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Red hand of Ulster


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Did I say that?

You asked what Rangers fans had asked for this unnecessary salute to stop and I told you the RST were amongst the huge, huge majority of fans who would rather this gesture wasn't part of our support.

But you keep being obtuse. :)

Tongue in cheek Frankie,so some guys do a one hand salute,so what?won't change the way I live my life,and you can sing what ever you like at a football match,it's only words,who does it really hurt?sometimes I'm glad I'm 7,000 miles away from Ibrox so I can sit in my club,stick one hand in the air,while singing the Billy Boys.

You politically correct Bears of today wouldn't have survived on our terraces,when Bears were Bears <cry>

a wee article that expresses a fairly clear view

Red Hand Salute - An Educated View

Wasn't the clenched fist a symbol of solidarity for Ulster in 1970's?

But the current practice has to stop....

This is a thing that really bugs me and we're portrayed as NAZI's for doing it. A guy on my forum penned this and hopefully it may have some impact. We need to start making people aware that this salute is offensive and should not be done.

Why not just place your hand on your heart and sing or even hold a scarf aloft.

This so called Red Hand Salute has to stop if we want to move on.

Look at the NOTW from Sunday. They mentioned the IRA FEST parade but that's it, no condemnation of it but who gets it US. Why? A group of protesters with a couple of Union Flags and doing the Nazi salute. BNP, NF, Neo Nazi that's what they called us. Do you like people thinking that we're Neo Nazi, them that don't know what it is meant to depict, this so called(RHS).

Time for it to STOP. This is a pic of the protesters doing the so called Red hand salute. What does that say?

Spot the difference ...

Hopefully a couple of the fanzines might publish this to get it across to those who don't have the internet as it needs to be stopped.

Rule Britannia, Britannia Rules the waves, Britons’ Never Never Shall Be Slaves

They wont be slaves and rightly so. Brits, and Rangers fans in particular, should ‘never never’ be pro Nazi. The ignorant and uneducated fans who continue to taint the good name of Rangers by carrying out Nazi Salutes should be ashamed of themselves.

“Ahh, but its no a Nazi salute, it’s the red hand saluteâ€

No its not, the red hand salute is non existent, and it pains me to say it, but the red hand salute is merely a symbol which fans embarrassingly hid behind to condone the support of Neo-Nazis within Britain’s shore. It's first appearance at Ibrox (I believe) in the 80's, coinciding with the introductionof the extreme right wing "Chelsea bootboys'" unofficial friendship with Rangers.

Terry Last, a soccer hooligan and a leading figure of both the head-hunters and the National Front, also played a role in the rise of this disgusting symbol and dragged England's national support to an all time low when he was pictured displaying the salute whilst "on tour" with England not long before his arrest and imprisonment in connection with his hooligan activities.

Following his trial Last was labelled "Little Hitler of the Soccer Thugs" by the English media.

Rangers Fans were recently up in arms when Celtic's Stephen Pearson clearly chanted IRA at a social function in Ireland whilst on club duty, we know he did it, and the media do too. We criticise the media for being one sided, well now its time to face facts – the Rangers support need to rid themselves of this disgusting salute, let's worry about our own house before we try and put others’ in order.

"People in glass houses should not throw stones"

If you see anyone, intentionally or unintentionally, contributing to the use of Nazi salutes within Ibrox, or any other ground where Rangers fans’ are in attendance, do the right thing and politely question why, within Britain’s’ shores’ are they saluting and displaying support for one of the most evil dictatorships in world history, that had they achieved there goal, would have destroyed Great Britain, a union which is sacred to many within our own support. Most probably, their reply will be, its not a Nazi salute, it’s a Red Hand. It's time to educate the uneducated, make it clear to the idiots that this mythical Red Hand Salute does not exist and it has no place amoungst a Rangers support that we are extremely proud of.

To ignore this, is to others- who need no encouragement to attack us an indication that we condone support for a regime similar to those which our current leaders are trying to rid the world of in Iraq and Afghanistan.

If they won’t take your word for it, tell them to ask an Ulsterman about a Red Hand salute – they probably won’t know anything about it, because frankly, there isn’t one. If that’s not possible tell them to go along a memorial service in November and to give their Red Hand Salute at the cenotaph, let them explain then that its not a Nazi Salute.

Worryingly this salute is becoming more and more evident within the younger bears. It is your duty, as a Rangers Fan to spread the word and protect our image which has been subjected to repeated and concentrated defamatory attacks from the media and anti sectarian organisations.

By all means possible fight for our reputation and challenge the unreported sectarian behaviour and pro terrorist songs from our rivals, but do so if you are sure that your own conscience is clear of any potential damage you have or will cause to your club and fellow supporters' reputation as you do so.

Remember - WE ARE THE PEOPLE , it is every one of our duties to keep it so

Brilliant article, Alba - THANK YOU for posting this. (clap)

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Nice to see rangers supporters wanting this to stop as it has nothing to do with football and can also be strewd as a nazi salute. even if it is on your call

sorry about spelling mistake

Dont know who you represent pal but its not the majority of bears... we have no plans to stop the red hand so I dont know who you are referıing to

By the way there is thousands of us...another guy makin it up and talkin fae another planet

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This salute is suicidal. We were very fortunate not to be punished by UEFA for it and we might not be so lucky another time. Those who do it give untold ammunition to our enemies and no help at all to the people in Northern Ireland they seek to support.

