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Whining Irish Government at it again


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There's an article in the Scotland on Sunday where the Irish Parliamentarians are attacking us again over the Famine Song, and urging Wee Fat Eck to take us to task.

Time to fight back again Oleg............ :unionflag: :unionflag: :unionflag:


Irish ministers join the battle to rid Scottish football of sectarian chanting

Date: 12 October 2008

By Eddie Barnes Political Editor

A GROWING campaign to rid Scottish football stadiums of sectarian chanting has reached the top levels of the Irish government.

Dublin's minister for foreign affairs Micheál Martin has expressed concerns over the "intimidation" at Celtic vs Rangers matches, following protests from politicians in the Irish Dáil. He said he had received a promise that "tangible new steps" will be taken by the Scottish Government.

The row comes after an Old Firm game in August when Rangers fans were heard singing the Famine Song, which includes the line "The famine's over, why don't you go home." The song also refers to how the Irish in Scotland have brought the country "nothing but trouble and shame". Rangers FC have asked fans to refrain from singing the song.

However, TDs in Dublin are now urging Irish foreign ministers to raise the matter in Edinburgh. Alan Shatter TD said some of his constituents who had travelled to the game from Ireland had complained about what he described as "offensive anti-Irish songs". He added: "The singing of such songs is a regular event and has caused fear and concern to Irish residents and their children who on occasion visit Glasgow for such football matches."

Martin said: "I am assured that tangible new steps to tackle sectarianism are currently being reviewed by the Scottish Government and I am hopeful that the proposed measures will help to improve the situation."

The matter was first raised at a meeting between the Scottish Government and the Irish consulate last month, and Martin said the consul-general has now been asked to monitor the situation.

But sources last night suggested that the strength of feeling in Ireland is such that the matter may be taken up by Irish MEPs, who will seek tougher sanctions against fans.

In 2006, ministers introduced new Football Banning Orders under which sectarian singing can lead to a 10-year ban from UK games. However, some now say that singing such songs should lead to an immediate arrest.

A spokesman for First Minister Alex Salmond last night said: described the exchanges in the Irish parliament as "very helpful and constructive". He added: "The Scottish Government is funding and supporting many initiatives to combat sectarianism, including Promoting Citizenship Through Football launched this week. Last month, the First Minister reaffirmed his commitment to tackling sectarian bigotry and will make a statement in due course."

Last month, former first minister Jack McConnell attacked the Scottish Government for failing to follow through his own high-profile bid to stamp out sectarianism. He claimed this was allowing the "cancer" of sectarianism to grow back.

However, the SNP insists it is rolling out a series of measures. Ministers are funding groups including Sense over Sectarianism and Nil by Mouth. The Government is also backing a £150,000 football project known as "Kick Out Bigotry".

Last week, Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill also unveiled a partnership between football chiefs and the Government to weed out sectarianism by promoting "positive citizenship" through sport.

The row over the chanting of the song at the Old Firm game on August 31 is unprecedented even in the turbulent history of rivalry between the two clubs. Celtic chairman John Reid condemned the song as "racist".

However, Celtic fans have not escaped censure. A Northern Ireland sports minister said he was unlikely to accept an invitation to Celtic Park because of pro-IRA chanting by fans. DUP MP Gregory Campbell wrote to Reid about songs sung by Celtic fans during their September 13 game away to Motherwell and demanded the club take more action.

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Dublin's minister for foreign affairs Micheál Martin has expressed concerns over the "intimidation" at Celtic vs Rangers matches, following protests from politicians in the Irish Dáil.

How embarrassing for them. World finance crises, children starving to death all over the planet, wars and brutally murderous regimes multiply, ice-caps melting, recession, pandemic imminent...and the Irish Govt. invest their time in tackling a fitba chant they don't like :mutley:

I hope Salmond tells them to get their own miserable house in order before crying like bairns to us about the rights of the perpetually offended.

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Dublin's minister for foreign affairs Micheál Martin has expressed concerns over the "intimidation" at Celtic vs Rangers matches, following protests from politicians in the Irish Dáil.

How embarrassing for them. World finance crises, children starving to death all over the plant, wars and brutally murderous regimes multiply, ice-caps melting, recession, pandemic imminent...and the Irish Govt. invest their time in tackling a fitba chant they don't like :mutley:

I hope Salmond tells them to get their own miserable house in order before crying like bairns to us about the rights of the perpetually offended.


