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Everything posted by Emerson

  1. Surely he realises we can only offer what we can afford? If an extra couple of grand a week is more important to him than playing for his "beloved" Rangers then just go.
  2. My prediction: freebie to Norwich (eg) and then rated at £4M 12 months later.
  3. Stupid suggestion. Im happy with the long slow death of the club, no end in sight,a 40 year old captain, no signings in years, debts not falling despite record profits, record goalscorer leaving for nothing, Portugese Internationalists being sold for £1M, players not getting their chance, getting paid off only to be rated £4M players 12 months later, tax bills, watching our rivals spunk 65K a week on loan signings, Manager without a contract etc.
  4. ...and he may end up just rotting in Rangers reserves on a tenth of what he could be earning. I can see why he is wanting to go, but is it the right thing to do, Im not so sure.
  5. I laughed at after reading all that guff about players contracts, tagged on at the end is the most important "news" in the article. 'Oh by the way...'
  6. Just following on from the new strip poll, speaking personally I buy every strip as they come out. I couldnt care less if it had green and grey hoops, if it had a Rangers badge on it, and the guys wore it on the pitch, I would buy it. Whats everyones reasoning behind the purchase/non purchase of strips?
  7. Wheres the evidence it was written by that clownshoe?
  8. He never really took the chance to say goodbye to the fans when presented with the opportunity so maybe he really does not know what his next step is, but Derek Ferguson was adamant this was his last game.
  9. Next question, who? Im struggling to think of many wingers within our budget. In fact Im struggling to think of ANY wingers that play nowadays. Even Ribery and the likes go central rather than make for the goal line and bang crosses in.
  10. Definately fake, theres no sign of the remains of Keane in either back pocket
  11. A bit more on BBC, but again no quotes.. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/r/rangers/8669988.stm
  12. It has to be said, she must write some of the dullest songs around these days.
  13. Kept banging on about how they would not go down, acting as though he was Jose M. Well 'Elvis', you are going down.
  14. Murray Park (or Auchenhowie for the Anti SDM Mob) is NOT a youth academy though. Its a state of the art training facility for the players with the academy side of it being only a small section. That is something that tends to get overlooked anytime anyone feels its time to have a pop at it.
  15. Lovenkrands and Miller up front? Hmmmm interesting...
  16. Nice wee read. Did anyone else think the chap on the bottom right was flicking the vs in the team photo?
  17. He was dragged around the shops by his missus.
  18. Cant see this tbh. Its a stepdown from Mowbray surely? TGFITW wont accept that. Not that Im complaining.
  19. Christ, we've only got about 16 players, you would think everyone would be sorted!
  20. Well done Boydy. We've had our moneys worth out of you, you can go with your head held high.
  21. If its true that his new contract is heavily based on appearances then I can see how he is missing out. Next 2 seasons will be important in that he needs to get enough appearances to aid his progression, but if we do get the changes we expect this summer he may find it difficult to get first team experience. The likes of himself and Wilson etc are the only ones to benefit from the club being in its current state.
  22. True, and a real down to earth decent guy from a golden era. I sat beside him at a Rangers Dinner a few years ago and he has no airs or graces, he put everyone at ease, especially those of us who grew up idolising him. He talked about lots of things, not just about Rangers and was interested in everything that was said by all at the table. He is not just a Rangers legend but a hero to be admired as a person. Same here. He chatted with us for a while and hands up, I had no idea who he was until my father told me, but he wasnt 5ft 7! He just seemed as starstruck as we were with the situation, Big Amo and Richard Gough were there too and he just looked at them in as much awe as myself, which was what threw me initially.
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