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16 minutes ago, The Dude said:

Course it can. Our name was tarnished by Whyte being a snakey little cunt who ripped off everyone who came into contact with him. Whether we were aware but apathetic, approved or held protests in the street, the clubs name was still tarnished by it. Chelseas name is tarnished by trying to protect their name, and a peadophiles, by buying the guys silence

It certainly reads like you're trying to justify it by saying it's not as bad if the fans are unhappy. The very fact they tried to make it all go away by paying the guy some money and gagging him is absolutely sickening. 

Any club, aware or not of what was going on at the time, when approached by a victim should pass it to the police, have a full internal investigation and issue full public apologies to the victims. Not offer them 50k to fuck off and never mention it again. 

Was it fuck. Whyte failing to pay taxes and all of the other shit he did, as well as any shit that Murray may or may not have done, was on his back and his alone. Any tarnishment is only implied by enemies of the club (for obvious reasons - because they want it to be a blemish on the club forever because they hate us). Or so I thought, anyway. The club IS the fans (that's not just a soundbite, it's evidently true) and the fans have not, as far as I know, tried to protect their name. If they have, then it's different. Same as we're not tarnished because we weren't complicit in Whyte's nonsense.

I feel no responsibility as a fan for what he did, nor do I feel any guilt, nor should I.

As for your second paragraph, that's not what I've said. I think you could do with going back and reading what I've said. At no point have I made any judgement on the paying of hush money (which is obviously reprehensible). You won't be able to quote otherwise. You're just not getting the point being made if that's what you're developing from the point. The filthiness of the action is something that I haven't even commented on until this post (in this thread, anyway). Which is why I don't need to be told your last paragraph and you can stick it where the sun don't shine. 

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2 minutes ago, ritchieshearercaldow said:

You sound like you would like this to be true, the Herald article make no mention of previous investigations 

No, I'm simply taking the guy at face-value. The Herald article doesn't, the Sun one has him saying it was reported to police in 1992 or something. 

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2 minutes ago, The Dude said:

No, I'm simply taking the guy at face-value. The Herald article doesn't, the Sun one has him saying it was reported to police in 1992 or something. 

And the police did nothing, it doesn't appear they investigated anything first time around.

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4 minutes ago, Inigo said:

Was it fuck. Whyte failing to pay taxes and all of the other shit he did, as well as any shit that Murray may or may not have done, was on his back and his alone. Any tarnishment is only implied by enemies of the club (for obvious reasons - because they want it to be a blemish on the club forever because they hate us). Or so I thought, anyway. The club IS the fans (that's not just a soundbite, it's evidently true) and the fans have not, as far as I know, tried to protect their name. If they have, then it's different. Same as we're not tarnished because we weren't complicit in Whyte's nonsense.

I feel no responsibility as a fan for what he did, nor do I feel any guilt, nor should I.

As for your second paragraph, that's not what I've said. I think you could do with going back and reading what I've said. At no point have I made any judgement on the paying of hush money (which is obviously reprehensible). You won't be able to quote otherwise. You're just not getting the point being made if that's what you're developing from the point. The filthiness of the action is something that I haven't even commented on until this post (in this thread, anyway). Which is why I don't need to be told your last sentence and you can stick it where the sun don't shine. 

The clubs name is tarnished. Why do you think we can't get an overdraft with a bank or are left scrabbling around getting shitey sponsorships with the likes of 32Red? The romantic notion of fans and club being the same is great and all but the fans aren't the ones who employ staff, drive the direction of the business. We're, for want of a better word, just the cash-cow that funds a big chunk of it.

Hypothetically, If it came out we'd paid a victim hush money to make it go away then, regardless of fan reaction, I'd seriously consider my support of the club and would strugggle to reconcile my own personal opinions with the position taken by the club. 

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1 hour ago, ritchieshearercaldow said:

You obviously don't get it, the blogger in question correctly identified the journo as a scum sympathiser who is trying to bring us down to the same level as the scum.

Ok maybe you're right and he is a sympathiser. Are you recommending that we cover up the issue if a bluenose or someone connected with the club was a paedophile?

