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Everything posted by mclovin9091

  1. Aye it'll be buzzing. Every time i've been theres about 2000 (slight exaggeration) people crammed in there, still not too bad getting served. The bar maids are quite tidy if memory serves me. Saying that what times it open tomorrow?
  2. £50 says blacks 1st to get sent off. The cough seems to be smoother running now for some reason.
  3. LOL 11am? WTF is that. Not seen any of the tackles from the poor link but i can tell from the commentators were getting booted about the pitch. Have we used all 3 subs already?
  4. I dont see the point in the media bringing this up 3 years after HOWEVER, the guys in the picture are pretty stupid for a couple of reasons. Yes they support the club and have 'beliefs' but being in the military means that you need to keep any public exposure neutral and not seen to be taking sides, the pictures may have been intended on being private but with facebook not much actually stays private. They could also have opened themselves up to potential harassment when they returned back to the UK, we (military) get several briefs each year and one of them is about cyber security and safety. It wouldn't take long for some people to work out exactly who is in the picture, where they live, who they are friends with etc etc. Yes it will be blown out of proportion but the guys knew that that sort of picture (if it was published) would not have been tolerated by the chain of command, I have a muslim guy in my troop and if he were to start putting up his flags and banners in the store and taking pictures i'd be telling him to get rid of them or he'd be working a few nights and some weekends. He came in a couple of weeks ago saying that he needed this day and that day off because of religious reasons. I told him to pretty much fuck off as we had a rather important inspection that week and he was needed. If it was that important to him he would have told us months ago, tried to say that i was being racist, ended up the OC told him to wind his neck in as i was correct he should have put his leave request in months prior as the dates weren't exactly going to change. (not sure why this matters but i needed a bit of a rant)
  5. Couldn't give a fuck about what they want to pass/bring up at an AGM. I 'm just worried about the health hazards that the OP has incurred since moving in. Just out of interest; Did you get the place fumigated after finding out about the previous infestation?
  6. Without a shadow of a doubt, i would buy more. Even if it were just for financial reasons, i can't see why people wouldn't. As they said last year this is the best bargain in the market.
  7. Dont remember him complaining about last years parade.
  8. Sorry guys but you can all fuck off Don't forget theres gonna be a bunch of Squaddies doing a recce on the bar that day to ensure that its free from IEDs, taigs and what not. 250 capacity, yea that'll need to be uplifted. Good idea and long overdue, nothing againts the usual outlets but they are always rammers, can't fault the barmaids in the Louden
  9. Sevco Scotland don't exist anymore. If the report were to be accurate it should read "Companies House seeks clarity over Rangers Football Club Limited" return. Another not so sly dig at us?
  10. Does he not have a point though? We fuck him off and go after Zailukis. I'd be pissed off as well.
  11. Why not let him voice his opinion on why he would want Mr Murray rather than whats there ATM. Whether hes right or wrong.
  12. Bell Mohsni, Faure, Foster,Black, Wallace, Peralta,McLeod, Law, Clark,McCulloch Moshi monster and Faure as CBs, with Foster and Wallace on the wing able to drop back if needed. Black holding the M/F, taking the ball from the CBs, Lee up front and Clark and Law lurking for the knock downs. yes that leaves Sheids, temps, little and daly on the bench. 65-70 mins gone swap Lee for Daly (unless hes on for a hat-trick), then Mcleod or peralta for sheilds or temps.
  13. Yeah got a quick reply, its shut and they are looking at other uses. I replied with: I am quite disappointed by this choice as, if im right in saying it has only been open for two games? How can someone have taken the time to approve the use of this facility and then back down after two games, surely business couldn't have been that bad. My interest was mainly for the winter months when its a chore just to keep the kids warm enough during the games, this would have been an ideal match day with the chance to warm up at half time, not to mention the other benefits. Surely the boxing day game would have been a sell-out? I have looked at the other suites but prices are too much and do not state if children are allowed let alone a reduction in price should they be allowed. I think the club has made a mistake by withdrawing this facility so soon. Could it have been lack of advertising that this was a failure?
  14. Thats no good, im gonna send them an email. If true, what was the point in starting it? If they come back with not enough people used it then i'd be blaming them for not advertising/selling it well enough. Personally i dont get much opportunity to get to many games and my wee mans not interested in sitting in the cold for a whole game so this would have been ideal round crimbo time.
  15. Funny as fuck when the commentator came out with "I wouldn't mind a few inches off him" or words to that effect when referring to moshis' "height"
  16. Wonder how much you'd get for moshi and lee both to net a hat-trick in the same game?
  17. Dissapointed Lees been shifted to the back. 6-1 my prediction, hopefully we get 4 in the 1st half.
  18. I dont have anything against smokers, when i go out on the piss i am pretty much the anti-social one who holds the table as i am one of the only non smokers. I just dont think it should be allowed inside the stadium, just like booze.
  19. If someone would avoid going to Ibrox to see Rangers because you can't smoke, then feel free to remain at home. I can see the reason behind the vapour stuff but am i the only one who thinks this is a shit idea especially in the hospitality? Reason: How many of us take our kids to the game? Do you want your kid seeing hunners of people putting something in their mouth that looks cool, go back 10/15 years ago smoking was cool. This is its replacement. Just because your not getting the shit that comes in fags you are still addicted to the nicotine, give it 5 years before the government start taxing the shit out of these.
  20. The way i think this should be dealt with is the SFA fine the player found guilty thats it, unless they bet against their national team (so for arguments sake) Ian is an internationalist the SFA can ban him for some matches but if he was English they pass their findings onto the FA of England for them to deal with as they see fit. His current playing club should then be left to decide should they ban him for any games or terminate his contract (with no payout to the player)
  21. Well that last line is why YOU lot dont get invited any more, bunch of ragers! Almost as bad as the RAF How come you didnae get on the pitch last year? All i know is that they are taking names down at the minute to get numbers for tickets, the info was on my Sqn orders so best person to speak to would be the person who does yours or get your line management to enquire. Alternatively find the most senior bluenose and ask them thats what i'll be doing No very much doubt it, the gun was to mark the start and end of the silence.
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