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Saturday, Billy Boys Returns

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here's a question. If we had 3 points deducted for fans singing that and we lost the league by 1 point, would it be worth it?

One, we have no change of getting within 10 points this season, never mind 1

two, if it protected the integrity of the club and its support, then it is most certainly worth it

There will be other titles, they come and go

An identity is forever

1- I asked 'if'

2- How will it protect the integrity of the club if we lose the title and have to play 2 CL qualifying rounds-look what happened last week.

3- The identity you speak of has not been there since 1873 but as many would testify since WW1

The question is, the phrase, "more Than a Club" has been touted on here a lot

Are we really?

If we are, we would be fighting this fight

If we are not, we meekly surrender into the night

And with less money from potentially not making it to the CL group stages we will be surrednering the title for many years to come. Is that what you want?

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i cant believe there are so many idiots still within our support and willing to sacrifice the club just to make a point that has no point towards the real gripe, TBB is not the way to express our anger at Murray as it would only serve to get us hammered, please open your eyes and see this, we will get fucked if that song rings out, and fucked proper.

The more I read of this thread - the more I'm convinced it's some kind of surreal-out-there wind up.

It's a complete fantasy to think that 10,000 of our fellow Rangers will suddenly and unanimously decide it's time to fuck our club up hugely - possibly for years to come.

Some of the pro-TBB arguments are laughable to witness.

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here's a question. If we had 3 points deducted for fans singing that and we lost the league by 1 point, would it be worth it?

You're asking a serious question - but you can't reasonably expect the morons in support of this madness to be able to answer. Not coherently anyway.

morons never can speak coherently mate.


Yes you are a tit whose only concern is yourself rather than the club you claim to support. Join the 21st century mate, in fact dragging yourself into the 20th century would be a nice start...

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here's a question. If we had 3 points deducted for fans singing that and we lost the league by 1 point, would it be worth it?

One, we have no change of getting within 10 points this season, never mind 1

two, if it protected the integrity of the club and its support, then it is most certainly worth it

There will be other titles, they come and go

An identity is forever

1- I asked 'if'

2- How will it protect the integrity of the club if we lose the title and have to play 2 CL qualifying rounds-look what happened last week.

3- The identity you speak of has not been there since 1873 but as many would testify since WW1

The question is, the phrase, "more Than a Club" has been touted on here a lot

Are we really?

If we are, we would be fighting this fight

If we are not, we meekly surrender into the night

And with less money from potentially not making it to the CL group stages we will be surrednering the title for many years to come. Is that what you want?

I want a strong Rangers, unified with their support, standing tall for what they beleive in - strength right nwo can only come from standing up for ourselves. If we do not, then European football will be the least of our worries

if we do this and it marks the beginning of a stronger Rangers, then stuff like Uefa trying to ban TBB will just fall off us like water off a ducks back - they dont have a legal ground to stand on - if we wanted to, we could fight that and win

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here's a question. If we had 3 points deducted for fans singing that and we lost the league by 1 point, would it be worth it?

You're asking a serious question - but you can't reasonably expect the morons in support of this madness to be able to answer. Not coherently anyway.

morons never can speak coherently mate.


Yes you are a tit whose only concern is yourself rather than the club you claim to support. Join the 21st century mate, in fact dragging yourself into the 20th century would be a nice start...

So, i am a tit & your mate, fuck right off.

Your avatar should be changed without hesitstion as at least Howard has some bollocks.

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Singing the billy boys is no solution. End of story!!! :rangers:

On its own, I agree, but as step one in a larger battle, then yes, it can have its desired effect

the only effect it would have is negative, there is absolutely no positives to come from singing it again for this reason.

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Singing the billy boys is no solution. End of story!!! :rangers:

On its own, I agree, but as step one in a larger battle, then yes, it can have its desired effect

I disagree, the billy boys does not solve the problem. The problem is Murray, by singing songs we will only get ourselves in trouble with the authorities and in the end up that wont penalise Murray but the coach and the players. I am all for demonstrative action but the billy boys is not the right course of action.

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stuff like Uefa trying to ban TBB will just fall off us like water off a ducks back - they dont have a legal ground to stand on - if we wanted to, we could fight that and win

Or, we could get hammered by Uefa, fight a lengthy and expensive legal battle for the right to sing a song celebrating a fascist thugs gang: and lose.

Fight it and lose - there's a thought.

Here's a question - why would you want Rangers fans to sing a song in celebration of Fullarton's fascist thugs anyway? What has it to do with the Rangers of 2008? I haven't heard a substantive argument offering good reason. Mibbes you can offer one.

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here's a question. If we had 3 points deducted for fans singing that and we lost the league by 1 point, would it be worth it?

