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Everything posted by JackAlex93

  1. Who's to say even if the songbook is clean tonight that these wankers won't make something out of nothing and we end up getting another charge? It's not like we have a board who would stand up for us. Our board continually shaft the loyal support who keep the club running.
  2. No, it would be sheer stupidity to sing those songs on Thursday evening.
  3. Aye cut out the shite we are apparently not allowed to sing and get behind the boys with Rangers songs
  4. I certainly wont be singing those songs on Thursday anyway, far too fucking risky. I don't want us to be punished further. Call me a catholic sympathiser, it doesn't bother me.
  5. The club don't give a fuck about us. As long as the board are seen to be punishing our fans then it seems they don't give a shite who they upset
  6. Best wishes to you and your family mate
  7. And will Continue to take us for granted. Usually pipe up when the season ticket money is due then don't hear anything for what seems like a year
  8. That is worrying, further sanctions wouldn't be far away after that.
  9. Blue Sea of Ibrox, Wolverhampton Town and wee spot in Europe belted out for 90 minutes πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§
  10. If you stand up in most sections and sing at ibrox you'll be moaned at. Like you say time to stand up and be counted, get behind our boys!
  11. Thought he was good defensively tonight and made a brilliant last ditch tackle after a Goldson mistake. Limited when going forward though but that's not his fault playing on the left side. Toss up between him and Halliday.
  12. Better than Goldson. Fact.
  13. Managed to get 3 tickets no bother in the govan rear. Thank fuck! Bring on the poles
  14. Queued there only to be told after 10 minutes no tickets on sale
  15. There's a queue on the website already mate
  16. Gerrard and Davis trying not to laugh at the question about Morelos. Fuck me I thought the press in Scotland was bad πŸ˜‚
  17. Go down to Blackpool for the darts every July for a few days but the place itself is a fucking coup.
  18. Really hope we can punt Grezda and make some money back on him. He's another shocking waste of money along with Joe Dodoo who will be taking home a wage every week without doing anything for it.
  19. When I saw the title of this thread I thought it was a genuine joke...
  20. Such a frustrating situation with Barasic. Weakest area of the team and it needs addressed before it costs us this season. My only worry in the squad.
  21. I love the way Gerrard conducts himself. Won't take any shit from the media and you can tell he is falling in love with our club. It is early days in the season but there is a buzz around the squad, Ibrox and Rangers fans in general when you speak your mates who support the team. Feel good factor is returning.
  22. Thanks for clearing that up. What a stupid comment πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  23. I clearly said I can't imagine us being AS successful without him, not that I can't see us being successful without himπŸ˜‚ Haha are you high, some of the comments there are the ramblings of a mentalist. Some of the things you've said don't need a response, you cant teach stupid I'm afraid. Do you not recall how many goals and assists Tavernier provided last season? The numbers he posted were massive, take them out of our side and we are incredibly weaker. Replacing him with Polster or Flanagan "will make little difference to our results" - wow πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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