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I hope Salmond tells them to get their own miserable house in order before crying like bairns to us about the rights of the perpetually offended.

wont happen

read the full page

his spokesman says the exchanges in the irish parliament were helpful and constructive

the famine is over, why don`t you go home :unionflag:

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SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO,typical of Irish republicans they just CANT help but try to cause bother,while turning a blind eye to their own failings.

How dare they try and interfere in our countries affairs,what has anything that goes on here got owt to do with them???????

Salmond MUST tell them where to go or they will continuously try to poke their noses into our business,with the help of traitors like Reid & McConnell.

ITS now time for the Protestant MAJORITY 80% of the population to start fighting back,am NOT preaching violence or anything silly like that,but more at

local level,e.g community cooncils,local political parties,lobbing your MP,s,school boards,church boards etc.

They have far to much say in this country,very much the tail wagging the dog,we have been to easy owsy for far to long,it has now got to the stage

we,re scared to say anything for fear of being labelled a bigot or a racist and sould be ashamed for being a PROTESTANT in a PROTESTANT country,

thats not right,try the same thing in their patch and you,d be hound out.

All this about the TATTIE SONG,has nothing to do with being offended its just very,very bitter TIMS having a go anyway they can at our club,we must stand up to this shower or it will never stop,till they put us out the game.


KIDS ONLY RECENTLY BY BANNING COLOURED WEANS FROM ATTENDING RC SCHOOLS,THEY HAD TO BUILD THEIR OWN SO AS THEIR WEANS COULD GET SOME EDUCATION,and dont start me on how they,ve treated the Protestant community in their country since they became a republic.

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Alan Shatter TD said some of his constituents who had travelled to the game from Ireland had complained about what he described as "offensive anti-Irish songs". He added: "The

singing of such songs is a regular event and has caused fear and concern to Irish residents and their children who on occasion visit Glasgow for such football matches."

funny they dont seem to have a problem singing anti protestant, anti british and pro terrorist songs in front of their children yet this isnt mentioned. GTF SHITTER and sort your own country out first

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Guest Andypendek

Ridiculous nonsense. Well done, once again, the SCottish govt. for responding with nothing but the vaguest and blandest response.

If anything is likely to heighten tension in those places where it exists, it's this. Those on our side will be delighted to have wound them up and will sing ever louder, those on their side will continue their laughable campaign of victimhood. The worst of all possible worlds.

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This would have more credence if the parliamentarians were also concerned with Celtic fans adopting a pro IRA attitude under the guise of Irishness. You would also think they have far more pressing issues to be dealing with at the moment.

Hopefully Salmond tells them to take a hike and concentrate on their own country. If I can say only one good thing about him it's that he will always stick up for Scotland.

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This is just going to escalate. What a load of bullshit about the fans fearing for their lives because of a song, complaining about it and trying to get sanctions placed on Rangers is only heightening the tension.

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Maybe the Irish government should get their own sectarian country in order first. I mean it was only two years ago their citizens decided to attack a parade which was there to commemorate the murders of innocent men, woman and children during the troubles.

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Maybe the Irish government should get their own sectarian country in order first. I mean it was only two years ago their citizens decided to attack a parade which was there to commemorate the murders of innocent men, woman and children during the troubles.

Apparently they think that singing about violence is so much worse than actually committing it. Obviously never heard the adage "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me".

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The Irish having a go about bigotry...what a fucking bunch of hypocrites. go and sort your own mess first.

This coming from the same people who gave their support to Adolf Hitlers Germany, idiots.

What do they think Europe would be like now if our brave men and women during the second world war just sat back and let them win.

The systematic slaughter of the Jews was just the tip of the iceberg, the blacks were on the hit list along with disabled people and Roman Catholics. We fought to give those bams the right to religious freedom as well as free speech and the right to live within a free society, yet they still sing songs of glory about the IRA.

Now don't take this the wrong way Irish Pm's but Fuck Off.

Plastic paddyism should be outlawed, we now live in a diverse society were so many people indulge in attacking our British-ness yet live in our country with the freedom that they have to live here, yet they would have none of this back in there own countries.

Its become all too clear that our Government have become a spine-less bunch of padders, devoid of any self worth, Gordon Brown grow some balls and get this sorted.

