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Dundee United plan to sue referee over Rangers match blunders

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DUNDEE UNITED will seek to take legal action against referee Mike McCurry and the SFA following Saturday's controversial match against Rangers.

Record Sport can reveal Tannadice chairman Eddie Thompson met other club representatives yesterday to discuss McCurry's performance at Ibrox when he made a string of wrong decisions that went against United in the 3-1 win forWalter Smith's side.

Thompson is now looking to see if he can take any legal recourse against the official and his bosses at the SFA, although it is unclear what path he could go down in his attempt to get justice for his team.

Record Sport also understands that several people at Dundee United, including manager Craig Levein, have seen television pictures which appear to show McCurry saying to Rangers' Nacho Novo, "Good goal, Nacho" midway through the first half after the Spaniard had put his side 2-0 up.

Levein will certainly face a probe of his own because of his astonishing outburst after the Ibrox match.

The United boss was left furious with McCurry who denied his team a stonewall penalty when Davie Weir tripped Noel Hunt which, if given, could have meant a red card for the centre-half.

And a Danny Swanson goal was judged offside when the ball struck Weir on the way to the back of the net.

Levein also claimed Hunt was punched by Kirk Broadfoot and accused Daniel Cousin of butting Lee Wilkie.

http://www.<No links to this website>/sport/footbal...86908-20415162/

This is going too far. We would be 1 of the riches clubs in the world if we could sue the ref

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Did they take legal action when Darcheville was a yard onside and clean through on goal in the cup final and flagged? Or when Lee Wilkie assaulted Novo after his goal in the second Tannadice game and didn't get so much as a telling off? Or when Cousin scored in the first defeat at Tannadice last year and the goal wrongly chalked off?

Perhaps Levein will also be looking for Willo Flood, Noel Hunt and Lee Wilkie to be brought up on disrepute charges for their disgraceful behaviour on Saturday?

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Maybe we can take legal action over the last game v septik then offside an a wrongly awarded penalty

and the penalty we were denied

like the flag bastian taking it to manchester, i'll look ooot for it :rangers:

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What kind of precedent is this going to set if they are allowed to do this? FFS, every team has had decisions go against them at one time or another, we've had more than our fair share this season. If DU got away with this, where would it end? Every team threatening to take the ref to court if they lose?

Record Sport also understands that several people at Dundee United, including manager Craig Levein, have seen television pictures which appear to show McCurry saying to Rangers' Nacho Novo, "Good goal, Nacho" midway through the first half after the Spaniard had put his side 2-0 up.

Seriously? I just laughed out loud.

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How come there wasn't all this shite when Diamonds goal was chopped off or McDonalds against us was offside and the corner that wasn't against Motherwell they got.

Always the same,when it's Rangers it's healine news with the media sharpening their knives.

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Record Sport also understands that several people at Dundee United, including manager Craig Levein, have seen television pictures which appear to show McCurry saying to Rangers' Nacho Novo, "Good goal, Nacho" midway through the first half after the Spaniard had put his side 2-0 up.

Thats one of the most ridicilous things I have ever seen printed in a newspaper in my lifetime.

What does Levein actually want? A monotonous referee who just wanders about the pitch saying nothing blowing his whistle at random intervals to the benefit of his team?

I'm probablty not the only one, but before his actions and conduct this weekend, Levein was actually one of the managers who I had a decent level of respect for.

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Eddie Thomson is a scumbag of the highest, all this shit is about celtic not DU. Another bitter wee taig who hates Prods and Rangers. You think he would have more to worry about illness and all. No sympathy for him from this Bear. :sherlock:


I forgot that, anybody who isn't a bear is a tim!

Even though he came out and slasted Scott McDonald at the weekend too.

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Pathetic outburst yet again from Levein, the one who tried to get the game at Ibrox abandoned at half time last season because of water around the centre circle(his team being well behind), a guy with a long history of these tantrums when his team gets beaten.

He could have had no view of the penalty incident from his dugout. My view from the 18 yard line was that Hunt went to ground and caused Weir to run into him, it was a split second thing and I thought Hunt deserved a yellow. I am sure Setanta will have slowed replays down and would have gone on their regular crusade to try to prove that an injustice was done to a team facing Rangers.

I, however, still think that my angle of view was the best and apart from Hunt there was not much of an outcry from the Dundee Utd players. The "offside" goal did confuse me but then again so did the the unpenalised, by cautions, attacks on Novo and Ferguson throughout the game.

There are poor decisions in every game against both sides and I think we are all aware that referees are now frightened to award "stonewall" penalties to us for fear of media backlash.

As I said, Levein has a long history of outbursts and if he cannot accept his teams being beaten by better teams he should do the decent thing and give up the game. I think he would make an ideal traffic warden and would then be able to satisfy his bitterness at life by persecuting motorists.

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Eddie Thomson is a scumbag of the highest, all this shit is about celtic not DU. Another bitter wee taig who hates Prods and Rangers. You think he would have more to worry about illness and all. No sympathy for him from this Bear. :sherlock:


I forgot that, anybody who isn't a bear is a tim!

Even though he came out and slasted Scott McDonald at the weekend too.

something along the lines

"That wee macdonald fella, he goes down in the box at the drop of a hat" haha

Correct me if i'm wrong, wasn't Levein one of the famous 4 who got sent off at ibrox when playing for hearts?

neil pointing or berry got sent off for kicking the goal post?

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as i keep saying, we are hated all over scotland and despised by every other club, and for levein i have never been fooled by that specky cunt, he makes out he is a nice guy, but he is another who hates our club as does his chairman and both of them and their club can go and f--k off.

