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Everything posted by bluenose48

  1. Regardless of your opinion re FF or 1872 the bloke has it spot on. We, the fans, I count myself and all the overseas support as fans are fed up to the back teeth with the shambles that is Rangers. Most of us older supporters have been through the ups and downs of supporting Rangers over the last, in my case, 60 years. The fans have been the only constant over the last six years. We are the ones who are subjected to the ridicule in he media, other fans e.g. Dundee fans singing you're no Rangers any more and from workplace mates. The fans who have turned up year after year paid their hard earned money are the ones who have been mislead. They are the ones who turn up at Ibrox each game and fill the stadium, turn up at all these wee clubs grounds and given them their best game receipts of the season. The various boards we have had over the last six years have all failed dismally to resurrect our club, despite their hollow claims to be true Rangers men. They have all been and are charlatans of the highest order. The only thing keeping this institution alive is the fans. For without the season ticket money the gates would have closed years ago. Unless something miraculous happens at the AGM and the appointment of a manager that will get the team winning again we had better get used to not being Rangers anymore.
  2. I feel so sad for him. He at least has belief in what he does.
  3. Absolute disgrace. From the board down to every one of these chancers who have the hide to call themselves professionals. Should be ashamed to hold out their hands for their pay this week. Every fan or fan group who wanked themselves stupid over DK and Co getting control of our club should publicly apologize. I've said it before MA may not have been the best choice but at least he has money and would have spent it. Unlike the charlatan who owns us now
  4. Possession football is overrated. We could pass the ball around for 90 mins back and forth between the midfield and defence but scoring goals is the name of the game. You need to find a way through nine defenders and a goalie to do that, we don't have the players that can unlock tight defences at the moment nor quality finishers. Until we fix those problems we can knock the ball around the middle of the park and wait for the inevitable intercept or bad pass as against Hamilton and you are behind the game. We will continue to lose games we shouldn't unless we get a attacking mid that can pass the ball into spaces and a striker who can at least work the GK everytime.
  5. I think I'll wait for a couple of weeks. See if he is not either playing or on the bench and is fit. Scottish media ?????
  6. Even with all this doom and gloom, talk of protests and removing the board. If Mike Ashley came in and was willing to buy us, put in the necessary funds to get us back to where we should be. There are plenty within our support who would be protesting the next day. Plenty of our support are willing to accept mediocrity as long as the Rangers men are in charge.
  7. If the rest of the team put in the effort Miller did we wouldn't be moaning about a loss to a shitey wee club like Hamilton. Yes he is past his best and while he has scored some great goals for us this season his general play is way below the standard required. Although the manager picks the team and if they are continually playing him with number nine on his back they should tell him he is a striker not a full back or a midfielder. If his instructions are to run around all over the field contributing very little to the game then that is what he is doing. But if he is supposed to be supporting Morelos or whoever is up front and he is ignoring that instruction then drop him, end of.
  8. Never have wanted or liked this board but as Kingkirk posted they do not miss the chances created on the park. We created enough chances to win two games. As Murty said after the game we need to be more clinical in front of goal. Morelos may be the best we have at the moment but he is not good enough for Rangers.
  9. Windass is a waste of space. Sure he has scored a couple of goals and makes a couple of good crosses but overall for 90 mins of a game is mostly missing. He is a midfield player is supposed to defend as well as attack. He does neither well.
  10. Good to see at long last. Bomber knows the characteristics needed to play for Rangers that's why he is there. My only concern is there was no mention anyone in the America's , Australia or Asia. I know we have ex players in some of these areas feeding information. Maybe down the track because Australia and Asia are huge untapped areas.
  11. Neither of the above. As I said at least he may have spent the money. Whereas Dk never intended to nor does he have it to spend. The man is a tax dodging charlatan and should be chased as far away from Ibrox as we can get him.
  12. Provan has it spot on. Cannot believe the number of posters on here who still think DK is the messiah. Ashley may not be the best candidate but he would have spent the money needed unlike DK who has talked the talk but has failed miserably when it came to the walking bit. This time we need a manager that can take us forward to compete in Europe, to compete against the filth. To do that we need an owner who is willing to put his money up not stick it down the back of the couch. Anyone with half a brain can see that Scotland has become a backwater in international terms. Even celtic with all their euro millions cannot compete with the top table, they will be out on their raggy arses before Christmas. Until Scotland changes it style of play, gets rid of the hammer throwers and thugs off the field and the managers who encourage that style of play, we will remain a backwater. Pedro was clearly out of his depth with us but that does not mean he was not right in his assessment of scottish football.
  13. Watching young McRorie has been a pleasure. He is strong, reads the game well and will only get better. Should be one of the first names on the sheet alongside Bruno.
  14. First thing we need is a new owner with real money that they are willing to invest. Then comes a proper manager who knows our history and what we, the fans, expect. Then we can set about bring in players who understand what it means to play for that blue shirt.
  15. Was never a red card. That given Jack was a idiot he should have laughed at Broadfoot and walked away. Other teams have worked out how to wind us up with a bit of physical.
  16. Yes the same one. He may miss some but think of all the important goals he has scored for us when the chips were down Now tell me he would not have done more than Pena.
  17. Never an embarrassment, some of the people associated with the club are, but never the club.
  18. He will be here until we have an owner who has the money to sack him and to employ a decent manager who actually wants to come here. That said I have no idea who, don't start with McInnes or McLeish neither one is good enough. The team selection was all wrong for this game. Pena was invisible for the greater part of the game, Windass three stick on chances and he hits them straight at the keeper. Should never have started. Jack and Dorrans rubbish, we would have been better with young McCrorie in DM and, Tin Hat On, I would have started KM he would have at least scored a couple. We were bullied pure and simple and the ref was piss weak, some of the flying elbows from that big thug Bowman should have been red carded.
  19. My concern was that his ownership of Newcastle stopped him buying more of our shares at the time. Yes I know he has sold the shares he had. But there is nothing to stop him buying a controlling stake in Rangers once he has sold Newcastle.
  20. Just saw on BBC news this morning in Australia. Newcastle United board have announced owner Mike Ashley has put them up for sale. Could this have any ramifications for us?
  21. Geez Oz I noticed you had been a bit quiet recently. As so many on here have said watching Rangers these day's should carry a health warning like the fags. Hope you are feeling well enough to watch against St Johnstone. Take care pal.
  22. Buy the majority shareholding. Give King and Mini a shove down the marble staircase. Convince some real money men to invest by putting my money where my mouth is. Fix Ibrox, make it a stadium worthy of the best club in the World. Then hire a board that knew what Rangers stands for. Buy some players and a manager to take us back to the top in Scotland and make an impact in Europe. Aw shit my missus just woke me up and told me to take out the garbage. Back to reality.
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