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why r u all talking negative b*llocks?....


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novo sticks away a couple of his cahnces last nite and everyone would be saying how good we were, we were missing quite a few players last night against a very good Greek team and we were the better team , lets get behind the team!!!!

As always, that's a big "IF".

But I'm with you - even though I'm pissed off. Must stay positive.

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novo sticks away a couple of his cahnces last nite and everyone would be saying how good we were, we were missing quite a few players last night against a very good Greek team and we were the better team , lets get behind the team!!!!

As always, that's a big "IF".

But I'm with you - even though I'm pissed off. Must stay positive.

Surely your first sentence is not properly constructed and is a text fragment and while it is occasionally ok to start a sentence with "But". In this instance it is not , gramatically, correct - back to schoool Ric - LOL

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i thought broadfoot was the best player on the park last night , if anyone was terrible it was fucking Barry "i cant stay forward as im meant to" Ferguson im sick of him dropping back to take the ball from hemdani (who is a better passer of the ball) then he looks up and realises that only mcculloch is forward so passes it backwards or to the side imo HE has been the worst player bar adam for the last few games and in our last three european games he has been posted MIA

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novo sticks away a couple of his cahnces last nite and everyone would be saying how good we were, we were missing quite a few players last night against a very good Greek team and we were the better team , lets get behind the team!!!!

As always, that's a big "IF".

But I'm with you - even though I'm pissed off. Must stay positive.

Surely your first sentence is not properly constructed and is a text fragment and while it is occasionally ok to start a sentence with "But". In this instance it is not , gramatically, correct - back to schoool Ric - LOL

You have the wrong 'B' rule.

It is not grammatically correct to start a sentence with 'Because' (although it has it's place). There is nothing wrong with starting a sentence with 'But'.

Your sentence structure is all fucked up here too incidentally.

Don't try to take the piss if you don't know what you're talking about.


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Faux intellectual snobbery on the web really is a joy to behold... :(

So now it's intellectual snobbery to use the Queens English?

There was me thinking it was just a basic skills that should be encouraged in everyone.

Pardon me.

No of course it's not snobbery to use it. It's snobbery to complain about others who may not - especially when you make plenty of mistakes yourself.

It's unfair to presume everyone has first class English or typing skills. Poking fun at those who may not have the same standards as yourself is distasteful and intolerant.

Internet forums are informal places of discussion. Not everyone will look to construct their English in the same way they may present a more formal document at work or home. That's their prerogative and I fail to see why folk want to embarrass their fellow supporters by judging their academic skills in front of others.

If you are that annoyed, treat the people with respect by pming them, and offering positive help such as pointing them in the direction of the Firefox dictionary extensions or ask them to write out long replies in Word so the basic spell/grammar checker in that can be used.

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novo sticks away a couple of his cahnces last nite and everyone would be saying how good we were, we were missing quite a few players last night against a very good Greek team and we were the better team , lets get behind the team!!!!

As always, that's a big "IF".

But I'm with you - even though I'm pissed off. Must stay positive.

Surely your first sentence is not properly constructed and is a text fragment and while it is occasionally ok to start a sentence with "But". In this instance it is not , gramatically, correct - back to schoool Ric - LOL

You have the wrong 'B' rule.

It is not grammatically correct to start a sentence with 'Because' (although it has it's place). There is nothing wrong with starting a sentence with 'But'.

Your sentence structure is all fucked up here too incidentally.

Don't try to take the piss if you don't know what you're talking about.


you want proper grammer then fuck off to a how to write in english forum , this is a football forum no-one gives a flying fuck about witing in proper sentances its not as if we are applying for jobs on here ffs


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novo sticks away a couple of his cahnces last nite and everyone would be saying how good we were, we were missing quite a few players last night against a very good Greek team and we were the better team , lets get behind the team!!!!

As always, that's a big "IF".

But I'm with you - even though I'm pissed off. Must stay positive.

Surely your first sentence is not properly constructed and is a text fragment and while it is occasionally ok to start a sentence with "But". In this instance it is not , gramatically, correct - back to schoool Ric - LOL

You have the wrong 'B' rule.

It is not grammatically correct to start a sentence with 'Because' (although it has it's place). There is nothing wrong with starting a sentence with 'But'.

Your sentence structure is all fucked up here too incidentally.

Don't try to take the piss if you don't know what you're talking about.


you want proper grammer then fuck off to a how to write in english forum , this is a football forum no-one gives a flying fuck about witing in proper sentances its not as if we are applying for jobs on here ffs


It was a joke. i thought that was obvious.

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Faux intellectual snobbery on the web really is a joy to behold... :(

So now it's intellectual snobbery to use the Queens English?

There was me thinking it was just a basic skills that should be encouraged in everyone.

Pardon me.

No of course it's not snobbery to use it. It's snobbery to complain about others who may not - especially when you make plenty of mistakes yourself.

It's unfair to presume everyone has first class English or typing skills. Poking fun at those who may not have the same standards as yourself is distasteful and intolerant.

Internet forums are informal places of discussion. Not everyone will look to construct their English in the same way they may present a more formal document at work or home. That's their prerogative and I fail to see why folk want to embarrass their fellow supporters by judging their academic skills in front of others.

If you are that annoyed, treat the people with respect by pming them, and offering positive help such as pointing them in the direction of the Firefox dictionary extensions or ask them to write out long replies in Word so the basic spell/grammar checker in that can be used.

Jesus Christ, frankie. Do i point out every single grammatical or spelling error? no, of course i bloody don't. But when it's a page of illegible gibberish, i think that's taking things too bloody far as it makes it painful to read.

As usual, you are taking things to extremes to try and prove your point - as if you had one.

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Gotta agree with some of the posters.

