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Everything posted by Amokachi

  1. Big Beastie ! Was my PE teacher at school, always in awe of him as he’d actually played for us. Nice big fella.
  2. I understand why certain ones do it, get a decent wedge, free booze, roll back the years, adulation of the crowd & plenty other perks most likely However, BF has slipped into silly wee boy mode yet again unfortunately. Deserved all he got the last time and will be the same on this occasion.
  3. Find that video embarrassing tbh. Will do the ex players (esp Ferguson) & the club no good whatsoever.
  4. Could be the answer to our striker situation at Hampden, hit the sheep with a relatively unknown threat & a hero is born.
  5. Kents recent form is the benchmark for him. Hopefully he can match & surpass it.
  6. All good round me apart from 1 asssshole of an old guy who gives it ‘sit on yer fkn arse’ every time someone in front of him leaves or arrives, could be fkn 5 rows in front & he still shouts it. Also slips into Alf Garnett mode every now & then (OF games esp) with some unacceptable racial stuff. Prick of a guy tbh.
  7. Reckon we’ll try to mould either him or Kent into a more central or floating role just off the main striker as having four quality wide players as good as it is is too many.
  8. Equaling & breaking the right kind of records, thank fek !
  9. Copying the managers patter ‘bumps along the road’.
  10. The more ‘new faces’ or ‘new old faces’ we get backing us the better imo. Sure by the laws of average some will be arseholes, part timers, glory hunters etc etc but I’m sure that could be said about a portion of the existing mainstream support as well The Club is on the up & people recognise that & want to see us or be associated with us. Good news.
  11. Cracker Jack Back on Track.......
  12. Robertson “liked the cut of his jib” & after 30mins talking/listening to him was convinced he was the right man for the job.
  13. Due to the manager playing hard ball & absolutely bossing the press conferences the press will be desperate for a negative scoop from players & staff. Hopefully they're all pre warned re even making the slightest contentious remark. Borna, Katic, Morelos etc need to be extra careful with interviews given in their native tongue as the bassas love an opportunity to spin these very differently to how they are given.
  14. Thoroughly enjoyed that. A professional in motion. Fabulous.
  15. Getting great value from these two loanees, long may it continue. Kent consistently raises the tempo of our play & is becoming undroppable. Hopefully they stay clear of injury and continue to improve.
  16. Then claiming double time as it was a public holiday. Players are not daft.
  17. You’ve taken that too far, some teabagging would be suffice at this early stage in the season.
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