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Everything posted by SuperPapac05

  1. I take it they knew it was going to be a car wreck when they heard the tarriers roar with laughter when they found out Haliday was starting.
  2. Fuck him. It was like having Kenny McDowall on the dugout yesterday!
  3. A Bear called 'Tim'? They Russian having a laugh at us?
  4. Am I being a spastic because I've got no clue about this shite the OP is spouting?
  5. Haliday embarasses himself and us every time he steps foot on the pitch. Fuck him.
  6. Forfeiting? IT's less embarrassing than what we're going to get.
  7. Docherty is another so-called 'Rangers man' who can't be fucked playing for the jersey. I've seen Tarriers play for Rangers who put more heart and soul in for playing for Rangers than the likes of Him and Halliday.
  8. Was was the game that Boyd chucked it because it was to warm?
  9. Are cunts on here seriously following Kenny Miller's burd on twitter?
  10. Sam Allardyce will be out of a job soon ......
  11. Remember the one the year before? How buzzing we were that we beat them? How much hope we all had? How proud we were of our team? How, despite all the shite we had gone through, we believed we could come back and reclaim out rightful place atop the Scottish throne? Yep, and NOT ONE person at the club took advantage of that and moved us on!!!
  12. If this is the case then get every last player to fuck. They should be playing for the club, not the nobody on the dugout. Bunch of useless bastards!!!
  13. I want to say yes, but right now I think we need someone to get in, do the dirty work of stopping celtic's 10 in a row without the glamour football. I don't think FDB can promise that without completely sacrificing his footballing principles.
  14. Why anyone at the club thought this dud was going to be good for us is a mystery. He's fucking rank rotten for Scotland.
  15. Haliday is cunt - no shocker there. Get him the fuck out of Rangers ASAP.
  16. The Murty love in on here a while back was fucking embarrassing. He has at no point ever shown he is a manager.
  17. 5-1 at Ibrox Nov 2000. We got pumped 6-2 off them previously and they were flying under O'Neil while we were not doing anywhere near well as we should have; but we came out and rattled those cunts that day.
  18. Would rather if we resigned Sandaza.
  19. The pishiest UFC card since the last one. No wonder they're desperate to get Brock Lesnar back.
  20. McGregor has gotten worse ever since his kid was born. He needs to hurry up and have his mental breakdown before it gets FAR worse.
  21. Fucking brilliant. Chuffed with this appointment. But if this is you just bammin us up then kill yerself OP!!!
  22. I couldn't care if the starting 11 were are Gers players, i still won't give a single fuck about the Scottish football team.
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