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Boyd - fouls


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While he could learn a lot from the likes of Sutton, Hartson, Shearer in terms of being a frontman - I think that while he does get legitimate fouls given against him...

There is not enough fouls given for/on him IMO and I'm not just meaning about today but today spurred me to say it.

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Sometimes he goes down too easy but gets a free kick.

I actually think he gets more fouls -that probably shouldn't be fouls- than he doesn't -that he should- get.

It is weird, he gets the free kicks for the poor ones where he goes down easy, yet when hes getting mauled over they dont give them

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Sometimes he goes down too easy but gets a free kick.

I actually think he gets more fouls -that probably shouldn't be fouls- than he doesn't -that he should- get.

It is weird, he gets the free kicks for the poor ones where he goes down easy, yet when hes getting mauled over they dont give them

Maybe related problems - the boy that cried wolf and whatnot. I don't have any moral objection to him going down easily, I just think it hurts him as a player.

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Sometimes he goes down too easy but gets a free kick.

I actually think he gets more fouls -that probably shouldn't be fouls- than he doesn't -that he should- get.

It is weird, he gets the free kicks for the poor ones where he goes down easy, yet when hes getting mauled over they dont give them

Maybe related problems - the boy that cried wolf and whatnot. I don't have any moral objection to him going down easily, I just think it hurts him as a player.

definitely, although it seems a bit of an omen as im sure there have been a few where we have ended up scoring from them :D

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Boyd is perfect


That's a lot more than we can say about you. FACT! <cr>

RFC was taking the pish PB.

Have you ever read his opinion on Boyd, it's up there with your own :lol:

Yep, it was so embarrassingly misconstrued! :lol:

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This is something that has always annoyed me. Although sometimes boyd does go down easily and wins a free kick, most of the time he gets absolutely clattered and gets fuck all from the ref. There was an incident yesterday when one of the hamilton defenders pulled boyd in mid air then caught him with an elbow, and the free kick went against boyd. <cr>

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While I do think Boyd has had abut of a rough deal in the last couple of matches he doesn't help himself with the way he challenges for these balls. He doesn't make much of an effort to jump and tends to look as if he is playing the man rather or looking for a free kick. Oddly, he jumps much better in the penalty area when he thinks he can score. Needs to work on this aspect like he's done on some of the others

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Sometimes he goes down too easy but gets a free kick.

I actually think he gets more fouls -that probably shouldn't be fouls- than he doesn't -that he should- get.

I agree with that. Can't comment on yesterday's game but generally he gets plenty of free kicks where he hasn't been fouled. On balance though refs have always had a tendancy to give the 'six of one, half a dozen of the other' challenges against the forward player.

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Football is a contact sport to an extent.....just a pity the refs don't recognise that.

Football used to be a contact sport.

On balance I don't think refs in Scotland are strict enough and the thug thrives.

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I think Boydy is a bit hard done by. He's making an effort to win the ball and the refs are giving free-kicks against him time and again. Football is a contact sport to an extent.....just a pity the refs don't recognise that.

he is a bit hard done by i agree to an extent.he is to much like sutton used to be leading with the arm every time he goes up and when thats spotted hes fucked.reckons he wins as much as go against him though :unionflag:

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He needs to stop being a pussy and start standing his ground and shoving defenders about the place. Nothing annoys me more than the constant claiming for fouls instead of challenging for the ball.

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I think he has made a rod for his own back wiith some of his antics of going down too easy. This will make refs think twice about giving him a foul.

He also makes his fouls far too obvious. As much as it pains me to say it, Sutton and Larsson were far cleverer than Boyd when it came to winning fouls.

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