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***The official 2018/2019 windass is shite but no bad stats thread***

Dan Deacon

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Yes he had a couple of decent runs and shots on goal. Unlucky not to score and if all you saw on youtube were these 2 offerings you might think he was pretty decent but again he went missing for far too long.

He has it in him to impress but I'm afraid it's only when given time and space to do so. He has no fight or determination in him to impact a game. Same old lazy player who might turn up with a cracking goal but 9/10 won't offer anything of note.

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Never known a player with his ability to disappear for prolonged periods. His average contribution must be around five or six minutes out of every ninety he plays.

If anyone thinks that a player in his mid twenties is suddenly, after years of literally getting paid for nothing, going to turn into a tireless grafter, is not optimistic: such a person is deluded.

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10 minutes ago, Moody Blue said:

It’s pricks like him that accept 0-0 against fucking nobodies in r1of the Europa league qualifying as a great result away in Europe. It’s a second rate acceptance that has plagued our club since Warburton’s days and needs eradicated ASAP. 

He is such a fuckin loser more concerned with getting a selfie in a Rangers shirt than on the actual result of the game he was supposed to be playing in. A player who offers so much disappointment there's hardly a bear who would be disappointed in seeing him sold.

I understand managers being confused why he is not a fans fave because he probably looks pretty good in training. But ffs there comes a point where even the manager has to realise he doesn't have the fight to play for a big club like Rangers

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