One, we have no change of getting within 10 points this season, never mind 1

two, if it protected the integrity of the club and its support, then it is most certainly worth it

There will be other titles, they come and go

An identity is forever

1- I asked 'if'

2- How will it protect the integrity of the club if we lose the title and have to play 2 CL qualifying rounds-look what happened last week.

3- The identity you speak of has not been there since 1873 but as many would testify since WW1

The question is, the phrase, "more Than a Club" has been touted on here a lot

Are we really?

If we are, we would be fighting this fight

If we are not, we meekly surrender into the night

And with less money from potentially not making it to the CL group stages we will be surrednering the title for many years to come. Is that what you want?

I want a strong Rangers, unified with their support, standing tall for what they beleive in - strength right nwo can only come from standing up for ourselves. If we do not, then European football will be the least of our worries

if we do this and it marks the beginning of a stronger Rangers, then stuff like Uefa trying to ban TBB will just fall off us like water off a ducks back - they dont have a legal ground to stand on - if we wanted to, we could fight that and win

Now wait?! You want us and Rangers to stand up for a song about a Glasgow street gang who wanted to stand knee-deep in someone else's blood? Aye right!

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stuff like Uefa trying to ban TBB will just fall off us like water off a ducks back - they dont have a legal ground to stand on - if we wanted to, we could fight that and win

Or, we could get hammered by Uefa, fight a lengthy and expensive legal battle for the right to sing a song celebrating a fascist thugs gang: and lose.

Fight it and lose - there's a thought.

Here's a question - why would you want Rangers fans to sing a song in celebration of Fullarton's fascist thugs anyway? What has it to do with the Rangers of 2008? I haven't heard a substantive argument offering good reason. Mibbes you can offer one.

You've missed the point mate - its not what is being sung that is important - it is that the club refused to back its fans and let UEFA take away a part of our history without hardly a peep in return.

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here's a question. If we had 3 points deducted for fans singing that and we lost the league by 1 point, would it be worth it?

One, we have no change of getting within 10 points this season, never mind 1

two, if it protected the integrity of the club and its support, then it is most certainly worth it

There will be other titles, they come and go

An identity is forever

1- I asked 'if'

2- How will it protect the integrity of the club if we lose the title and have to play 2 CL qualifying rounds-look what happened last week.

3- The identity you speak of has not been there since 1873 but as many would testify since WW1

The question is, the phrase, "more Than a Club" has been touted on here a lot

Are we really?

If we are, we would be fighting this fight

If we are not, we meekly surrender into the night

And with less money from potentially not making it to the CL group stages we will be surrednering the title for many years to come. Is that what you want?

I want a strong Rangers, unified with their support, standing tall for what they beleive in - strength right nwo can only come from standing up for ourselves. If we do not, then European football will be the least of our worries

if we do this and it marks the beginning of a stronger Rangers, then stuff like Uefa trying to ban TBB will just fall off us like water off a ducks back - they dont have a legal ground to stand on - if we wanted to, we could fight that and win

Are you suggesting the club take UEFA to court? (in contravention to their rules and regulations that we are signatories to)

Teams don't play in Europe by right, ffs, teams don't play ANY football by right. Teams are INVITED to apply for a license to compete and by doing so accept the rules and regulations of the governing bodies.

Rangers, along with every other senior and junior club are licensed to play in these leagues and in order to gain their license they need to accept ALL the governing bodies rules and regulations. We have to accept the SFA'a rules and regs, the SFA are accredited by UEFA and we have to accept their rules and regs and UEFA are accredited by Fifa, the ultimate big boys, and we have to accept their rules and regs.

Scottish football is the preserve of the SFA. European football, UEFA and world football, Fifa. It's their game their rules, not ours.

One of their rules is members cannot take the governing body to civil courts, punishment for doing so is banishment from European and domestic competition for the club concerned and banishment from international competition for the international team of that club.

If you or others think 'that would never happen' then look at the Portuguese club who tried to take it's national FA to court after being relegated. UEFA and Fifa were right in there, you'll be banned from football, all your clubs will be banned from Europe and the national team will be banned from international competition.

On another note, for people who are understandably angry at Murray, this song will not force him out but lets just imagine for one insane moment that it did, who the fuck out there would be sitting thinking, "that's a club I want to invest £50 million of my own money in"? Fuckin no one.

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i think murray get to fuck would hurt him more than the billy boys, i would love to sing it but we will end up in trouble as the media would have a field day and its not the club we want to hurt its that coward murray. i cant tell people what to do and its up to people if they sing or not but i feel we will hurt the club we love.

Have to agree here - we want to hit SDM hard, not shoot our own feet off. While I may agree with the sentiment of belting out TBB, we have got to to look at it clearly - singing that will only hurt us and bring further condemnation on the supporters from all corners, taking the focus completely off Murray. NOT what we want, is it?