Since when did 0-0 become a BAD result in Europe? Yes, Pana were poor but i remember the last time we played them at Ibrox and we got humped 3-1 where they outplayed us in every area.

Pana are having a great season at home, who was to know that they would turn in a very inneffective performance last night.

We haven't lost an away goal & if we both play in a similar fashion next week then i believe that we will not miss the chances 2nd time around.

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Gotta agree with some of the posters.

Since when did 0-0 become a BAD result in Europe? Yes, Pana were poor but i remember the last time we played them at Ibrox and we got humped 3-1 where they outplayed us in every area.

Pana are having a great season at home, who was to know that they would turn in a very inneffective performance last night.

We haven't lost an away goal & if we both play in a similar fashion next week then i believe that we will not miss the chances 2nd time around.

Better start practising those penalties. ;)

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Jesus Christ, frankie. Do i point out every single grammatical or spelling error? no, of course i bloody don't. But when it's a page of illegible gibberish, i think that's taking things too bloody far as it makes it painful to read.

As usual, you are taking things to extremes to try and prove your point - as if you had one.

Sorry that post was full of illegible gibberish.

RP won't be happy with that (sic).

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Faux intellectual snobbery on the web really is a joy to behold... :(

So now it's intellectual snobbery to use the Queens English?

There was me thinking it was just a basic skills that should be encouraged in everyone.

Pardon me.

No of course it's not snobbery to use it. It's snobbery to complain about others who may not - especially when you make plenty of mistakes yourself.

It's unfair to presume everyone has first class English or typing skills. Poking fun at those who may not have the same standards as yourself is distasteful and intolerant.

Internet forums are informal places of discussion. Not everyone will look to construct their English in the same way they may present a more formal document at work or home. That's their prerogative and I fail to see why folk want to embarrass their fellow supporters by judging their academic skills in front of others.

If you are that annoyed, treat the people with respect by pming them, and offering positive help such as pointing them in the direction of the Firefox dictionary extensions or ask them to write out long replies in Word so the basic spell/grammar checker in that can be used.

Jesus Christ, frankie. Do i point out every single grammatical or spelling error? no, of course i bloody don't. But when it's a page of illegible gibberish, i think that's taking things too bloody far as it makes it painful to read.

As usual, you are taking things to extremes to try and prove your point - as if you had one.

Ric - you did and have tried to take the high ground and give people a hard time for using text speak and poor writing - my point is that until you properly craft and structure your own sentences keep the 'Proper us of the Queens English' comments to yourself. cya dwtby LOL

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If we play a better team over there i fancy us to win it.Pana didn't impress me at all.

Drop McCulloch,Adam and Novo.

Bting in Cousin/Boyd,Buffel/Burke and Naismith

Another over cautious display from Walter,what do these guys do in training that's gives them a passport into the first team.

Or does Walter see players that mirror himself as a player.slow and cumbersome.

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Ric - you did and have tried to take the high ground and give people a hard time for using text speak and poor writing

Only when it gets ridiculous. I can't be the only one who finds reading a block of mangled words difficult when there is absolutely no attempt at puntucation or grammar.

To me it's a lack of respect and demonstrates a slovenly, detestable attitude.

I'm not so pernickety that I cry about every badly constructed post - just the truly awful ones. Surely that can't be a crime?

You and Frankie are just as bad for sticking up for these lazy twats.

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never mind us being negative it's the team being negative too many back passes, don't know what you all think but how would you pass the ball to mc gregor from 40 yards instead of playing the ball forward yourself i can never understand it. wrong striker, subs too late , novo need's new boots again, papac is not an outside left, hemdani had better games , adam normal s****, maybe being a tad negative....

you ever play chess?


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Ric - you did and have tried to take the high ground and give people a hard time for using text speak and poor writing

Only when it gets ridiculous. I can't be the only one who finds reading a block of mangled words difficult when there is absolutely no attempt at puntucation or grammar.

To me it's a lack of respect and demonstrates a slovenly, detestable attitude.

I'm not so pernickety that I cry about every badly constructed post - just the truly awful ones. Surely that can't be a crime?

You and Frankie are just as bad for sticking up for these lazy twats.

I'm with you ricardo. This is a Rangers site. If I wanted to read illiterate drivel, devoid of punctuation and lacking any awareness of the distinctions between "there", "their" and "they're" or, less importantly, "its" and "it's", I'd visit Celtic sites.

We have standards. I won't post on here unless I'm clean-shaven and wearing a matching shirt, tie and suit.

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Members post in many different ways. The written word is a powerful thing, the problem lies in how we as individuals perceive the style of post and the message within it. We all think differently.

I make grammar mistakes now and again, I try my best to get it right but it doesnt mean Im an idiot if I don't.

We are all here to enjoy the board and support Rangers, ALL of us. ..... now there's a grammatical error ;)

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in my days survival was the name of the game not education. :rolleyes:

With due respect Minstral, you're missing the point. This isn't about education, it's about attitude. You can spot lazy arsed posters miles away.

Education has nothing to do with it, we all make mistakes and get a bit sloppy with our posts, but some people just take the fuckin piss and post utter shite.

I won't criticise someone for being stupid - if I know they're stupid I'll try to be sensitive enough and make allowances for that. But I won't forgive people being heart feckin lazy. I think that's a trait that belongs to the other side - if you wish to be Rangers minded about it.

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I'm with you ricardo. This is a Rangers site. If I wanted to read illiterate drivel, devoid of punctuation and lacking any awareness of the distinctions between "there", "their" and "they're" or, less importantly, "its" and "it's", I'd visit Celtic sites.

We have standards. I won't post on here unless I'm clean-shaven and wearing a matching shirt, tie and suit.

My sentiments exactly Oleg. Thank you! :lol:

I hope your posture whilst seated is up to the job as well! :pipehorse:

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