I never thought I'd say this but my god I miss Maggie Thatcher, when you look back this women did harm Scotland in some ways but her belief in Britain was never questionable. She'd never bend over the way Blair and now Brown have done. She had balls

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There's an article in the Scotland on Sunday where the Irish Parliamentarians are attacking us again over the Famine Song, and urging Wee Fat Eck to take us to task.

Time to fight back again Oleg............ :unionflag: :unionflag: :unionflag:


Irish ministers join the battle to rid Scottish football of sectarian chanting

Date: 12 October 2008

By Eddie Barnes Political Editor

A GROWING campaign to rid Scottish football stadiums of sectarian chanting has reached the top levels of the Irish government.

Dublin's minister for foreign affairs Micheál Martin has expressed concerns over the "intimidation" at Celtic vs Rangers matches, following protests from politicians in the Irish Dáil. He said he had received a promise that "tangible new steps" will be taken by the Scottish Government.

The row comes after an Old Firm game in August when Rangers fans were heard singing the Famine Song, which includes the line "The famine's over, why don't you go home." The song also refers to how the Irish in Scotland have brought the country "nothing but trouble and shame". Rangers FC have asked fans to refrain from singing the song.

However, TDs in Dublin are now urging Irish foreign ministers to raise the matter in Edinburgh. Alan Shatter TD said some of his constituents who had travelled to the game from Ireland had complained about what he described as "offensive anti-Irish songs". He added: "The singing of such songs is a regular event and has caused fear and concern to Irish residents and their children who on occasion visit Glasgow for such football matches."

Martin said: "I am assured that tangible new steps to tackle sectarianism are currently being reviewed by the Scottish Government and I am hopeful that the proposed measures will help to improve the situation."

The matter was first raised at a meeting between the Scottish Government and the Irish consulate last month, and Martin said the consul-general has now been asked to monitor the situation.

But sources last night suggested that the strength of feeling in Ireland is such that the matter may be taken up by Irish MEPs, who will seek tougher sanctions against fans.

In 2006, ministers introduced new Football Banning Orders under which sectarian singing can lead to a 10-year ban from UK games. However, some now say that singing such songs should lead to an immediate arrest.

A spokesman for First Minister Alex Salmond last night said: described the exchanges in the Irish parliament as "very helpful and constructive". He added: "The Scottish Government is funding and supporting many initiatives to combat sectarianism, including Promoting Citizenship Through Football launched this week. Last month, the First Minister reaffirmed his commitment to tackling sectarian bigotry and will make a statement in due course."

Last month, former first minister Jack McConnell attacked the Scottish Government for failing to follow through his own high-profile bid to stamp out sectarianism. He claimed this was allowing the "cancer" of sectarianism to grow back.

However, the SNP insists it is rolling out a series of measures. Ministers are funding groups including Sense over Sectarianism and Nil by Mouth. The Government is also backing a £150,000 football project known as "Kick Out Bigotry".

Last week, Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill also unveiled a partnership between football chiefs and the Government to weed out sectarianism by promoting "positive citizenship" through sport.

The row over the chanting of the song at the Old Firm game on August 31 is unprecedented even in the turbulent history of rivalry between the two clubs. Celtic chairman John Reid condemned the song as "racist".

However, Celtic fans have not escaped censure. A Northern Ireland sports minister said he was unlikely to accept an invitation to Celtic Park because of pro-IRA chanting by fans. DUP MP Gregory Campbell wrote to Reid about songs sung by Celtic fans during their September 13 game away to Motherwell and demanded the club take more action.

Why don't they just put a potato on the flag and have done with it ... for gods sake GET OVER IT!

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I don't but Blair started this, the wee turn coat bastard that he is.

Taking it from the Vatican can't be good for anyone. 2000 fucking years of these cnuts messing with the world and still nothing gets done.

Handing over your destiny to Rome is like giving guns to weans, you'll do yersel more harm than good.

Religious freedom is our right, it was those brave men and women who died during both World wars who have afforded us this right. Along with free speech and a free society. Why attack them for giving YOU that freedom.

No surrender.