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Nice to see rangers supporters wanting this to stop as it has nothing to do with football and can also be strewd as a nazi salute. even if it is on your call

sorry about spelling mistake

Dont know who you represent pal but its not the majority of bears... we have no plans to stop the red hand so I dont know who you are referıing to

By the way there is thousands of us...another guy makin it up and talkin fae another planet

I would say he represents the vast majority of decent fair mind Rangers support, stopping is not an option it’s a must!

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Alba, what a fantastic article from someone who is clearly educated on the "Red Hand Salute". Whoever wrote the article is absolutely right, there is no such thing as a Red Hand Salute. It is just an excuse used by racist thugs to be able to give Nazi slutes witghout being prosecuted. And unfortunately many Bears have been sucked in by this and now believe that there is nothing wrong with it. These fans have been brainwashed by the Neo-Nazis and i am afraid that no amount of words or encouragement will help them see the light. They are a lost cause.

They fail to understand the damage they are doing to our club by making this Racist gesture. And to use it in Israel, of all places, just shows the lack of education, the lack of open-mindedness they have on the issue. Again Rangers fans are being dragged down by the small minority, and it is in this case, who have been lead astray by the scum who use this hand gesture for their political gain. About time people woke up to reality and realise that this kind of thing is no longer tolerated in this country, and infact never has been. Hence why organisations like the BNP and NF had to make up an excuse to raise theuir arm in that way.

Get a grip and get educated.

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There was a guy on the Daily Record 'Hotline' who said he was from Northern Ireland but he had no idea where the 'red hand of ulster meant' - funny that
COZ Ä°TS NO THE Rangers fans for starters

There is thousand of Scots who dont know what the lion rampant means....

There is no end to your tall stories eh....whit ur you on by the way and who do you represent coz its no the Rangers fans for starters

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Nice to see rangers supporters wanting this to stop as it has nothing to do with football and can also be strewd as a nazi salute. even if it is on your call

sorry about spelling mistake

Dont know who you represent pal but its not the majority of bears... we have no plans to stop the red hand so I dont know who you are referıing to

By the way there is thousands of us...another guy makin it up and talkin fae another planet

I would say he represents the vast majority of decent fair mind Rangers support, stopping is not an option it’s a must!

Exactly. The 'nobody likes us, we don't care' brigade will probably carry on doing it though. It seems more important to them that the reputation of Rangers FC. Supporters?...riiiight.

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Loads of serious shit has happened at games in europe for years, mainly latin countries.... where incidently the "serious" make no bones about it... nazis are...and what happens Brussel Fu#ken Sprout.

"This your arms in the air, yer a nazi pish, is becoming a pathetic witch hunt.

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Loads of serious shit has happened at games in europe for years, mainly latin countries.... where incidently the "serious" make no bones about it... nazis are...and what happens Brussel Fu#ken Sprout.

"This your arms in the air, yer a nazi pish, is becoming a pathetic witch hunt.

Even if it was a witchunt it would be one there's no good reason for us to be on the wrong end of.

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Alba, what a fantastic article from someone who is clearly educated on the "Red Hand Salute". Whoever wrote the article is absolutely right, there is no such thing as a Red Hand Salute. It is just an excuse used by racist thugs to be able to give Nazi slutes witghout being prosecuted. And unfortunately many Bears have been sucked in by this and now believe that there is nothing wrong with it. These fans have been brainwashed by the Neo-Nazis and i am afraid that no amount of words or encouragement will help them see the light. They are a lost cause.

They fail to understand the damage they are doing to our club by making this Racist gesture. And to use it in Israel, of all places, just shows the lack of education, the lack of open-mindedness they have on the issue. Again Rangers fans are being dragged down by the small minority, and it is in this case, who have been lead astray by the scum who use this hand gesture for their political gain. About time people woke up to reality and realise that this kind of thing is no longer tolerated in this country, and infact never has been. Hence why organisations like the BNP and NF had to make up an excuse to raise theuir arm in that way.

Get a grip and get educated.

well said BISC.

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There was a guy on the Daily Record 'Hotline' who said he was from Northern Ireland but he had no idea where the 'red hand of ulster meant' - funny that
COZ Ä°TS NO THE Rangers fans for starters

There is thousand of Scots who dont know what the lion rampant means....

There is no end to your tall stories eh....whit ur you on by the way and who do you represent coz its no the Rangers fans for starters

What planet are you on FISH ? Get a grip ffs.

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Alba, what a fantastic article from someone who is clearly educated on the "Red Hand Salute". Whoever wrote the article is absolutely right, there is no such thing as a Red Hand Salute. It is just an excuse used by racist thugs to be able to give Nazi slutes witghout being prosecuted. And unfortunately many Bears have been sucked in by this and now believe that there is nothing wrong with it. These fans have been brainwashed by the Neo-Nazis and i am afraid that no amount of words or encouragement will help them see the light. They are a lost cause.

