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35 Yard Dangerman

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Posts posted by 35 Yard Dangerman

  1. 4 minutes ago, Bristoe1872 said:

    I share your mirth. We all know the cup final script. Savco will have a full squad to choose from fresh from celebrating yet another league title while we will be injuries galore patching a side together. Been there seen it done it. Frequently. Cup final is a foregone conclusion. I may be wrong but I can only think of two meaningful cup wins against the filth in 13 years,and one ended up meaningless because we then contrived to lose to a diabolical Hibs team. Anyone expecting a different outcome is deluded or optimistic to a degree of insanity. 



  2. 16 minutes ago, ExiledWeegie123 said:

    as the title suggests, we have nobody who gets what it means to play for Rangers, closest we have is Alex Rae in the dugout and maybe John Souttar on the park but we have nobody who would run through a brick wall for us or someone who would tell the truth in an interview. I've always felt in the past to be successfull we need a strong spine of people who have grown up supporting us who would put their body on the line for us, the last person we had like that was Halliday but he was a limited footballer.

    Everytime I watch these footballing nobodies we have playing for us I just dont get the feeling that they go home sad to have drawn or lost, I dont get the feeling that they feel sorry for the fans. They most likely get home, have a smoothie, slippers on and watch Netflix then go to training next day and have a laugh with their mates.

    Not sure what era you're still living in but that kinda shit is gone mate.

    I know what you're saying. But it's gone.

  3. I genuinely don't see why people are giving Beale so much grief. Bar the substitution stuff in the final. That had to happen after 15-20 mins.

    Too many people in life in general these days want immediate glory.

    For me he's pishing well with the cock he's got at the moment ffs.

    He can only really be judged after the summer. Here's hoping any new signings come in and click straight away. They have to.

    Because if they don't the knives will be out. 

    It's gonny be either all sugar or all shite.

    We need to stick with him though. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, Loyal72 said:

    Not seen any concerted plans for the Kilmarnock game no, just said we should start with that one and have a big push to get him out.

    Match disruptions back on the table for me, the leagues gone, tennis balls and oranges all over the place, anything that stops the game and draws attention to the message, I'm game 👌🏻


    Fuuuuuuuckin hell.

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