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Another klaxon jaxon misery piece.


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1 hour ago, Blue Avenger said:

I'll have to disagree.

The salient points for me are:

Our biggest challenge is getting rid of the dross who are under contract. We only have one team to beat, the scum, who are not the invincibles they all like to make out.

We will have better players in. How many will depend upon how many we can get rid of.

Change is already happening and pivotal to it is the appointment of the brand that is Stevie G. That alone makes us less toxic and more attractive and a better investment. The scum are blind sided by the appointment and ARE horrified at the prospect. WE stole their double treble winning thunder. So we did do well on the PR front.

King gets rid of the useless one that is Murray.

King publicly attacks the SFA bigot.

We announce massive reductions for visiting away fans.

As for PR, Having Gerrard alone takes us up the food chain and I doubt he'll be taking any shite. The SMSM big brothers down south will also be having their say and he is a legend in their eyes. Maybe some might just be put in their place and not to be made look the fools they really are.

We can be rest assured that the footballing menu served up by Gerrard will be a much different prospect and there will no longer be any slackers.

This appointment has turned the game on it's head up here. The haters were blind sided by it and fucking hate it, because they know the real challenge is now coming and we have takent the spotlight away from the scum for all the right reasons.

As for King, yes we all know what he his, but his latest moves are positive big time for us. Wouldn't worry about TOP, yes he's playing, but it is well covered. The time has now come to put his misdemeanors behind us and unite behind him, repelling all boarders,  because this will be the first year n three under his tenure that we are seriously moving forward and it is down to him. If this all goes tits up, he is up for losing some serious coin. IMO it's a well considered risk and one that can be well managed to succes and King more than anyone knows that. There is also more to this, as time will tell and all to the good.

Early days I know, but there is so much to be positive about and to look forward to.

As for Jackson, his piece is no more than a poisoned pen, scribed by a rabid for rabids. He is an irrelevance.

Who are you & what have you done with the real BA?

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2 hours ago, Ace said:

Who are you & what have you done with the real BA?

I already said, the bodyguards done with him!

Let me say I had an epiphany when Dave King signed Steven Gerrard. For me the course of our future changed with that major step change in thnking. The right decision at the right time and it was King who made it and a eureka moment for him I hope. Prior to it, we were  watching those scummy bastards in the east end litterly piss all over us without response and the SMSM laughng their cocks off. Every hating bastard in this backwater just ripping it.

Bad enough those hating bastards at fever pitch and tbh we only added to it at times. Enough was enough. Time to unite and get behind King and this board, no matter who they are or how poor they had been previously, a line had to drawn in the sand. If they were bad guys, they are our bad guys and fuck everyone else.

I believe the appointment of Gerrard is a monumental decision, that will deliver nothing but good.

We bear witness to the haters upping the anti in their propaganda war against us as a comsequence. Good I say. Bring it on, because those bastards are getting put to the sword.

Make no mistake, King is under serious pressure with this decision and he will be out of pocket, but he is the man, love him or loathe him, who bears the responsibilty for his decision and I for one am 100% behind him.

Trying times to come and no doubt some disappointments, but over the course we shall prevail and we will reign as champions once again.

Stevie G demands the highest of standards, because that is who he is and has been all his lfe and he doesn't do prisoners. Looks like it's rubbng off on Dave, as he is at long last showing some fight and I will commend him for that.

We move on to take back all that is ours.

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9 hours ago, Negri's lovechild said:

That's the campaign started. The slow drip, drip of negativity against the Gerrard regime before the guy has even started. It's a prelude to war from the hacks that started with Waddell the other day. 

we may or may not agree with some of what is in this article, but it is most certainly not done with the intention of spirit of what is best for our club. 

every recent manager we have had, has been subject to scrutiny and maliciousness from the scottish press. They will find a way to try and put extra pressure on Gerrard right from the off. He will be asked in his first press conference about assurances, have they been met,how far the budget goes, have we any money, how is his relationship with king, allen, the rest of the board. Then there will be "dressing room unease" stories (from "sources" none the less) , lies designed to divide support and playing staff. 

That's how it will go, and people should wake up and see that the things the press rip into are the things they are most worried about. We don't know if Gerrard will be a success or not, but we will be behind the man 100%, and so will the club.

Traynor may be an ass amongst many things, and we may not agree on the way that our press releases are worded, but he goes for them, and to quote corporal Jones "they don't like it up em". 

Everything in that piece is puff and opinion. There is no fact at all. "A youth  department that fails consistently". Rubbish. Where have the McCrorie brothers come from? Barry McKay? We haven't had one or two a season, but bear in mind that 4 years ago we didn't have a youth system. Fuckers like Jaxon know this. They are selective in their truth , and we need to be wary. 

One hell of a good post mate

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9 hours ago, Negri's lovechild said:

That's the campaign started. The slow drip, drip of negativity against the Gerrard regime before the guy has even started. It's a prelude to war from the hacks that started with Waddell the other day. 

we may or may not agree with some of what is in this article, but it is most certainly not done with the intention of spirit of what is best for our club. 

every recent manager we have had, has been subject to scrutiny and maliciousness from the scottish press. They will find a way to try and put extra pressure on Gerrard right from the off. He will be asked in his first press conference about assurances, have they been met,how far the budget goes, have we any money, how is his relationship with king, allen, the rest of the board. Then there will be "dressing room unease" stories (from "sources" none the less) , lies designed to divide support and playing staff. 

That's how it will go, and people should wake up and see that the things the press rip into are the things they are most worried about. We don't know if Gerrard will be a success or not, but we will be behind the man 100%, and so will the club.

Traynor may be an ass amongst many things, and we may not agree on the way that our press releases are worded, but he goes for them, and to quote corporal Jones "they don't like it up em". 