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here's a question. If we had 3 points deducted for fans singing that and we lost the league by 1 point, would it be worth it?

One, we have no change of getting within 10 points this season, never mind 1

two, if it protected the integrity of the club and its support, then it is most certainly worth it

There will be other titles, they come and go

An identity is forever

1- I asked 'if'

2- How will it protect the integrity of the club if we lose the title and have to play 2 CL qualifying rounds-look what happened last week.

3- The identity you speak of has not been there since 1873 but as many would testify since WW1

The question is, the phrase, "more Than a Club" has been touted on here a lot

Are we really?

If we are, we would be fighting this fight

If we are not, we meekly surrender into the night

And with less money from potentially not making it to the CL group stages we will be surrednering the title for many years to come. Is that what you want?

I want a strong Rangers, unified with their support, standing tall for what they beleive in - strength right nwo can only come from standing up for ourselves. If we do not, then European football will be the least of our worries

if we do this and it marks the beginning of a stronger Rangers, then stuff like Uefa trying to ban TBB will just fall off us like water off a ducks back - they dont have a legal ground to stand on - if we wanted to, we could fight that and win

Now wait?! You want us and Rangers to stand up for a song about a Glasgow street gang who wanted to stand knee-deep in someone else's blood? Aye right!

Have you been to Ibrox?

Serious question, as if you have at a game worth any salt, you would not have asked that.

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Why sing a song that causes so much trouble when we have made such progress at our club? Why ruin the name of the club after all the negative press from Manchester.

You may be angry at Murry, Bain and Smith but don't waste our club.

I really fail to see what sectarian signing will do other than prove that your an idiot who should wake up and realise that this is 2008 and people shouldn't be given abuse because of race, relgion or sexuality.

Grow up the lot of you...

Shut it mate, this is a protest. It may only be for one game, but even 10,000 fans singing it would hit the nail home.

They are not wanted, and the longer they remain at our club the longer they damage it.

If we show them up, and prove our heritage even just once more, it will be enough to show our fans are not going to be led like sheep anymore

This is a ridiculous suggestion.

It has been quite rightly stated that this club has made significant progress in getting over the billy boys song and erradicating it. This would be a step backwards for the whole club, why do this to your own club?

Murray isnt going to realise that by singing the billy boys its a defiance against him.

Maybe a chant of 'Murray GTF' would suffice.

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i think murray get to fuck would hurt him more than the billy boys, i would love to sing it but we will end up in trouble as the media would have a field day and its not the club we want to hurt its that coward murray. i cant tell people what to do and its up to people if they sing or not but i feel we will hurt the club we love.

Have to agree here - we want to hit SDM hard, not shoot our own feet off. While I may agree with the sentiment of belting out TBB, we have got to to look at it clearly - singing that will only hurt us and bring further condemnation on the supporters from all corners, taking the focus completely off Murray. NOT what we want, is it?

In my opinion it will embarrass the guy - whcih works for me

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Bottom line is that singing TBB would play right into Murray's hands by allowing him to take the moral high ground with the media and turn the focus onto the fans rather than him and the rest of the management. Constant chanting of "Murray GTF" will be far more effective. Oh, and a few rounds of "you don't know what you're doing" at Smith wouldn't go amiss either

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long have the days of the Billy boys been missed id love to do it n fuck murray up i just dont wana fuck the Rangers up

:unionflag: :unionflag: :unionflag: :rangers::rangers: :unionflag: :unionflag: :unionflag:

:bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy:

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Now wait?! You want us and Rangers to stand up for a song about a Glasgow street gang who wanted to stand knee-deep in someone else's blood? Aye right!

Have you been to Ibrox?

Serious question, as if you have at a game worth any salt, you would not have asked that.

Serious answer? Never had the chance, given where I live. Alas, they have been kind enough to visit the continent often enough to get enough experience.

Ibrox is not the same intimidating place it once was, but that is not something that hinges on one song. Especially if it is a song that has nothing to do with football and that can hardly be depicted as common football "banter". It has been hailed as THE Rangers song for motivating us and intimidating the opposition. Fair enough. But that was just the supporters' view and now they (at least some of them) think that is Rangers tradition and all. There is no will to actually think on what others might say, just head into sand like a spoilt brat and if possible, run through brick walls for it. When the most sensible thing would be to draw upon those 100+ other songs - Rangers songs! - out there or adopting another one instead.

And while we are at it, it is utterly useless to point at the Timdome and the terrorist songs they sing there without anyone taking note. Unless someone complains - and in their hundreds - nothing will happen. But their misbehaviour will not reduce our misbehaviour if we start signing TBB again. That song will only see us into more bother, full stop. Anyone who does not see this lives in his own dreamland.

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