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Tom English on King

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1 minute ago, piperpete said:

Great moodisntas ITs a saturday. Worked this morning, cleaned the beerlines now home and about to fire up the bbq, there IS no chance Rangers will get beat today so happy days.

That's better :happy: Enjoy the game tomorrow and your BBQ today :thumbup:

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I've read the English article copied in the OP above twice but unless I've missed it English misses out one of the very biggest risks Rangers faces and its possibly just around the corner.   The court case where SD is suing Rangers for breach of contract and is claiming damages.  The damages could be very expensive if the court decides against Rangers.   Ah well, even if he had included the reference it would only have added to the completeness of his summary.

King and the Board cannot be deaf or blind.  They are certainly not deaf - those who saw fit to attend the last OF game heard the messages from the terraces.   They are not so cushion-seated in their ivory tower Boardroom, or so remote from reality in SA that they will not be picking up the strengthening criticism coming not just from various media outlets and former players but from the Support in general.

Are they in a state of corporate paralysis not knowing what to do, what to say and how to say ....and when?  Feels like it.

Is the Club and company effectively leaderless, lacking a voice to provide clear, convincing and strong messages?   Feels like it.   Either that or its a very determined show of Board head in sand mentality to say nothing and behave as though all of this is just bau......relying on good volume ST sales and only surfacing with something to say or to do another King Q&A internet thing when the season finishes.   

Las Vegas does provide an opportunity for those in attendance to beard him in a place where its harder for him to run away and hide. 

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1 minute ago, Thermopylae said:

So what are the alternatives? 

There won't be any because the blazer chasers will hound any other cunt out of the game. I have absolutely no answers for you on this topic other than Dinky getting to fuck and letting someone compitent take over but who would want to?

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8 minutes ago, Malvern said:

There won't be any because the blazer chasers will hound any other cunt out of the game. I have absolutely no answers for you on this topic other than Dinky getting to fuck and letting someone compitent take over but who would want to?

What was the story with the American he did say if we ever needed him he would be around ... I think we have to stop looking for the bear to come in I get the impression if a young Abramovich approached us a large section of the support would drive him away because it would be a step into the unknown 

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2 hours ago, Sweetheart said:

Only for the moment though once the court cases [HMRC, Whyte Trial & TAB] are over it will be a different kettle of fish. 

Just thought of something - SD win the trial and get damages and King is forced to make an offer for the shares which Ashley is happy to sell as King owns a good bit of the club and a lot of debt.

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3 hours ago, Courtyard Bear said:

We all know King is a lying Cunt. 

We all know English is a Rangers hating lying Cunt. 

The fact is all these cunts now putting the boot in were falling over each other to get king in charge, I wonder why that was. 


Because english and the cabal knew at the time they would be able to scribe attacks like this now, in fact the tarrier bhastard probably started writing it two years ago and has been updating it as he went along, they must be creaming themselves in their wee rhepublican slophouses right now!image.gif.e8cf96c8afa98effccead9698173552b.gif

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The Rangers hater Tom English and using shite patter King-a-lings ffs.We all know what King is and what his failures are I sure as fuck don't need another dick like English gloating and glorifying in it and having it posted on here if I was even remotely interested in what Rangers haters are saying I can pick up any of the rags and read it.

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4 hours ago, WWTC said:

Are you comparing us as a business to the one under the "control" of MIH? Seriously? 

Nope just saying in 2006 we were on paper a decent buy at get right price but no one stepped up. 

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