Everything in that piece is puff and opinion. There is no fact at all. "A youth  department that fails consistently". Rubbish. Where have the McCrorie brothers come from? Barry McKay? We haven't had one or two a season, but bear in mind that 4 years ago we didn't have a youth system. Fuckers like Jaxon know this. They are selective in their truth , and we need to be wary. 

Spot on with that mate.

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Their propaganda today included an article trying to comment that sky sports has previous for winding up scottish football due to a picture of one scum player thinking it was that danish twat that got sold., seemed a genuine mistake to me.

 Sky sports will not be following the same bias as the scottish main stream media and they are shitting it.

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5 minutes ago, Howsitgoing said:

Their propaganda today included an article trying to comment that sky sports has previous for winding up scottish football due to a picture of one scum player thinking it was that danish twat that got sold., seemed a genuine mistake to me.

 Sky sports will not be following the same bias as the scottish main stream media and they are shitting it.

Sky get their graphics wrong with Scottish football regularly. Dundee Utd badge for Dundee games, getting teams names wrong, wrong pictures for players

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4 minutes ago, D'Artagnan said:


While I disagree with almost all of what Jackson wrote, he did say players making the first-team. So far, Of that list only four of them have played a first-team game for us and only Ross McCrorie is regularly doing that. I wouldn't be surprised to see a fair few on that list progress to the senior side (a few of them sooner rather than later) but as it stands they aren't yet.

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Just now, The Dude said:

While I disagree with almost all of what Jackson wrote, he did say players making the first-team. So far, Of that list only four of them have played a first-team game for us and only Ross McCrorie is regularly doing that. I wouldn't be surprised to see a fair few on that list progress to the senior side (a few of them sooner rather than later) but as it stands they aren't yet.

I think the point Gregco was making James was that at their respective levels - their inclusion in various Scotland squads suggests that while the journey is not yet complete we are heading in the right direction

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1 minute ago, D'Artagnan said:

I think the point Gregco was making James was that at their respective levels - their inclusion in various Scotland squads suggests that while the journey is not yet complete we are heading in the right direction

And it's a point I fully agree with - and have been making on here consistently and in the content I write for work over the last two or three years but as a response to Jackson's claim about the youngsters getting into the first-team, it misses the mark. We're absolutely on the right track in terms of the work being done by Craig Mulholland and the Academy coaches. There are a wide number of reasons why we don't currently have more young players in the first-team but there are very few that the blame can be laid at the door of the current regime for. Mulholland's appointment to Academy director/head around the same time the board changed (possibly a few months earlier but I can't say for definite off the top of my head). If I get the chance tonight I plan on writing something a bit detailed about Jackson's comments - and the youth comment in articular because it's rather disingenuous and tbh wholly unfair on the coaching staff there.

A wee side point, I always find it odd when people insist on referring to me by my real name on here. I'm sure most of the regulars on here know my name is James Black. I mean I've no issue with it Iain but I just think it's a bit...weird.

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6 minutes ago, The Dude said:

And it's a point I fully agree with - and have been making on here consistently and in the content I write for work over the last two or three years but as a response to Jackson's claim about the youngsters getting into the first-team, it misses the mark. We're absolutely on the right track in terms of the work being done by Craig Mulholland and the Academy coaches. There are a wide number of reasons why we don't currently have more young players in the first-team but there are very few that the blame can be laid at the door of the current regime for. Mulholland's appointment to Academy director/head around the same time the board changed (possibly a few months earlier but I can't say for definite off the top of my head). If I get the chance tonight I plan on writing something a bit detailed about Jackson's comments - and the youth comment in articular because it's rather disingenuous and tbh wholly unfair on the coaching staff there.

A wee side point, I always find it odd when people insist on referring to me by my real name on here. I'm sure most of the regulars on here know my name is James Black. I mean I've no issue with it Iain but I just think it's a bit...weird.

Well it just seems strange us referring to each other by our first names on twitter but then changing back on here. its almost like we are stepping into roles...:lol:

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1 minute ago, D'Artagnan said:

Well it just seems strange us referring to each other by our first names on twitter but then changing back on here. its almost like we are stepping into roles...:lol:

On Twitter it's a wee bit different since I 'use' my real name there but aye, fair point :lol:

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The amount of youths on the books at any club that make it into the first team and stay there is slender to say the least, and gets even more less likely the bigger the club, John Terry might have been Chelseas last one and he is now 37 years of age ffs, and they nicked him from WHU youths.

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48 minutes ago, The Dude said:

While I disagree with almost all of what Jackson wrote, he did say players making the first-team. So far, Of that list only four of them have played a first-team game for us and only Ross McCrorie is regularly doing that. I wouldn't be surprised to see a fair few on that list progress to the senior side (a few of them sooner rather than later) but as it stands they aren't yet.

Have you met Keith Jackson and if so what are your thoughts of him?

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Just now, pcbear said:

Have you met Keith Jackson and if so what are your thoughts of him?

I've had one incredibly brief interaction with him in the reception but that's it (I've only ever been up to the office about four times in the year I've written a blog for them) Came across as one of those blokes who seemed like he fancied himself but I don't know if that's an impression I kinda already had of him before actually bumping into him. My interaction with the record has been sending someone an email (normally about 3am with something I've written in the middle of the night) or getting the odd phone call from one of a couple of people just seeing if I can write a piece for a particular timescale or on a certain subject but I've only had a few things suggested to me to write about (General Old Firm piece before the 3-2 game, Gerrard piece my last one and that was me getting an email saying 'gerrard blog?' and the other thing I had suggested to me was my thoughts on Murty in January since I'd watched a lot of him with the 20s too)


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