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The league must be voided

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3 minutes ago, The Dude said:

Actually, reading that quote, it's the Ross County chairman (McGregor) who hopes UEFA issue guidelines. 

Thing is mate if our “rule book” ( don’t laugh) covers it, they wouldn’t be looking for guidance when the cut off point should be or how titles should be awarded 

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2 minutes ago, Polo said:

We’ll find out soon enough. I’d be disgusted if Rangers let it happen though. As I mentioned in another thread, there is definitely scope to challenge that decision. 

There may be scope to challenge it but from the folk I've spoken to, they don't think it would have any chance of success and would be clubs wasting money on legal fees at a time when clubs will be fighting for their lives.

The biggest issue is Partick/QOTS at the bottom of he championship. Queens ahead with a game in hand but less than three clear. I've not heard anything on how they plan to resolve that one but if the season is ended now, that's the only situation that throws up any potential difficulties for them - A playoff between them may be the best option but there are still lots of things up in the air.

The title/relegation stuff in the other divisions is relatively clear cut. The season will be based on the games played to this point. No average points, no hypotheticals, purely on what has happened to date and the result which are in the books.

There had been suggestions of expanding the league to scrap relegation but it seems very unlikely as it would leave you needing to bring a number of clubs up from the lowland/highland league to fill the gaps left as they are very unlikely to just scrap league two completely.

I've not been in any of the meetings with the SPFL and SFA so dont know everything that's been suggested but everything I've heard says this is what there position is just now.

It could obviously change - and UEFA's meeting on Tuesday could really change a lot - but it seems there position is that there's less problems caused by ending the season a bit early than there is by declaring it null and void.

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1 hour ago, B1872 said:

Poster on FF said the Rangers board met yesterday and are 100% against giving the tarriers the title if the season is done and will fight it.

I hope they do, but this spineless board are more interested in being pals with the Tarriers than putting them in their place. 

Every club should be fighting for the Tarriers not to be handed another fake title. 

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7 minutes ago, ritchieshearercaldow said:

Thing is mate if our “rule book” ( don’t laugh) covers it, they wouldn’t be looking for guidance when the cut off point should be or how titles should be awarded 

They'll always look for guidance when it is something which throws up as many potential challenges for them. This is the one they think presents the fewest problems.

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The  club who will be effected more than any other are Hearts if it is current league positions that are taken as final. celtic wont be impacted financially much if at all by not being given the league and Dundee utds  chairman said earlier in the season that failure to get promoted wouldn't kill them. If Hearts were to get no home gate for potentially 6 months AND get relegated then they are in big  big schtook. They would have to fight this with everything they've got and that's why I reckon that this wont be the way itll go.

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1 hour ago, The Dude said:

The league winner is who ever has the most points at the end of the Season (per rules). That is the rule which determines the champion club.

The SPFL will declare the Season has ended imminently.

Were we to play 38 games, I totally agree that it's far from over but the fact is, we havent and wont. The season will be ended after 30 games in the Premiership and points tallies will be based on games played up to that point.

The other eight games are moot. They effectively no longer exist. They will not be played.

the season can't end at 30 games until we play St Johnstone then 

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1 hour ago, The Dude said:

Its not relevant. The rules are read on their own. The relevant rule for appointing the champion club is rule C38. Whoever has the most points at the end of the Season. Once the season is declared over, celtic will be the team with the most points.

The rule quoted about the number of games is regards the format of the competition and doesn't directly affect who is champion. There is only one rule which does  that. C38.

So rules are ready on their own. Ok

 Clubs shall play 38 games is that season, per the format of that competition,. Ok

Champions of that comp are the ones with most points at the end of that comp. Ok

There's a discrepancy there.

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32 minutes ago, The Dude said:

Because a formal decision has still be taken on if the league can be resumed. If it can't (it almost certainly won't) the standings will remain as is. 

Its not that hard to have a position if a certain set of circumstances happen to take place. There have been lots of meeting and conference calls etc between clubs, SPFL and SFA. Just because they don't have a public stance yet, doesn't mean they don't have one privately. 

Why when there was a foot and mouth abandoned season of the southern league was there not a winner declared ? 