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This is just getting laughable now. The time that is getting wasted arguing about this is unbelievable! Im a 17 year old and the irish moaning about a song and it is the least of my worries so why are people still going on about it? Is it the same people who complained about celtic getting three hungarian officials for their champions league because it said in brackets h** next to their names? People in this country need to grow up and stop pretending they are something that they are not! Like the article said in yesterday's sun about james mccarthy the young hamilton player being stupid for not playing for scotland, he is a stranger in ireland. He uses our health service, used our education services and was born in this country yet would rather play for a country he more than likey hadnt visted prior to being selected for the ROI squad. Of course the boy is a celtic fan and brought up with the same crap the rest of them are so naturally he is irish. Rant over

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Dear Mr Martin

It is with regret I find myself getting involved in a tit-for-tat campaign involving a rival set of football fans but I do so, not by way of disagreeing with the reporting and disgust of “The Famine Song” sung by Rangers fans, but the role played by yourselves in highlighting your own dis-pleasure of the song and your ironic attempts at getting the Scottish Executive to take action.

Whilst I accept this song can cause deep offence to both Protestants and Catholics who may or may not be descendants of the Irish Immigrants, I find it absurd that the Irish Government can label anyone racist when the very same body, both past and present, and by its own admission and policies are steeped in racism.

This is a government, whom, in the past has had to apologise for the Irish wartime policy that was inspired by "a culture of muted anti-semitism in Ireland," discouraging immigration by Europe's shattered Jews. A government whose Taoiseach felt the need to sign a petition of condolence at the German legation in Dublin to express his grief on the death of Hitler despite being aware of the Nazi genocide at Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. (A**)

But the racism doesn’t stop back in the 40’s and 50’s. To this day, the Irish government allows “schools to discriminate on the basis of religion, which ends being a form of indirect institutional racism” (B**) and indeed some parents, both locals and immigrants, "felt forced or coerced to have their child baptised to get a place in their local Catholic school." (C**)

I am sure you will excuse me for being a little concerned at the intentions of your intervention in these recent events and I would like to ask why you personally got involved in this when clearly their are bigger fish to fry in your own back-yard when it comes to racist behaviour. The Irish government are NOT a couple of thousand football fans topped up with booze, though I must express concisely and clearly that I 100% condemn the song and I will be most glad to never hear it again.

One final thing I feel should be brought to your attention for your comments, is the disgusting chants heard by Celtic supporters. I am more than sure that over the years, Irish descendants in Scotland have had loved ones taken away from them by the Irish Republican Army. Week in, week out, people across the UK tune in to Setanta only to hear songs such as The Celtic Symphony (D**), which at the very end contains the lyrics “Ooh Ah, Up the RA”. This song is illegal under the Terrorism Act of 2006 which forbids the glorification of any prescribed terrorist organisation past or present and is punishable by a jail term of 7 years. Ironically enough, one of the very first people to fall foul of this law was the 31 year old Muslim, Abu Izzadeen (E**), whom had earlier heckled the now Celtic Chairman Dr John Reid yet the very same Mr Reid, having supported the introduction of this law, is sitting in his very comfortable leather chair ignoring this Breach of the Law from his own support.

Not only is this song sung in grounds but also in places where the IRA have destroyed many lives and businesses, namely Manchester (F**), which I am sure you agree is totally irresponsible and at best sickening. I would appreciate your comments on these songs or an indication as to what you are going to do or who you are going to speak to in order to get rid of them.

I would like to summarise by saying that I consider myself far removed from the “fundamentalist” element of the Rangers support, however I have open debate with them on issues we don’t agree with. I fully understand that some people not for changing out there and part of me accepts that in life, you need to have that mixture of beliefs otherwise it would be a very boring place. I am as much in disagreement with them on their choice of songs as I am with all the other Football teams throughout Scotland. Where I draw the line though and where I do agree with them is that “ONLY RANGERS FOOTBALL CLUB IS UNDER THE SPOTLIGHT”

This has to change and people have a duty to demonstrate a policy of equality as “EQUALITY” plays a huge part in this current climate of ‘hatred’

Finally, under the Freedom of Information Act, I believe that as a complaint has been made against Rangers supporters, of which I am one, this may entitle me to see full un-edited correspondence to and from your organisation or at least all communication with the Scottish Executive. I would be very grateful of a full reply to my points and not a standard response and I would very much like you to forward on the relevant copies or reasons behind the prevention of providing such details.