Using paedophilia for one-upsmanship or ending a an argument with “yer a paedo” or “yous stink” is a thick as fuck. Ok most of them do stink but nk if Rolf Harris is a paedophile they’re probably everywhere (as horrible a thought as that is) including some that might’ve been associated with our club in the past. Rolf Harris is Australian, is Australia a land full of paedos? Let’s get over this shite that if one of "us" is caught it'll tarnish the club or the support. What we are saying is that if one of "us" is caught then we can’t slag them off that they’re a club full of paedophiles.



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3 minutes ago, The Dude said:

The clubs name is tarnished. Why do you think we can't get an overdraft with a bank or are left scrabbling around getting shitey sponsorships with the likes of 32Red? The romantic notion of fans and club being the same is great and all but the fans aren't the ones who employ staff, drive the direction of the business. We're, for want of a better word, just the cash-cow that funds a big chunk of it.

Hypothetically, If it came out we'd paid a victim hush money to make it go away then, regardless of fan reaction, I'd seriously consider my support of the club and would strugggle to reconcile my own personal opinions with the position taken by the club. 

The business has been affected, yes. By bad business practice. The club, THE CLUB, has not been tarnished. We've already established that the two are not interchangeable. I don't understand why you're still struggling to make that disconnect.

If that's the way you feel, then I struggle to understand what it is that you support. There is no mere romantic notion. It's completely accurate to say that a club is a group of people gathered for a common purpose, and that a football club is the sporting extension of that. It's about those fans celebrating something and sharing a history and being tribal together involving a focal point. Aspects of that focal point have to be run by an administration, who are simply people. People will always do things that are wrong (or desperately wrong, like cover-ups). Those things were committed by the people without the knowledge of the other people who actually constitute the club (the fans). Ergo that which constitutes the club simply cannot carry a guilt in any reasonably moral sense. The only way that would change is if that desperately wrong act once known was then accepted or went unpunished by those that constitute the club (the fans). 

Something, or some group of people, cannot be held responsible for, or held to carry the shame for, something that they did not do, could not reasonably have prevented and upon discovering took the appropriate action upon. If you believe otherwise, then you're pretty much holding the club (as opposed to the administrative function thereof) to impossible standards, and pretty much relying on blind luck that another thing that you could have done nothing whatsoever about doesn't happen and forces you to walk away.

It's almost like you think of your support of the club as the support of some pen-pusher behind the scene. I don't know what other conclusion one can make, if you would regard the club as finished to you because a pen-pusher behind the scene made an appalling decision. 

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Its a horrible song. Anyone who has ever travelled to see their team on a supporters bus knows how it works. A sing song after a beer stop. 

Every clubs  supporters do it. 

Gutter rags print hate filled articles and  upload hate filled videos. 

The Daily Record only prints hate filled articles about Rangers. 

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5 hours ago, K.A.I said:

Seen the Daily Record website earlier too with the footage from the supporters bus singing.

I didn't want to make a new thread on it to draw attention and give them hits and any fenians hard-ons but I never once seen the Record mention the Lee Rigby song ... or post any tarrier supporter bus singing.

and whatever fucking idiot of a fan recorded and uploaded it needs kicked off and sin-died from every bus going the idiot. 


Kicked off the bus??  He needs a right good kicking, period.

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2 hours ago, TrueBluez1972 said:

Ok maybe you're right and he is a sympathiser. Are you recommending that we cover up the issue if a bluenose or someone connected with the club was a paedophile?

Using paedophilia for one-upsmanship or ending a an argument with “yer a paedo” or “yous stink” is a thick as fuck. Ok most of them do stink but nk if Rolf Harris is a paedophile they’re probably everywhere (as horrible a thought as that is) including some that might’ve been associated with our club in the past. Rolf Harris is Australian, is Australia a land full of paedos? Let’s get over this shite that if one of "us" is caught it'll tarnish the club or the support. What we are saying is that if one of "us" is caught then we can’t slag them off that they’re a club full of paedophiles.



Your a fkn bheast

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4 hours ago, TrueBluez1972 said:

The blogger “the man the bheasts can’t tame” has quite clearly identified that the journalist in question, Marcello Mega is working to an agenda.


There's an irony in that sentence...FFS...

Whose going to take a blogger seriously when he has the word "bheasts" in his handle? The dumbest superslueth this side of the Clyde.

I'm all for conspiracy theories when there is objective evidence but this guy is a fuckin crank.