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This is ridiculous. Admittedly I hadn't seen some of the incidents too clearly at the time but my mates and I came away from Ibrox on Saturday totally slating the referee for his performance (and his linesmen). At no point did I feel he was biased - just terrible.

If you run the tape again you'll see Novo given offside at least a couple of times when he was miles on. But the linesman would rather flag when he's not managed to keep up with play as he knows it's less controversial to give a wrong offside than an offside goal.

Then we had Noel Hunt who we all saw looking for a fight. He eventually sprinted 50 yards across the pitch to slide in on (?) Whittaker. He was looking for some retribution and a yellow card but did he get it? No.

The most mystifying of all to me was with about 10 minutes to go and Novo sprinted clear up the left wing on a fast break and was scythed from behind at about knee height. Nasty, professional foul - at least a yellow and McCurry gave absolutely nothing.

In the end his decisions evened themselves out but somehow we're made to look like the lucky recipients who always get decisions in their favour when the opposite has been true this year.

Levein is completely blinkered. He's a decent manager but he lets himself down on too many occasions with his ridiculous outbursts.

All this serves is to provide more ammunition for the likes of the paranoid celts that no ref will ever give decisions against that and anyone who's watched us this season will know that is categorically untrue.

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Levein has became a c*nt of the highest order.

Both decisions are justified, Dailly ran in way of the referee's view so couldn't see it.

The disallowed goal could have hit the DU player, they had a split 2nd to wreact. The bueaty of hindsight and highlights show it was a mistake.

Humans makes mistakes ffs. Feck aff

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Eddie Thomson is a scumbag of the highest, all this shit is about celtic not DU. Another bitter wee taig who hates Prods and Rangers. You think he would have more to worry about illness and all. No sympathy for him from this Bear. :sherlock:

Get a grip. You may have your own idea of "humour", but that's way over the line, in reference to a dying man.

You really do need to take a look at yourself.

oleg if a dying man comes out with shite that he has done, then he deserves to be slagged.

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Levein should be embarrassed and make a full retraction. Utd have no legal grounds, since the ball going wide and Cuellar's position means Weir should not have been sent off, had it been a penalty, but even then, I think it would have been a very soft one, since both players go for the ball, Hunt miscontrols, runs across Weir and goes down easily. Weir made no attempt to kick, trip, push or pull Hunt. It looked like a natural coming together to me.

Furthermore, Levein's assertion that "McCurry knew it was a penalty" would be instantly disproven by the shot of Dailly running across the ref's line of vision. The ref has to be virtually 100% certain to give a major decision. It was a soft but giveable decision and no red card.

As for the offside, I think the ref was right, since the Utd player was offside, was near to Weir forcing him to play the ball, was right next to the ball, blocking the keepers view and raised his foot to either play or step over the ball thus deceiving any keeper or defender. Therefore, he was interfering with play and offside was the right decision.

Cousin deserved to go, but so could have Hunt, Flood and Wilkie. Also, Novo was called offside wrongly when in an excellent position on two occasions.

Levein deserves to be sued for defaming the ref and Utd have no case.

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Eddie Thomson is a scumbag of the highest, all this shit is about celtic not DU. Another bitter wee taig who hates Prods and Rangers. You think he would have more to worry about illness and all. No sympathy for him from this Bear. :sherlock:

Get a grip. You may have your own idea of "humour", but that's way over the line, in reference to a dying man.

You really do need to take a look at yourself.

oleg if a dying man comes out with shite that he has done, then he deserves to be slagged.

I'm not aware of him saying anything which justifies those remarks, especially in his dying days. BD needs to look up the dictionary to comprehend what the latter part of his name means.

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Levein and dundee united should be the ones getting sued. Paranoid arseholes who are taking 2 bad decisions that went against them in a match full of wrong decisions, and turning it into a question of integrity in scottish football.

Perhaps this is why levein wasnt chosen for the scotland job, they knew what he was like.

Can you imagine if he was scotland boss, think of a game at wembley, england trouncing us 5-0 then bazza gets pulled down in the box, only for a penalty not to be given. He would start accusing the royal family, the mafia and the nwo of conspiring against the team.

Craig levein, the david icke of football.

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He's also forgetting the Wilkie assault on Novo at Tannadice, the Buffel penalty that wasn't given, the dodgy pen they got at Tannadice and his so-called Hampden penalty was for his player running to Cuellar, losing the ball, grappling Cuellar and falling to the ground. We could get five of those in most first halves and they'd never be given.

That he said this on Radio Clyde a good 15 minutes after the final whistle was bad enough, but to repeat it two days later smacks of mental and emotional immaturity. I don't think he's got the strength of character to make it as a manager.

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This is the most ridiculous outburst I've heard in a long, long time. I've lost count of the terrible decisions that have gone against our team this season, any number of which have been just as "questionable" as McCurry's on Saturday, but threatening to take legal action is a few hundred steps over the line. I can understand anger and frustration at losing a game in this manner, and we'd be fuming if the decisions went against us, HOWEVER, I believe Levein has lost the plot here completely.

Does he honestly think those 2 decisions were the only wrong ones in the game?! How blinkered can you get?!! Aye right, his squad has every right to be aggrieved, as they are the last bastion of fair play in Scotland. Gies a fecking break. The assault on Novo alone should have been a straight Red card.

These bitter, JEALOUS fools around the SPL will be whinging right up to the very last day to try to prevent us from taking home the title. Stand firm and PUT THEM TO THE SWORD, every last one.

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as i keep saying, we are hated all over scotland and despised by every other club, and for levein i have never been fooled by that specky cunt, he makes out he is a nice guy, but he is another who hates our club as does his chairman and both of them and their club can go and f--k off.

Well said Minst :thumbs_up: :sherlock:

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