player he was but BF was one who did very well out of Rangers in coining in millions incluing his EBT that led to most of our problems. From 2012 until now what has he personally ,as a fan of the club he loves, contributed to the cause financially? BF and his big bro use us for their paid articles  Put back a few bob to the club Barry you love so much and the one that made you very rich, then you can walk the walk and criticise all you like.


Get a grip. folk like you shouldn't watch or support a team you clearly get no joy from it.

Every Rangers legend is a wank because he made some cash in his time and didn't throw it all back at us

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15 minutes ago, Willis said:


Get a grip. folk like you shouldn't watch or support a team you clearly get no joy from it.

Every Rangers legend is a wank because he made some cash in his time and didn't throw it all back at us

?? What an idiotic reply. You missed the point, so we beg to differ on paid opinions from our ex-players that went awol or disowned us until better days arrived.

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Not sure why there isn't a plethora of former players demanding answers for the treatment we received 

Maybe they are waiting for the final outcome with HMRC appeal  

If that swings our way there should be countless interviews demanding action for the treatment we received, it decimated Rangers, our recovery doesn't surpass 50% compared to where we were 

Maybe I'm missing something, I know if my pen had the power and reach of Barry Ferguson's I would be demanding answers/compensation etc. every week 

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