(A**) - http://victims.org.uk/s08zhk/index.php?opt...78&Itemid=5

(B**) - http://www.rachelstavern.com/?p=692

(C**) - http://origin.foxnews.com/printer_friendly...tudents,00.html

(D**) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18iPMbfl6-0

(E**) - http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/c...icle1356211.ece

(F**) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOwqWQS8oRY

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Dear Mr Martin

It is with regret I find myself getting involved in a tit-for-tat campaign involving a rival set of football fans but I do so, not by way of disagreeing with the reporting and disgust of “The Famine Song” sung by Rangers fans, but the role played by yourselves in highlighting your own dis-pleasure of the song and your ironic attempts at getting the Scottish Executive to take action.

Whilst I accept this song can cause deep offence to both Protestants and Catholics who may or may not be descendants of the Irish Immigrants, I find it absurd that the Irish Government can label anyone racist when the very same body, both past and present, and by its own admission and policies are steeped in racism.

This is a government, whom, in the past has had to apologise for the Irish wartime policy that was inspired by "a culture of muted anti-semitism in Ireland," discouraging immigration by Europe's shattered Jews. A government whose Taoiseach felt the need to sign a petition of condolence at the German legation in Dublin to express his grief on the death of Hitler despite being aware of the Nazi genocide at Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. (A**)

But the racism doesn’t stop back in the 40’s and 50’s. To this day, the Irish government allows “schools to discriminate on the basis of religion, which ends being a form of indirect institutional racism” (B**) and indeed some parents, both locals and immigrants, "felt forced or coerced to have their child baptised to get a place in their local Catholic school." (C**)

I am sure you will excuse me for being a little concerned at the intentions of your intervention in these recent events and I would like to ask why you personally got involved in this when clearly their are bigger fish to fry in your own back-yard when it comes to racist behaviour. The Irish government are NOT a couple of thousand football fans topped up with booze, though I must express concisely and clearly that I 100% condemn the song and I will be most glad to never hear it again.

One final thing I feel should be brought to your attention for your comments, is the disgusting chants heard by Celtic supporters. I am more than sure that over the years, Irish descendants in Scotland have had loved ones taken away from them by the Irish Republican Army. Week in, week out, people across the UK tune in to Setanta only to hear songs such as The Celtic Symphony (D**), which at the very end contains the lyrics “Ooh Ah, Up the RA”. This song is illegal under the Terrorism Act of 2006 which forbids the glorification of any prescribed terrorist organisation past or present and is punishable by a jail term of 7 years. Ironically enough, one of the very first people to fall foul of this law was the 31 year old Muslim, Abu Izzadeen (E**), whom had earlier heckled the now Celtic Chairman Dr John Reid yet the very same Mr Reid, having supported the introduction of this law, is sitting in his very comfortable leather chair ignoring this Breach of the Law from his own support.

Not only is this song sung in grounds but also in places where the IRA have destroyed many lives and businesses, namely Manchester (F**), which I am sure you agree is totally irresponsible and at best sickening. I would appreciate your comments on these songs or an indication as to what you are going to do or who you are going to speak to in order to get rid of them.

I would like to summarise by saying that I consider myself far removed from the “fundamentalist” element of the Rangers support, however I have open debate with them on issues we don’t agree with. I fully understand that some people not for changing out there and part of me accepts that in life, you need to have that mixture of beliefs otherwise it would be a very boring place. I am as much in disagreement with them on their choice of songs as I am with all the other Football teams throughout Scotland. Where I draw the line though and where I do agree with them is that “ONLY RANGERS FOOTBALL CLUB IS UNDER THE SPOTLIGHT”

This has to change and people have a duty to demonstrate a policy of equality as “EQUALITY” plays a huge part in this current climate of ‘hatred’

Finally, under the Freedom of Information Act, I believe that as a complaint has been made against Rangers supporters, of which I am one, this may entitle me to see full un-edited correspondence to and from your organisation or at least all communication with the Scottish Executive. I would be very grateful of a full reply to my points and not a standard response and I would very much like you to forward on the relevant copies or reasons behind the prevention of providing such details.



(A**) - http://victims.org.uk/s08zhk/index.php?opt...78&Itemid=5

(B**) - http://www.rachelstavern.com/?p=692

(C**) - http://origin.foxnews.com/printer_friendly...tudents,00.html

(D**) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18iPMbfl6-0

(E**) - http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/c...icle1356211.ece

(F**) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOwqWQS8oRY

good reply. (tu)

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