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19 minutes ago, ritchieshearercaldow said:

Thing is mate if our “rule book” ( don’t laugh) covers it, they wouldn’t be looking for guidance when the cut off point should be or how titles should be awarded 

Or if the rule book does cover it but it doesn’t suit their preferred outcome they would look else where. 

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7 minutes ago, ritchieshearercaldow said:

But it shows that the rule book doesn’t cover these events. So the rule book is irrelevant 

And the SPFL feel that it does. Given it's their competition, if they feel it adequately covers it then it's fair to say thats the path they'll go down. The onus will be on clubs to prove otherwise.

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3 minutes ago, soulboy said:

Why when there was a foot and mouth abandoned season of the southern league was there not a winner declared ? 

Different league, different rule book.

The SoSFL allows Colt teams. Should we cite that as precedent to get Colts into League Two?

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10 minutes ago, SeparateEntityMyArse said:

So rules are ready on their own. Ok

 Clubs shall play 38 games is that season, per the format of that competition,. Ok

Champions of that comp are the ones with most points at the end of that comp. Ok

There's a discrepancy there.

Champions aren't at the end of the comp but at the end of the Season. Board have discretion to end the Season early.

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10 minutes ago, The Dude said:

They'll always look for guidance when it is something which throws up as many potential challenges for them. This is the one they think presents the fewest problems.

In your opinion,(which is going to be based on much more objective and wide ranging than mine,) will the leagues be instructed by uefa and is their instruction likely to leave it to the discretion of individual associations? I'm trying not to put my dog in the fight here as most of us here already felt the league was lost and there's something a little unedifying (even if it is with just cause after the events of 2012) about wanting this disaster to undo that likely result. 

The reality is that there are far more important things to worry about.

Instead I'm going to take consolation that there cannot be another treble (correct me if I'm wrong) and no display of the championship trophy during a season. There will always be the feeling that they never actually won it.

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4 minutes ago, writingranger said:

In your opinion,(which is going to be based on much more objective and wide ranging than mine,) will the leagues be instructed by uefa and is their instruction likely to leave it to the discretion of individual associations? I'm trying not to put my dog in the fight here as most of us here already felt the league was lost and there's something a little unedifying (even if it is with just cause after the events of 2012) about wanting this disaster to undo that likely result. 

The reality is that there are far more important things to worry about.

Instead I'm going to take consolation that there cannot be another treble (correct me if I'm wrong) and no display of the championship trophy during a season. There will always be the feeling that they never actually won it.

I believe UEFA will set a deadline for domestic associations to have their league and cup competitions ended by (probably July 31st). If they can't play games before that date, they'll be told to enforce whatever provisions they have in their rulebook or come up with a satisfactory resolution with their members. UEFA may even set up a special arbitration panel as a result for any disputes. If domestic cups aren't resolved, Euro places will go the the relevant team per each FAs rules and the various UEFA competitions for 19/20 will be scrapped with coefficient points frozen and unearned prize money distributed across FAs using some sort of formula to help them with the financial problems several months of no football has brought.

In terms of scottish domestic cups, they'll be scrapped with no winner named. So, yeah, there will be no treble although existing league standing will be frozen and considered the final standings for 19/20.

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UEFA input will not be mandatory but more influential imo.

They should be demonstrating genuine leadership but that might be too much to ask.

However, if they suggest that their own competitions are void for this season, then that will increase the pressure on national associations to do the same. And the more who follow suit, the more those who pander to one single club will stand out.

As has been said before, since the 1800s, in football a contest incomplete is scrapped and restarted.

Centuries of tradition to be cast aside just to help a club who should by now be banned from professional sport.


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14 minutes ago, The Dude said:


Champions aren't at the end of the comp but at the end of the Season. Board have discretion to end the Season early.

Taking your argument as fact would celtic of been champions if the season ended directly after the last oldfirm game. They were top of the league by 1point but Rangers had a game in hand?

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15 minutes ago, B1872 said:

Watched Sunday Supplement and they all seem to think the UK leagues will be played to a conclusion this summer with the Euros being moved. 

If that’s the case, I can only see it being behind closed doors as the virus will reach its peak in June.

Should just hand out money per league placings just now, null and void the season, sort out Europe places based on place in table and then start in August.

Which would mean no champion or relegation.

We would then be without a plethora of players.


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