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  1. Like
    SuperAli got a reaction from lanarkbear in *****the Official Alloa V Rangers Thread*****   
    Wish I had a £1 for every time he's said it!
    Hutton played very well.
  2. Like
    SuperAli reacted to Ibroxholm in Rangers fans for yes   
    Lot of words but nothing here to make me take a jump into the unknown. No thanks.
  3. Like
    SuperAli reacted to cr3_bear in Rangers fans for yes   
    Nail. Head. Hit.
  4. Like
    SuperAli reacted to Blue Atheist in Rangers fans for yes   
    So the fastest growing economy in the Western world "can't get any worse than it is now"???
    So when a currency union is denied and Scotland starts using the pound with no central bank and no lender of last resort, forcing many businesses, especially UK-wide businesses to leave the country, ensuring the economy declines, investment declines, jobs decline and inevitably the Scottish budget declines... how daft will your "well it can't get any worse" comment seem then?
    If Scotland votes Yes it will already have a £6bn+ hole in its budget so things will get worse before they improve, if ever. Salmond intends to lower corporation tax also. How will all that be paid for? Public spending would have to be reduced or YOUR taxes would have to be increased.
    What would an independent Scotland have done during the banking crisis in 2008? Who would have provided the bailout funds? What would the interest rate have been? Would they have even been bailed out at all?
    Who would have saved the Grangemouth oil plant in 2013 had the UK not provided £150m at short notice?
    The great thing about being part of a wider union is that if one bit fails, it has many other parts to back it up until the failing bit gets back on its feet. It's like an insurance policy. An independent Scotland wouldn't have that.
    Of course the United Kingdom is better together.
  5. Like
    SuperAli reacted to JCDBigBear in Rangers fans for yes   
    Nothing to do with supporting RFC and voting "No". Independence may suit other particular countries but the UK is an entirely different situation. How any sensible person can think about voting for independence is a mystery. There are NO guarantees with independence, it is all ifs, buts and maybes. There are so many UK interlinked jobs that only an idiot would think to jeopardise them. The basis of the fiscal policy for independence is oil which is a finite resource. It WILL run out or become uneconomic to bring out. I could go on about so many reasons on keeping the Union.
  6. Like
    SuperAli reacted to Blue Atheist in Rangers fans for yes   
    Rangers fans supporting the break up of the United Kingdom?
    I just don't get it. And I say that as a former Catholic who chose to support Rangers so I totally get the club has a diverse group of fans.
    Anyhoo, I have voted No.
    And if you're a No supporter you should make sure you vote too. Don't just hope No wins. Every vote counts.
    I HAD to vote. I owed it to my country.
  7. Like
    SuperAli reacted to The Beast in Rangers fans for yes   
    If that's not enough to make you vote NO then nothing is.
  8. Like
    SuperAli reacted to Bobby Hume in Rangers fans for yes   
    Best to politely decline and just say NO.... just like I did on my postal vote, long live the Union.

  9. Like
    SuperAli reacted to BridgeIsBlue in ***Glasgow 2014 thread***   
    Been on here for ages and still don't know how to upload pics from my desktop onto here,anyway this is class if you can see it

  10. Like
    SuperAli reacted to ClintonGrey in ***Glasgow 2014 thread***   
    Piggery officials have been handing out traditional green seat costumes.
  11. Like
    SuperAli reacted to ritchieshearercaldow in ***Glasgow 2014 thread***   
    The only Union flags you'll see are the ones on the Aussie's or other countries flags, I would love the Queen to enter the piggery wrapped in a big Union flag.
  12. Like
    SuperAli reacted to ClintonGrey in ***Glasgow 2014 thread***   
    Trying to enjoy this, but I keep seeing the potatodome in the background and it reminds me.
  13. Like
    SuperAli got a reaction from Inigo in ***Glasgow 2014 thread***   
    Out leafleting for Better Together, doing some good hopefully
  14. Like
    SuperAli got a reaction from RFC55 in ***Glasgow 2014 thread***   
    Out leafleting for Better Together, doing some good hopefully
  15. Like
    SuperAli reacted to Gillete in ***Glasgow 2014 thread***   
    Hope it's not the cameramen that worked on the world cup
    Imagine panning around looking for treacle and seeing Bernadette with the pish stained blouse on holding a hoopy hound beefburger
  16. Like
    SuperAli reacted to simplythebest in ***Glasgow 2014 thread***   
    Best thing about this starting is that it means it'll be over soon
  17. Like
    SuperAli reacted to bluepeter in Official: Boyd signs one year deal   
    Cue the massive arguments about his workrate vs scoring rate, etc...
    Welcome back Kris, just bang the goals in
  18. Like
    SuperAli reacted to kris1984 in Official: Boyd signs one year deal   
    mind he was 15 for first few years he was here last time
  19. Like
    SuperAli reacted to SeparateEntityMyArse in Official: Boyd signs one year deal   
    Thank fuck.
    Couldn't face another 60 pager of "Is it done yet?"
  20. Like
    SuperAli reacted to kanjo in Official: Boyd signs one year deal   
    Would be surprised, gutted and frankly quite annoyed if that's true.
  21. Like
    SuperAli reacted to govanblue in Number of season tickets sold   
  22. Like
    SuperAli reacted to PaulReid in Number of season tickets sold   
    Guy at the ticket office just said sales are around high teens for sales.
    So thinking 16000 to 18000
    Not the 2000 reported by a few groups.
    I'd like to think sales will pick up near end of deadline as always.
  23. Like
    SuperAli got a reaction from JCDBigBear in Ally Has To Resign   
    Do you actually have any brain cells? Do you take pleasure from annoying everyone on here? It's not pish, its actually an informed opinion. So you actually accept that I go to games now? All the shouts from the fans are 'stop lobbing a high ball to Daly, play the ball on the ground.' Now this is not pish but what I and others say, the majority, on a regular basis. I'm not making it up from nowhere. Stop greetin' and accept McCoist isn't for us. Great player but not a manager. Get your head out of your fantasy world,.
  24. Like
    SuperAli got a reaction from elephants stoned in Ally Has To Resign   
    Do you actually have any brain cells? Do you take pleasure from annoying everyone on here? It's not pish, its actually an informed opinion. So you actually accept that I go to games now? All the shouts from the fans are 'stop lobbing a high ball to Daly, play the ball on the ground.' Now this is not pish but what I and others say, the majority, on a regular basis. I'm not making it up from nowhere. Stop greetin' and accept McCoist isn't for us. Great player but not a manager. Get your head out of your fantasy world,.
  25. Like
    SuperAli reacted to JCDBigBear in Ally Has To Resign   
    Long high balls to Daly either from the back or from far back on the wing are de rigueur for McCoist. It is soul-destroying having to watch it week in, week out. The point about premier league players playing lower league teams is that we should be beating them easily 99% of the time. Instead, we struggle badly due to poor team selection and tactics. The track-side activity for substitutes usually starts at the 70 minute mark but it takes us about another 5 minutes to get the clipboard, etc sorted out before we get a change on the park. Against Stenhousemuir we waited until the 84th minute before making a tactical change of personnel. As for free kicks, we constantly try the 3 touch rubbish which invariably sees the first defender block the actual shot from about 2 yards distance. We are now starting the same failed ploy at corners. I despair at watching repetitive dead ball failure and question what they actually practice at Murray Park. I think the European football comment was possibly a touch of sarcasm although under Le Guen we were more adventurous.
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