Man the Bheast cant tame, if you're reading this, can you ask Dave where his money is rather than writing about catholics and the IRA? Ta...



I smell taig.............

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3 hours ago, Inigo said:

I've never met a sellic fan that could admit to a cover up or read one admit it. When it all started coming out, I read alot of Chelsea fans that did and none that didn't.

The club effectively being the fans, the reaction of the fans is the most important thing, in terms of the reputation of the club. Chelsea fans have 3 responsibilities. To condemn it unconditionally, to demand justice for the victims and to demand that anyone at their club involved is no longer employed by the club and is dealt with properly. If the rump of Chelsea fans do that, then the club remains untainted the way sellic are tainted. If they don't, they're not.

Celtic fans in the media are still covering for Torbet etc. As we all know it's also endemic in their warped RC church. 

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4 hours ago, TrueBluez1972 said:

The whole vanguardbears piece is predicated on "evidence" from a blogger called “man the bheasts cant tame”. You can see the quality of his balanced world views by reading his blog. Maybe you think its balanced. I do not. I think he’s a crank.

I couldn’t give a flying fuck whether someone has an agenda or not and a paedophile is caught - vile fucks should be shot. No questions. And that is whether they are a bluenose a tim of the pope.

My point is that the blogger (and vanguard bears) would be better served by undertaking work on something that is actually important rather than trying to show that there’s a timmy conspiracy, but even if there is so what as long as a paedophile is caught.


I can assure you that VB haven't based this latest article on anything from TMTBCT.

If you actually fucking bothered to read the article from TMTBCT you will find that he used stuff from a previous article done by VB:



I mentioned Edinburgh based Marcello Mega and the probability of him knowing about Gordon Neely was Peadophile by him being a Hibernian fan from the link below by Vanguard Bears who did a bit of digging and found out he was a friend of rampant IRA Fenian and Alex Salmonds close friend Jim Slaven.


I’m glad people are doing their own digging on people they think might have an agenda against Glasgow Rangers because you only have to scrape the surface of the numerous sometimes random people who dont really know anything about football but have an incendiary hatred towards a football club Glasgow Rangers.



What I can also say with absolute certainty is that you're a fucking bheast. Lie down and grunt.

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Thanks for you're enlightened comment Virtuoso. A man of your'e undoubted knowledge and wisdom cannot be overcome by mere debate.

However, I've already posted that those that end debates with "yer a beast, taig etc" somehow think that it a trump card but in reality just shows that they do not have the wit or the brain capacity to engage in informed dialogue. There's a lot of those that support our club.

But where did that get us? Put down to 4th division, Criag Whyte, no manager, club running on fumes and a team full of players that would strggle to get into Hearts' 1st 11.

PS I'm no bheast or taig I can assure you but I do have strong opinions - but if it makes you sleep easier that those with strong opinions that differ from yours are automatically taigs then that is up to you and you are past reasoning with.

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13 hours ago, The Dude said:

Partick Thistle and Chelsea have both admitted doing exactly that. Still some on here peddle that blues brothers pish.

This club thing is so cringeworthy. Can remember around 05 seeing lots of Chelsea shirts and then pishy half scarves.   How embarrassing 

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8 minutes ago, big blue Fin said:

There is only one team in Glasgow which actually deserves to be kicked out of Scottish football and it isn't Queens Park, Partick Thistle or Rangers in fact we all know who it is it's those bheasts from the East.

Why not Partick? Is covering for a beast not bad enough? Fucking bonkers.

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1 hour ago, loyalfollower said:

This club thing is so cringeworthy. Can remember around 05 seeing lots of Chelsea shirts and then pishy half scarves.   How embarrassing 

Because some Rangers fans like Chelsea it's embarrassing :lol:?

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19 hours ago, Bobby Hume said:

Good article from VB 

The SMSM will stoop to any depths to cover up anything that would throw a spotlight on the scum ... and others ..... and their historic harbouring and knowingly employing paedophiles.

Yet they will omit nothing .... not even the blatantly trivial case of singing a song ..... that could cause us to be viewed as worse than them .... sad, sad, sad bastards.


Throwing bananas at Mark Walters is a perfect example of this ... it's been virtually wiped from the pages of history

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