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Everything posted by Bakbear

  1. I like Katic and he has a lot of potential. He is prone to mistakes, more so than the three ahead of him currently, but he has time on his side to learn to read the game much better. His physique, his attitude and his talent are evident. He will benefit from training with the team mates he has around him but he would benefit more from games and I think the shout for him to go on loan is a good one. Perhaps English Championship. He is definitely not shite.
  2. Referees can only sway games one way or another when the games are close. I wouldn’t have liked to have a Clancey or a Collum in charge against Dundee United. They would have been able to significantly influence that match. But as long as we are beating teams by 2,3 and 4 or more clear goals and our discipline is as it has been then the refs can do fuck all to stop us. This is why Morelos elbow was so infuriating. It’s the first time in ages we have given the ref a decision to make and we were fortunate that we kept 11 men on the field. On current form we are so far ahead of everyone else in Scotland that there is no need to lose our discipline. No need to over commit in 60:40 challenges. No need to play on the limits. Guarantee the next Old Firm game has Collum or Clancey in the middle though. Stick on.
  3. It’s harmless for sure. Everyone can do whatever they chose to do with their time. there is very little difference between the two scenarios you explained here. Someone lurking in a celtic forum “since we played them” is not far removed from them signing up and trolling. That is also to assume that some Rangers fans are not doing the things you said. to each their own. As mentioned, I lurked on Kerrydale way back in the day but decided I had better things to do with my life. If folk want to spend their time lurking on Kerrydale they can fill their boots.
  4. I will admit to partaking of this back in the pre 2012 days. But I realised way back then how fucking sad it is. We mock them for being obsessed with us and then we have plenty within our support that display a similar obsession with them. I enjoy their pain as much as the next man but fuck spending my time lurking on their forums. Follow kerryfail, have a laugh and then get back to focussing on us.
  5. Never fails to astound me what a difference a goal makes to the perception of a players performance. I thought Barker did nothing aside from a very well struck goal. Yet you can often see players totally run the show but don’t get plaudits because they didn’t score or they didn’t get an assist. Stats are sometimes useful and often not. Nobody really shone yesterday though. Thought Kent looked hungry before his injury but apart from that we were average all over the pitch.
  6. It’s the internet mate. Maybe don’t take it so seriously?
  7. Am I the only one concerned about what injury Jack is managing? I mean I am pissed off at the national team but if he is managing an injury why is he even going to Scotland squads, why are we not addressing the injury or limiting his exposure
  8. How unusual to see you being contrarian. We have 4 very good centre backs. It is a wonderful position to be in and it is natural that fans will speculate about the best combination. Goldson was out of position in the old firm and it probably cost us the match but he has not been as good as Katic in the other games either. With 2 very good alternatives, whichever of the CB’s that is the lesser of the two in possession of the shirt, should be under the most pressure of retaining his place. Thats just how it works.
  9. Drop Tav and play Polster at right back with Borna at Left back. Borna can get forward more and Polster hang back Tav and Goldson are the only 2 in the squad that seem to be undroppable. I think they would both benefit from being shown that’s not the case.
  10. Also watching it back, with Goldson caught out of position Jack is supposed to be dropping into cover and he gets caught in two minds wether to go to the ball as would be his instinct as a DM or track the runner as would be expected of a CH. he ends up doing neither and is taken out by the through ball. Katic tried to step out too late. It was fucking sloppy by all concerned.
  11. Ok had to look again See below picture. He is right over on the touch line and well up the park. I get playing out from the back but he is too far out of shape.
  12. I haven’t watched it back but from memory why was he out of position in the first place🤔 after the shite pass what was Jack doing to cover the situation, why did Katic try to step out instead of matching the run? It was a catalogue of bad decisions and errors.
  13. Gerrard appears to be far more attuned to European football than to Scottish football. He said yesterday that they wanted to strangle the midfield and keep control while then going for it later on. Would be interested in why he felt that was the right approach. Did he feel that their midfield was their strong point and so he wanted to nullify and frustrate them? Was he concerned about our ability to break down their defence? There must be a reasoning he had in mind but whatever his thought process was, it was very clear it wasn’t going to work. 5 central midfielders certainly made for a quagmire in the middle of the park but it also meant that we were susceptible to the break away or the error which proved to be our downfall too many players not at the races and wrong tactics for the opposition. He should have done exactly what we did the last 2 times we played them and went at them from the off, perhaps he was concerned that all the new signings had taken them up a level and felt we needed to stand off a bit but whatever he was thinking he needs to learn (again) that that lot are there for the taking
  14. I’ll be honest, for the first time in a very long time I feel like the old axiom of “win together lose together” applies here. I think we got the tactics wrong from the start and I don’t think anyone really gets pass marks. Maybe McGregor, but we lost that game today as a team. Jack missed easy passes, Aribo looked lost, Tav as usual provided no leadership, Goldson lost his shape, Katic (my golden boy recently) made the wrong decision to step out at the goal, Davies couldn’t dictate the pace, Kamara had no incisiveness, Defoe was totally isolated and had nothing to work with so didn’t bother working, Ojo had no end product, arfield is gubbed and needs a rest, Flanagan was Flanagan. I hope I never have to hear Gerrard using the Mowbrayism again and I hope the team come back refreshed and the team unit now have an axe to grind to get those 3 points back.
  15. Absolute garbage. An attempt at humour that is so unfunny as to be cringe. Like David Brent levels of cringe.
  16. I am confident we will win but the reality is anything can happen in an Old Firm. Anything. The days of going into this fixture hoping to avoid a tanking are long gone but the outcome is a lottery. Also if the outcome is not what we expect it doesn’t mean the end of our season. If I am confident of a win on Sunday I am even more confident of coming out on top over the season
  17. He makes a cracking point about the recruitment. We have built this squad on a fraction of what big club managers do these days. Makes his managerial powers all the more impressive. He is going to be in massive demand and I just hope that he won’t look at any job except the Liverpool one Klopp loves Liverpool and is doing great. I hope he never leaves and we have Gerrard for a very very long run.
  18. I think purely and simply we weren’t expecting the Katic
  19. And I cannot believe they had a banner of the pope. Like actual cannot believe that. If fans can unfurl massive images of their religious leader we absolutely should be allowed to say fuck that guy
  20. Better than any team we will face in Scotland IMO
  21. Katic is undroppable right now. Goldson is not and with Helander knocking on the door there should only be one guy dropping out. However we should not touch it as long as it is working.
  22. He is fucking immense. I hope we keep him for a long long time
  23. Possibly. And probably why you see so many fans venting frustration that the club aren’t doing that. But i am not sure the club should or could. Gogzy is right, if we can be arsed as a support, we need to play them at their own game and report other clubs fans for their indiscretions. Realistically our fans are mostly employed and aren’t obsessed enough to do so however there is thena big long discussion about apathy and representation of the majority in positions of power ......blah blah blah
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