They fail to understand the damage they are doing to our club by making this Racist gesture. And to use it in Israel, of all places, just shows the lack of education, the lack of open-mindedness they have on the issue. Again Rangers fans are being dragged down by the small minority, and it is in this case, who have been lead astray by the scum who use this hand gesture for their political gain. About time people woke up to reality and realise that this kind of thing is no longer tolerated in this country, and infact never has been. Hence why organisations like the BNP and NF had to make up an excuse to raise theuir arm in that way.

Get a grip and get educated.

So why did UEFA have no problem with it?

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Alba, what a fantastic article from someone who is clearly educated on the "Red Hand Salute". Whoever wrote the article is absolutely right, there is no such thing as a Red Hand Salute. It is just an excuse used by racist thugs to be able to give Nazi slutes witghout being prosecuted. And unfortunately many Bears have been sucked in by this and now believe that there is nothing wrong with it. These fans have been brainwashed by the Neo-Nazis and i am afraid that no amount of words or encouragement will help them see the light. They are a lost cause.

They fail to understand the damage they are doing to our club by making this Racist gesture. And to use it in Israel, of all places, just shows the lack of education, the lack of open-mindedness they have on the issue. Again Rangers fans are being dragged down by the small minority, and it is in this case, who have been lead astray by the scum who use this hand gesture for their political gain. About time people woke up to reality and realise that this kind of thing is no longer tolerated in this country, and infact never has been. Hence why organisations like the BNP and NF had to make up an excuse to raise theuir arm in that way.

Get a grip and get educated.

So why did UEFA have no problem with it?

UEFA did have a problem with it until they were fed the same garbage as we do about it being a Red Hand of Ulster salute. They only have a vague knowledge of politics in this part of the world and that is why when they were told it was an Ulster salute they immediately thought it was genuine. If they did a little more digging and questioning they would have found that it is not. And we are very lucky they didn't dig a little deeper otherwise our club would be once again punished for the un-educated halfwits who follow Rangers.

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They seemed to know all about politics in this part of the world when they found against us last year :rolleyes: .

Since you seem to be so fond of throwing insults around at your fellow Bears I suggest if want to see an un-educated halfwit then you should look in the mirror (tu) .

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They seemed to know all about politics in this part of the world when they found against us last year :rolleyes: .

Since you seem to be so fond of throwing insults around at your fellow Bears I suggest if want to see an un-educated halfwit then you should look in the mirror (tu) .

No, you are wrong. They first found us NOT GUILTY for the very reason that they didn't know enough about the cultural climate to prosecute us. It was only when another UEFA delegate appealed the decision and informed them of the sectarian meaning of Billy Boys that they acted. If they had been that little bit better informed this time we would have suffered the same fate as before, if not worse.

I am not throwing insults my friend, simply stating facts. And it is a fact that anyone who uses this salute is either un-educated halfwits or Neo-Nazis. Simple.

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I'm not your friend, I don't know if you are a tim but you are certainly sanctimonious enough to be one.

The initial UEFA judgment made it clear that sectarianism is a social problem in Scotland and hence the blame for it could not be laid at the door of a football club. So far as the appeal going against us that was just a piece of UEFA politics with Herr Kapl demanded that we be punished.

I couldn’t care less what you say in reply to this, anyone who slags fellow Bears in almost every post as you do is of no interest to me.

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You know I sometimes despair.

For those who have read The Faithful Tribe by Ruth Dudley Edwards you will be familiar with how the Republican PR machine has successfully outmanouvered the Protestant community in Northern Ireland...and how only in the last few years has that Protestant community realised the damage caused....they have been portrayed in a very negative light throughout the world.

The Protestant/Unionist community in Northern Ireland need the support of the rest of the United Kingdom in what are particularly trying times for them at the moment.

The last things these people need is some morons making gestures which will allow others to make the spurious connection between them and Nazis or neo-fascists and the associations which go with that.

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Nice to see rangers supporters wanting this to stop as it has nothing to do with football and can also be strewd as a nazi salute. even if it is on your call

sorry about spelling mistake

Dont know who you represent pal but its not the majority of bears... we have no plans to stop the red hand so I dont know who you are referıing to

By the way there is thousands of us...another guy makin it up and talkin fae another planet

I would say he represents the vast majority of decent fair mind Rangers support, stopping is not an option it’s a must!

''He represents the vast majority of decent fair mind Rangers support''

Which planet are you wired to......you obviously dont know many Rangers fans and you dont know the hard core of them either

Ive never came across so many people who are out of touch with the fans who follow RFC

You guys really do make me laugh :lol: first thing in the morning.....cheerz :lol:

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I have to say you have a point Fish; I am always a little suspicious of people in here who use issues like this to get stuck into the Bears and throw the insults around.

I gave my opinion recently on who I thought they were....I think ye know what Im talking about, but it touched a raw nerve

One things for sure their definition of true Rangers fans who attend Ibrox and away matches is way out of touch...they cant full me thats for sure ;)

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