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Everything posted by loyalfollower

  1. The Charles green show had run its course. Eventful and fun at times. Spoke his mind the bot about bigotry had the taigs seething. Think he was censored by the sfa. Truth must've hurt them
  2. the usual few are the ones that nearly start greetin when people dont like the way mccoist goes about the biggest job in Scotland. Saying its vile to criticise the manager is way ott. Paying fans some who travel the length of Britain are allowed an opinion on the shite we currently get served.In every interview all mccoist does is pander to the support and now its getting old. Its like he uses the fans to stop himself from ever being sacked when all he has to do is get better performances from his squad instead of getting outplayed by crap teams with amateur training facilities and run down stadiums but the worst thing is that they're part time teams.
  3. Funny how ally is absolved of any blame whatsoever by the usual few. He wanted foster he wanted cribari he looked at faure then signed him he wanted smith simonsen peralta. All of whom are a wasted wage. 6 players that Hamilton probably wouldnt want. Stuck with shite that he identified. Hey though its ok- he never sanctioned them. his judgement was trusted by craig mather and mather being a ceo went with the man who is supposed to know about football and players. Like it or not that is allys fault. Asking for players to stay then a few months later saying they're surplus to requirements is the managers fault. Having a scattergun policy to signing players- signing 8 hoping that 4 are decent. That is the managers fault.
  4. Of course mccoist wants to keep his team with a budget higher by a 1000 times more than any side bar the tims. He can only just manage this team. What would it be like if there is cuts? Still though the blind will have the next roll of excuses ready
  5. Someone please propose a journo that all rangers men should speak to as too many moan anout it constantly. Theres not many rangers friendly people in Scottish media so maybe he shouldve spoken to fox sports.
  6. didnt he wamt allys 2 pals away? No wonder he sacked murray. He couldn't scout a turd in a sewer. He was also planning on raising ticket prices by 20% this season and more than likely and quite rightly wouldnt have let the manager recruit8 players. Also id doubt mccoist would still be here under Charles green. I think mather sanctioned these signings so that mccoist never had another excuse for pish performance after pish performance but looks like one gamble that has had more cons than pros
  7. Not cut out for management. Really that simple. The best manager in world wasn't loyal to his players. He was loyal to his employers. Alex ferguson.
  8. Yes its quite a tough task. Thats why a guy of his calibre was brought in. The best thing he could do is do his job. If that means upsetting the uber brigade or ally then so be it. Rangers f.c need a sustainable model to even have a remote chance of finding more investment in back water league set up. No one from the outside will invest on a financial vacuum. But they will if they see results and good business ethics. No more 30 y old signings would be a start
  9. Another struggle from the team full of spl standard players against the part timers. Atm im not even arsed about watching it. Totally scunnered with everything. Split fan base, paycuts, over inflated squad pish football. Win 2-1 just
  10. you were on about crowds dwindling due to cost cutting on the pitch mate. It was just stating that isn't necessarily the case. But only if the costs are cut in the correct places
  11. the flamin st mirren manager could have us playing miles better football than being served up. Still cheaper than the current coaches. Hamilton partick all have a reasonable successful model based on good football and promoting youth. With a few extra quid then who knows what these managers a capable of.
  12. Im glad its been done and discussed. The players shouldn't ever have been offered ridiculous terms in the lower divisions. It should be bonus related. The manager has got a really bad eye for a player and shouldn't been allowed to sign them. Every player except Wallace thats signed under mccoist has gone backwards or just been shite. Theres too many senior players that dont even make the bench or injured frequently. A shambles that will cause abit of pain and dissapointment to fix. Im just glad its wallace running the show and some handwringer like bain
  13. well you are well and truly fucked then
  14. There is nothing p.m and co could do either to reduce costs. Damage is already done by mather bowing to allys demands. Wallace has an unenviable task on his hands here. Still though with a man of his pedigree I trust him to get it right
  15. Its possible but id say highly unlikely or else the shareholders wouldn't have voted the current board in. If they start to dump shares then id be worried
  16. The most unbelievable stat is that we have more players than the current champion and they had c.l to be worried about. Looking at that its fair to say the board (old members) and football management have been wreck less and care less when it comes to recruiting players at renewing contracts. Tge squad we have at the present time is enough to earn promotion next season, if I were wallace I wouldn't be renewing mccoists contract cos all he wants to do is spend spend spend. Costs need cut. The management team must go along with any player that deal is up in the summer
  17. don't disagree with you. Wallace would be a good captain. Cheaper and better than jig. I just think if he has to be sold then so be it. We'll still get back to the top without him.
  18. River dance at ibrox h/t entertainment. All with daly masks on.
  19. I know that. But when you see folk say they'll go mental if we sell wallace. Or wallace cant be sold. He alright but christ we aren't talking about arthur numan here. In our situation if a bid of 1.5 mill comes in then id take it. Rangers 1st
  20. Tbh im not too fussed if any player leaves. We've played shite for the majority of games now. The way some go on about wallace you would think theyre on about roberto carlos. Hes alright and a decent player but the club comes first for me. Rangers have lost greater players in the past and still coped.
  21. live in leeds myself but work all over. Huddersfield and Halifax are reeking of taigs. There is quite a few r.c schools in them areas though. The English tim lovers rhat I do know seem to agree with all these immigrants taking over and also have mad conspiracy theories about the government. Similar to the unwashed up the road I guess
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