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Everything posted by SuperPapac05

  1. Snooker has been fucked since they let that fat tarrier bastard away with his cheating.
  2. It's not even that. How are the youth players going to respect such a waster when he's given himself such a pussy whipped approach when getting the big job? What fucking sane manager is going to take his recommendation on?
  3. This club is a fucking joke. He's actually going back to the U20's?
  4. My money is on Wee Jay and his Da that robbed them.
  5. Shame they didn't go into the dressing room before kick-off and arrested the whole lot of them.
  6. That we have these two useless fannies playing for us? That sums up the state of us.
  7. Just a cunt of the highest order. I wouldn't trust this chump to run the food stall never mind going back to run the U20's.
  8. Unless it's Arabs then a 'Massive Investment' will be fuck all.
  9. Every last one of them shouldn't have went.
  10. Make sure to storm the place before the Karaoke sessions begin.
  11. And in that time St Johnstone and Inverness have won a major trophy. Just shows how rock bottom we are.
  12. I would have told Brenda to just fuck right off if he did that to me in that position.
  13. Bit of a trend here: the so called 'Rangers-men' being the utter gutter shit of the team. We may as well just sign a bunch of tarriers, they would probably give a bit more effort.
  14. I'm glad nobody is talking. They should all be busy writing their transfer requests and resignation letters.
  15. He and that other useless wank Jimmy Nicol should have walked after the shambles before last. Fuck them, and fuck all those other shite bags.
  16. To think if Leicester never had such a freaky season they would have more than likely won the league.
  17. RIP. I wonder how long it will take Brenda to declare he turned down the job to stay with the Tarriers?
  18. What is it with this club in employing incompetent cunts called 'Alistar'?
  19. What's the hate for? Good on him for getting into management. Best place to cut your teeth managing a diddy team in a diddy league.
  20. Why is anyone surprised? His Rangers top was a XXXL.
  21. He cannae be worse than the duds we already have. At least he'll actually have the passion and determination to play.
  22. Love things like this. Love it even better when Rangers can make a kids dream come true without exploiting fuck out of him just to tell everyone how wonderful they are like those rhats across the city.
  23. Mate not even the secetary is reading that. They don't care about supporters feeling unless they don't part with their money.
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