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Everything posted by Finny

  1. He's brutal to listen to. Loved him as a player but what a walloper.
  2. I was thinking he was solid aswell and then I'm reading he's built like a twiglet🤔🤔🤔
  3. After 3 kids aswell. Some bit of stuff!!!!
  4. 0At times as a support I think we are a bit critical of our players due to the quality we have had in the past. Is he world class? No but when was the last time we had a player who was. I love Daniel. Loads of assists, a few goals, unbelivable work rate and when was the last great game we played without him in the team?
  5. Finished it during the week there. I agree it was slow in parts but what a game. Put on hit man 2 the day and it feels clunky as fuck in comparison.
  6. He's a cunt of a guy. Back in the day my mate was rattling a wee dirty from the mearns that he was pumping aswell. My mate ended up with claymidia and I always laughed like fuck hoping that the dirty pig farming bastard got it aswell.
  7. And went back on loan until the end of the season!!!!!!
  8. I would love for us to set up some form of system like that with Liverpool but not as a feeder club type situation. Don't know the logistics but could be worth pursuing.
  9. We have brought in upwards of 10 million through Europe that in all honesty shouldn't have been accounted for at the start of the season. So to the board get it done, get the signings and get us 55!!!!
  10. I would give grezda a shot in the middle. I know he's been shite but looks to have a bit of creativity about him.
  11. I have been thinking about all the injuries and think maybe the team was over trained at the start of the season. Yes we know they are only playing football blah blah blah but there has for to be something with all the niggling and major injuries building up.
  12. I always remember during one of the half time interviews on Rangers tv. They asked Ross mcrorie who his best mate was in the team. He said big katic and they had been out for a good few meals. So hopefully he's settling in with good people around him but if his dad has a terminal Illness let him back home because I think we have a proper player on our hands. Also shows ejaria for what he is if the big man wants to stay and fight for his place.
  13. Hopefully now we don't have Europe to add to the season he will have more of a settled team. Especially at CB it's pretty criminal the changes going on there.
  14. I think him and Middleton co u ld develop a good relationship given time. Was excellent today. On yourself Andy. Living the dream!!!!!
  15. I'm sure it was his own team mate. The guys a top dobber.
  16. I do think wee Alfredo is definetly victimised but without his within the law aggression he wouldn't be half the player. He reminds me of the way Diego Costa used to get treated. Everyone out to get him. I also think the wee man's temperment has came on leaps and bounds and think the media, refs and opposition players are shiteing it because we've got a player that is going to go to the top of the game.
  17. That signing summed up the whole warburton era. Fucked up to the hilt. "We check the character of players before we sign" Fuck off!!!!" The player has to suit the style of the team" Fuck right off. Aye a rapid mongo that would be useful on the counter when we were playing tippy tappy pish. Wr aren't over the line by a l ing while with Stevie g but we are at least moving in the right direction.
  18. Finny

    Console help

    Another vote for the switch. My two girls 4 and 6 play it all the time. Mario cart and Mario tennis keeps them occupied.
  19. One of the worst films I've ever seen. Si was a creepy cunt right enough.
  20. I'm not his biggest fan in recent times but I thought his commentary was decent tonight.
  21. I am optimistic in Gerrards long time appointment with us but the results don't lie. We aren't doing great at the moment and I think we are within our rights to question the team and manager. I like candieas as a winger for example but the manager keeps trying to shoe horn him into this attacking midfielder role which is evident for all to see that he isn't. Hopefully it's just still the gaffer getting to grips with the squad but it is slightly unnerving.
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