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I won't quit Rangers...

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MADJID BOUGHERRA last night vowed not to cut and run from the challenge of helping Rangers peg back Celtic during the January transfer window.

The Ibrox centre back has enjoyed a fine six months in Scotland following his £2.5m switch from Charlton last summer and his form has alerted several English clubs as well as French giants Marseilles.

But Bougherra is adamant he is going nowhere and won't be following the likes of Carlos Cuellar and Jean-Alain Boumsong - two foreign defenders who arrived at Ibrox and left quickly for massive profit after enhancing their reputations here.

Rangers manager Walter Smith is looking to bring in Sporting Lisbon centre back Tonel next month but has to jettison as many as six players from his squad to raise the cash to pay the Portuguese defender's transfer fee and wages.

But Bougherra last night insisted he won't be one of them and has even warned his agent not to bother calling him next month if Marseilles - who have been credited with the strongest interest in the Algerian international - or anyone else make an attempt to lure him from the south side of Glasgow.

He said: "I am very comfortable here and I am staying.

"I have my agent and he never calls me until January or the end of a season but I have told him I am very happy with Rangers and want to stay on."

Former Crewe, Sheffield Wednesday and Charlton stopper Bougherra has enjoyed a nomadic career but is clearly planning on putting down roots in Glasgow. He wants success on the field to match the contentment he is feeling off the pitch.

That means eating into Celtic's lead at the top of the table and he believes Rangers have to start matches far better than they've done of late - conceding twice in the first 20 minutes to Hearts a fortnight ago, then losing an early goal to Hamilton at the weekend before storming back to win 7-1.

He said:"The first 20 minutes against Accies was very difficult and that has been the problem in the last few games. There is a problem with the concentration but Kenny Miller scored quickly and we were very good after that.

"It was very important he got the goal so quickly because if the score had stayed 1-0 for a long time Hamilton would have sat back. But we knew what we had to do and with the fans behind us we did it.

"Kenny started it and the team followed him.

"When Hamilton scored we could hear our fans and they were very angry. We were at home and need to win every game because Celtic are in front of us.

"I know all about pressure through playing for Algeria. At my last club, I didn't have that situation but here you need to win every week. I am learning about it but it can be difficult.

"In Algeria, it is the same as it is here. When you win, you are the best. That's the life of a footballer and you need to it enjoy it as you have highs and lows in your career.

"But when Kenny scored quickly, the crowd got behind us and we tried to play football. When we do that, the game is easy for us.

"The result was merited. We kept the ball, we made chances and it was definitely merited.

"Hearts the previous week was a different game. The pitch was very small and Hearts gave 200 per cent, while we didn't play football.

"When we play football we score goals and we win all the time, but the last match was difficult.

"It's important we don't lose an early goal against Dundee United next week. That's been a problem and we will be working on it this week. We have to do better in the first 20 minutes.

"Concentration is the problem.

We have to get into the game quickly. Dundee United will be a hard game because they are a good team and it is always difficult when we play them."

Bougherra is hoping Miller and Kris Boyd, who scored a hat-trick at the weekend to keep his own fine run of form going, can continue to click the way they did against Accies.

If so, he believes the goals will keep on coming.

He said: "They will score a lot of goals. Kenny is the kind of player who runs everywhere, trying things while Boydy is a clever striker. In the 18-yard box, when he gets the ball he'll score 80 per cent of the time.

"You can see the statistics when they play together. They score many times and they have a good partnership. That's good for us.

"The pairing is good. Jean-Claude Darcheville can come in and is a different player but it's good we have abig squad and every player can come in and do very well.

"You look at Aaron, who came in on Saturday. He did well and that is great for the gaffer."

The visit of Celtic on December 27 is shaping up to be crucial but Bougherra is refusing to place any extra emphasis on the derby clash.

He said: "The Old Firm game in a couple of weeks is important but every match we play is important.

It's the same week after week, we always have to concentrate .

"Celtic is important but you get the same points for winning against them as you do for winning any other game."

Bougherra didn't watch the Parkhead side's defeat by Hibs yesterday for the simple reason he couldn't influence the result.

He said: "I saw the result but I am concentrating on my own game and on my own team. We know what we have to do."

http://www.<No links to this website>/sport/2008/12...86908-20954490/

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Bougherra and Tonel would be some partnership, but if Bougherra did leave in January, I have every confidence he would be straight replaced by Tonel, id rather it was a case of 4 or 5 exiled players exiting before tonel comes in (IF the rumour are true)

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Sadly, as Hutton found out, if a big enough offer comes in, it will be bye-bye and his own feelings on the matter will be irrelevant, and in any event will be softened by a large golden handshake.

However, the article shows him to be a very articulate and intelligent man IMO, and I especially love the bit where he says his agent only calls him in January and the summer. Are you lsitening Wullie McLies?? That is how a proper agent works.

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Boogie will be out the fucking door on January 31st. As usual, Rangers will come away with a bullshit statement saying either:

. We did try to sign a replacement but the wage demand was too high...

. Madjid left too late for us to find a replacement


McCulloch will state that he's ready to form a partnership at the back with Weir.

Am tellin yees, thats what will happen

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maybe as Madjid has been made an ambassador for the Moslem community in Glasgow he will feel more obliged to stay. Glasgow has the biggest Moslem community in Scotland so its quite a role he's been given

I didnt know this :rolleyes:

I knew he presented some award at the scottish asian awards but a didnt know he had a specific role.

Tbh, muslim or not, Madjid Bougherra is the main man!

(its muslim not moslem :harhar: )


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if he does go it better not be in jan. We are never going to win the league if we sell our best players halfway through the season. I have no doubt that we would be champions right now if we hadnt sold hutton in jan.

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Although its good to here them say that at this club these days, if a bid comes in then you are gone!

Just look at Hutton...

Like it or not Bou Bou if a bid of 4-6m comes in your gone!

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